Chapter 4

Dream Sequence

Long day... I deserve some rest. Kangmi lazily fell on her bed and wrapped herself in her warm, heavy blankets. She didn't even bother to dry her hair properly, making her fluffy pillow a bit damp. Her phone vibrated on her night desk catching her attention. She reached for it, not wanting to leave from her spot.

“Hello?” She answered tiredly.

"Oh, sorry. Did I wake you up Kangmi?” Kangmi jolted up at the familiar voice. “Sohyun!”

She laughed, “how you doing kiddo?”

“Good. Did you finish talking with big bro then?”

“Yeah I did. Talking about Kanghyun. I need you to do a favor for me.”


“Great. So next week, I'll be coming back to Korea and I want to surprise your brother. I think I'm coming back on Friday, so maybe on Saturday? You can hang out with him during the day while you bring him to some place where I jump in and I get to spend time with Kanghyun during late afternoon till night. We'll have a girls' day out too.”

“Oh. That sounds cool. I like how you're letting us have some sibling time. You're the best Sohyun! You can count on me!”

“Thanks kiddo. Sorry. I have to go now. My boss is calling for me. I'll try to call you tomorrow.”

“It's okay. I know you're busy. Call me when you have time. Bye! See you next week!” Kangmi hung up the phone and laid comfortably on the bed. Suddenly, she remembered something. Papers. She tossed aside the thought and snuggled in her bed. Eh, do it in the morning.



It's cold.

Kangmi woke up in a dimly-lit forest. Only to hear the sound of her breathing and saw a long, black road outlined with white. Kangmi wrapped her clothes closer to her body and rubbed her arms to create warmth. She walked on and on, the road getting even more dark. It seemed like a never-ending dream that ceased to exist in the beginning; only pure determination could keep someone to hold onto this hopeless life. Kangmi continued on, curious of what she would see, until she was face-to-face with a large mirror.

It was a tall, oval-shaped mirror with intricate swirls carefully carved on the sides. It's made out of glass. Kangmi gently touched the mirror, letting her fingers feel the coldness. She expected that a mirror like this one would be all rusty and old, well, according to the fairytale books she read. It was well-kept, it shined with brilliance within this dark abyss. Kangmi looked at her reflection in the mirror. Is that how I look like? Oh god! She laughed, amused at her appearance. After getting a good look at herself, she frowned. Can I change into a better person? Can I be more open? Will I ever have friends? Maybe all I need is a reality check. She sighed and looked at the floor, until the light on the mirror got bigger and stronger. She quickly looked up, a blurry image she saw. It looked like it was running towards her. Suddenly, around her there were more lights going off, she looked back at her mirror, as a monster with large teeth shattered the glass and swallowed her whole.



Kangmi jolted up from the bed, her forehead sweating. “You're fine. Just a dream. Just a dream.” She told herself like a mantra. Placing a hand on her heart, she told it to calm down. She tossed aside her blankets and headed to the restroom. She spotted a note on the door and tore  it off.

Kangmi. Something came up at work. I got a room at a hotel near the restaurant. Call/text me.

- Kanghyun

P.S. There's bacon, eggs, and pancake mix for you to make for breakfast.

“Good old reliable bro.” Kangmi washed her face and took a much needed shower. She changed into her uniform and left the bathroom. She went back into her room to make her bed and grabbed her backpack. She headed downstairs and proceeded to make herself some food. After successfully making two sunny side up eggs, few bacon strips, carrots, peas, and rice to finish it off.  She set aside pancakes for another day or maybe for dinner. She brought the dish to the table and ate in the empty, silent house. At the same time she filled out the papers Mr. Nam had asked for her to do. She dumped the dirty dishes in the sink and headed to the door again.

“Man! My keys!” She hit her head in annoyance at how forgetful she was.

She rushed up to her bedroom and opened the door, to only see the most peculiar thing on her bed--a fox.

Kangmi blankly stared at the furry creature and closed the door. She took a deep breath and opened it once more. There it still was. Kangmi loosened her grip on the knob and rubbed her eyes. Still there. Maybe if I walk up and down the stairs, it’ll go away. She proceeded to do so aaaaannnndddd it was still there. Kangmi got a good look at the fox. The fox's white fur glistened in the sunlight.

“Great.” She huffed. She looked around for her keys, they were on her nightstand. Like a ninja; she stealthily walked to her keys, never taking her eyes off the calm animal in her room. She took a quick glance at her side and reached for the keys. Patting every inch of the desk, until she felt her keys and grabbed it. Carefully tiptoeing backwards to her original spot, she reached the door. As she was about to close it, she heard a voice.

“You know, for a human, you’re pretty weird.”

She flinched and slowly turned around. She didn't dare to speak. Her eyes flew all over the room, trying to find the person who spoke earlier. “I’m right here you know.” Kangmi heard it once more. Panic took over her body and aimlessly looked. “Hello? Right here on your bed.” She aimed her eyes at the fox.

“Finally! Hello there, nice to meet you.” The fox greeted the girl with its tails wagging. Wait. Tails?! 

She screamed, grabbing a pillow for protection. “How come you have more than one tail?!” She pointed her index finger at the fox.

