Valentine's Day SP

Gokusen 3 Remake

Valentine's Day SP

I stared at the person in front of me. She had curled brown hair with natural light brown highlights pulled up in a high bun. Her brown eyes sparkled like her diamond necklace hanging around her neck. Her white dress hugged her curves and flowed to the floor like a waterfall. What surprised me the most was, she was me. I tilted my head revealing a beautiful veil.

"Hey," I turned from my reflection to the door to see Ren, "you ready?"


He laughed, "yeah. It's your wedding remember. Man, you have to be the first bride in history of weddings to forget her wedding on her wedding day."

"R..right," I smiled, "sorry. I guess I'm just nervous."

Ren nodded, "understandable. I mean you should see Yamato. I think he's changed his shirt at least twice from sweating so much."

I laughed.

"Now let's not keep everyone waiting," he held out his arm, "shall we?"

I grabbed his arm. He lead me out of the room, down a hall and stopped at two closed large double doors. I felt my heart start pounding faster and faster against my ribcage. Just as the doors started to open, Ren grabs me by the shoulders.

"Wake up!"


"Saitou, it's time to wake up!"


My eyes popped open. I was no longer standing at the double doors in a white dress. I was laying on my desk in my school uniform. I sat up seeing everyone looking at me.


"Saitou," I looked to the front at Yankumi, "please try to stay awake in class."

I blushed, "sorry."

Some class chuckled as they turned back to Yankumi as she resumed class. I looked at Yamato.

"When did she get here," I whispered.

"About 20 minutes ago," he answered looking bored as he watched Yankumi write another equation on the board, "how are you feeling?"

I rubbed my large stomach. I was nine months pregnant and looked ready to pop.

"I'm fine."

I looked down at my desk to see my history book wide open. Man, I was asleep for a while.

"Saitou," I looked at Yankumi again, "can you please solve this equation?"

I sighed, "sure."

I slowly got up with Yamato's help. I wattled up to the board. I took the chalk from Yankumi and started to solve the equation. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I leaned my hand with the chalk on the board and placed my other hand on my stomach.

"Saitou, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I began to do the equation again but felt the pain again, "AH!"

"Saitou, are you in labor?"


I heard Yamato scream then quick footsteps coming to me. I started to take deep breaths when suddenly I felt myself being lifted. I looked up to see Yamato.

"Let's get you to the hospital."


I came out of the exam room with Natsume to be greeted by the guys and Yankumi.

"What happened? Where's the baby? Why are you still preg...."

I covered Yamato's mouth, "let Natsume explain before you start asking."

I dropped my hand and motioned for Natsume to explain.

He cleared his thoat, "Saitou-san just experienced what is called 'Braxton Hicks contractions'. They are just regular contractions most women experience during pregnancy. Now I do need you," he pointed at me, "to be careful, and you," he pointed at Yamato, "to watch her because these contractions are the body's way of getting ready for labor. So again, please be careful and watch her."

We thanked him and left the hospital. I was hungrey so we went to Kumai's.

"I can't believe you two are so close to becoming parents," Ami-chan smiled placing our orders in front of us.

I started eating as the guys laughed.

"Yeah," Ren turned to Yamato, "so what are you going to name him?"

"Oh it's a boy," Yankumi squealed making her presents known.

"We don't know," I said, "we decided to let the gender be a surprise. But I already know that she's a girl."

Yamato straighten in his seat, "well I say he's a boy."

I smiled, "well you're wrong. She's a girl."

He turned to me, "and how do you know this?"

"Because I am her mother," I said in a tone making him shut up, "now if and a very small if she's a boy, his name will be Yuya (I had to!! XD) but since she's a girl, her name is Yuri because my mom's name was Lily."

Yamato grabbed my hand nodding, "yeah."

Ami-chan giggled, "you two are so cute."

"Aren't they," Yankumi agreed.