“Oh, I was born with nine tails. Don't you know that pointing is rude? Well, the thing is, do you have time to talk? I would like to introduce myself to you.” Kangmi stared at the fox, then back at the clock. She had an hour and a half to spare till school started. It took the bus thirty minutes, but Kangmi decided she needed to use her legs for once and wanted to walk. Walking took about fifteen minutes she figured.

“Uhm...I can only guarantee you an hour only. I have school.”

“Understood. Well, as you can see, I am a nine-tailed fox. I was sent here to protect you in some sort of way. You see Kangmi, you’re in danger.” The fox spoke, getting straight to the point.

“Wait--how do you know my name?” Kangmi started to get the chills and she felt vulnerable to a mere animal.

“Do you remember that mirror, Kangmi?”

That is when it all clicked. A wave of last night’s dream played like a movie in her head. “That was all real?” The fox nodded its head and Kangmi fell to the floor. “This isn’t happening right now.”

The fox jumped itself off the bed and grabbed a small pouch with its mouth and gently places it in front of her. “That is why I am here Kangmi. I know this is all sudden for you to accept, but we cannot take any chances. In this small bag is a necklace that you will need to wear for now.”


“For protection purposes and a tracker. If something were to happen to you then, I would be able to find you with the matching one I have.” The fox raised one of its paws towards its neck. An amber colored stone that contrasted greatly with the fox’s white coat.

“Wait this is too much to take in, and I thought being a child of business owners was enough on my plate.”

“From what my sources told me, you are the target of many other companies.” The fox bluntly stated.

“A-alright.” Kangmi looked at the clock again and she had to leave the house soon. “Sorry, I have to get to class.” She grabbed the pouch and stuffed it in her backpack.

“May I accompany you?” Kangmi gave the fox a quizzical look. “I haven’t been in the human world for a long time. I wish to see how much it has changed.”

“Okay, but I think having a fox wandering around will get you in trouble.” She advised, wary of the fox and what it could do. It seemed tranquil, but you know, animals can be vicious at times.

“No problem, wait a moment.” A puff of smoke appeared in front of Kangmi’s eyes and the fox had turned rather small. “Ready. Kangmi?” The fox looked up to the girl. She stared at the fox, until a wide smile appeared on her face. “So cute!” She hugged the newly met fox.

“Your fur is so soft! You’re like a little cute pet!”

“Eh, yes, that is nice to know but, Kangmi?”

“Hmmm? Yes?” She closed her eyes enjoying the moment.

“Please let me go, you are squishing me.”

“Oh, sorry." She immediately let go, giving the fox a harsh landing. "I'm a er for cute things."

“That’s all right.” The fox puffed, trying to regain its footing.

“Alright. Let’s go to school!” Kangmi got up and ran down the stairs.

“What a bright child.” The white fox trots behind.



In front of Seoul High

“And this is my school. So what do you think?”

“The human world has changed much last time I came.”

“Like how so?”

“Well, you see, everyone rode in carriages, more horses, more land, the air was better, and more people walked.” The fox relayed what it saw, walking besides Kangmi.

“Wow. That was long ago.”

“Really? Interesting.” The fox continued to look around its surroundings.

“Oh man!” Kangmi face palmed.

“Why what's wrong?” The fox squeaked.

“I have to hide you, do you think you can stand being in my bag for a period of time?”

“Sure? I guess?”

“Okay. Hop in.” She kneeled down and helped the fox into her backpack, gently zipping it up.

“Are you okay in there?”

“Yeah...not as comfortable as your bed.”

Kangmi laughed, “yeah I figured.”

Kangmi entered the school and walked through the hallways, going to her classroom.

“Kangmi!” Mr. Nam called out as he smacked her backpack, causing the fox to yelp. “Oh sorry! Did I hurt you?” He asked in concern.

“I-I’m fine.” She stuttered.

“That’s good, see you soon in class!” She waved goodbye to her teacher and looked around to see if any students were nearby. She s the backpack and softly landed it on the ground.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. My, that person has quite the strength.”

“Seems like it.” She laughed. “Okay I need to keep on going we’re almost there.” She closed her backpack leaving her zipper slightly open, so the fox could breathe. She opened the door to her classroom and she was showered with greetings. She waved back and walked to her seat, placing her backpack on top of the desk.

The bell rang, “okay! Time to start class!”



Lunch had finally come and Kangmi desperately needed something in her stomach. It growled so loud, that the boys all turned around and stared at Kangmi. She ducked her head down in embarrassment. “Lunch time, I’ll see you back later.” Mr.Nam announced leaving the classroom. The bell rang and the students migrated to the cafeteria.

“Kangmi?” She looked up to see hoped to be Chanyeol, “do you want to eat with us?”

“Uhm,” Up until last year, Kangmi always ate alone. Her place was the rooftop. She didn't like the chatter of the cafeteria, if she were to go, most likely she wouldn't be able to find an empty table for herself. Kangmi often used this time to schedule how the rest of the day was going to be like. Also, she didn't want to be the gossip of the school about how she got strangely somewhat on talking terms with them. Kangmi’s eyes led to her backpack. She definitely had to ask this fox more questions. “No thank you, I’m fine.”

“Okay, see you soon then.” He flashed her a smile and turned away to his group of friends. “What did she say?” Tao curiously asked, wrapping an arm on his shoulders. “She said she’s good.”

“Are you okay in there?” She looked into her backpack and the fox nodded. “Well we have lunch right now, so you can walk around and stuff soon.” She zipped it up and walked out of the classroom into the hallways.

“I wonder where she goes?" Jongdae asked, walking with the boys. Kyungsoo turned around to watch her fleeting silhouette leave until his eyes landed on something rather interesting; a furry tail hanging out of her backpack.

“I-I’ll catch up with you guys later.” He patted his friend’s back and ran in Kangmi’s direction.



Kangmi was up on the rooftop enjoying her lunch. “Would you like some?” She lowered her lunchbox, letting the fox marvel at the homemade food. “Don’t worry. It’s not poison.” Kangmi grabbed a piece of meat with her chopsticks and placed it on her hands. The fox munched on the meat. “It’s delicious.”

“Thank you.” She smiled.

“K-Kangmi.” She flinched in surprise upon the arrival of Kyungsoo. “I knew I wasn’t seeing things.” His eyes seemed like they were close to coming out of his eye sockets.

“I-I can explain.” She sputtered, hugging the fox.

“It’s alright.” He suprisingly said, taking a seat across from Kangmi and opened his backpack, and out came another fox. She gasped. “I found him in my room this morning when I woke up.”

“Hello, friend of Kyungsoo.” The black fox called.

“Oh wow. It’s…it’s…” She trailed off.

“It’s what?”

“So fluffy!” Kangmi grabbed the fox and squeezed it tight.

“Kangmi! Let go!” Her fox called out.

“Oh sorry.”

Kyungsoo’s fox wheezed trying to get air through his lungs. “Are you alright?!” He patted the fox’s back, letting the furry animal cough it out. Kangmi apologized once more while rubbing her neck.

“How’d you find yours?” He asked.

“Same like you in my room.” She munched on her lunch. “Aren’t you going to eat?” Kyungsoo sat there watching Kangmi eat and patted the fox’s head.

“Ah, I always eat in the cafeteria.” He intended to find if his intuition was right then head right back, but he decided to stay, intrigued by the foxes.

“Well, have some of mine. I made too much in the morning.” She offered her untouched half of her lunch. He refused, but Kangmi insisted grabbing his hands to properly hold the box. “Wait.” She reached down into her backpack and brought out takeout chopsticks. “Enjoy!”

“Ah…thank you….” He looked down on the food, his mouth watering. He ripped open the packet and tore the wooden chopsticks apart. She was silently watching, waiting for him to taste the food. He looked up to only bashfully look away, causing the girl to tilt her head in confusion. He his lips together and picked up the rice and meat and ate it. “Wow...this is delicious!” Kangmi smiled, “I’m glad you like it.”

The two talked for a long time, ignoring the two foxes who were in deep discussion. “Are the others here too?”

“Yes, I haven’t seen them with my own eyes yet.”

“We need to meet. I can sense that those other boys are involved too.” Kangmi's fox turned around quickly to check on the two.

“Same here. I’ll ask Kyungsoo about it.”

“Good, thank you.”

The bell rang. “Time to get back to class.” Kangmi threw the trash away while packing up her empty lunchbox.

“Sorry, you have to endure this for a while longer.”

“It’s alright. It was nice to see a fellow fox here.” He looked at the other who gave a curt nod and jumped into her backpack.

“Ready Kangmi?” Kyungsoo asked. “Yeah!” She latched onto his arm and Kyungsoo looked at her awkwardly. A deep blush making its way on his cheeks. “Sorry! Habit!” She released her grip and rushed her way to the classroom, making Kyungsoo smile watching her go by.

“Kyungsoo. I have a favor to ask.” His fox spoke, catching his attention.

“Yeah? What is it?”

“Do you think you can gather your group of friends, including that Kangmi girl?”

“Uh, yeah sure. Why?”

“I shall tell you when you are all together. It is easier to answer if all of you come.”

Kyungsoo thought about it a bit more. “How do I get her number?"

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lleh1994 #1
Chapter 27: Xiumin is the ultimate fighter lol
airheadme12 #2
airheadme12 #3
Chapter 24: Please dont discontinue it!! its really nice and the plot is great. But its your desicion.
ILoveKDramas1 #4
Chapter 21: Sehun & Kangmi Will Make A Great Couple!!!
Chapter 20: I think sehun like kangmi yay because I ship sehun and kangmi together
ILoveKDramas1 #6
Chapter 18: Hope Everything THey Doing On Their Dreams Is WOrking & She Will Be Fine!!!

shiryokeii #7
Chapter 12: wish granted?? I don't understand...
Chapter 7: Kyungsoo blushing XD awww ~ cute owl! - Yuki
Chapter 5: you welcome & this chapter is fun 'cause of new character "Fox" xD - Yuki
Chapter 4: A fox? must a cute fox XD - Yuki