The guys gave out mocking 'awws' making me and Yamato blush. After eating, Yamato and I started walking to our apartment. That's right our apartment. Once I hit seven months, Yamato and I moved into a big apartment thanks to his mom.

"So what kind of chocolates do you want for Valentine's Day? It's tomorrow."

"I don't know. I'm not really like chocolates, and besides, you'd probably eat them all before they get to me," he laughed.

"Oh ha ha. You're so funny," I rolled my eyes, "fine. I'll just get you some pineapples for our first valentine's day together."

He sighed as we entered our apartment. We got ready for bed then crawled under the blankets. I turned my back to Yamato. I heard him sigh again before an arm rested on my side and a hand on my stomach.

"I'm sorry if I upset you," he whispered.

I snuggled back into his chest, "no. I'm sorry. I already knew you didn't like chocolates. Let's blame the hormones on this one and not my stupidity."


"So you agree I'm stupid."



I started to laugh and soon he joined in.

"Goodnight, Yamato. I love you."

"Goodnight," he kissed the back of my head, "I love you too."


I woke up feeling very weird. I felt wet. The baby must of laid on my bladder. I looked over to see Yamato had turned in his sleep. It read 1:30 a.m. on his alarm clock. I sighed then slowly got up to change my pjs. I went over to Yamato and shook him. He opens his eyes. He looked at me before shooting up.

"What...What's wrong?!"

"Nothing's wrong. I just need to change the sheets."

He started to get up, "oh."

"Yeah, the baby must of laid on my bladder. Sorry," I said pulling the sheets off the bed.

He grabbed some extra sheets from the closets, "it's alright," he began to make the bed, "it's part of it."


I started to help him when I felt a sharp pain. I groaned.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Probably another contraction like yester....AH!!"

I grasped my abdoman. Yamato ran to my side. I was about to tell him it was a false alarm, but another sharp pain shot through me making realize. This wasn't a false alarm. I let out another scream.

"Yamato, we need to get to the hospital nOW!!!!"


I let out another scream as I was rolled into the delivery room. They laid me down on a bed. The nurses tried to calm me down, but I didn't pay attention. I looked around for Yamato, but couldn't find him.

"Where's Yamato?"

"He's just outside, Miss," one of the nurses said.

"I need him in here."

She shook her head, "sorry Miss but..."

"No! You don't understand. I NEED him in here," I screamed, "NOW!!"

She held up her hands, "alright. Calm down."



She practically ran out of the room and came back with Yamato. He came to my side, grabbed my hand with one hand and my hair with the other.

"It's going to be alright. Just breathe Heza. Breathe."


Yamato paled. Natsume decided then to enter to room.

He laughed, "alright. Let's deliver this baby before the mother cruches the father-to-be's hand."

Next thing I knew, I was pushing.

"You're almost there Heza. He's almost out," Yamato winced as I tightened hold on his hand.


"Alright. A girl. She's a gi...."


We froze at the sound. We looked over at Natsume to see him holding a baby. Our baby. He looked at us and smiled.

"It's a girl."

I let go of Yamato's hand and held out my arms. Natsume laid her on my chest before turning to Yamato.

"You want to cut the cord?"

He nodded before moving to the end of the bed. After the cord was cut, Natsume took Yuri to get her cleaned. Yamato came back to my side again and kissed my head.

"You did it."

"Yeah. I'm sorry about your hand and saying all those things."

"It's alright," he laughed, "it's part of it."

I laughed before looking smug, "hey Yamato."


"She's a girl."

He sighed and turned away.

"Are you pouting?"

"I wanted a boy," he mumbled.

I busted out laughing, "I cannot believe you are pouting. The Ogata, Yamato is pouting."

He turned giving me a playful glare before smiling, "you know what, I don't care. Now that she's born, I don't want her to be anything else."

I raised an eyebrow, "really?"

"Yes, really, but....."


"We have to have a boy next time."

"Oh so you think there's going to be a next time," I teased.

"Well yeah. I hope so. Why you don't want..."

"Yamato, I was joking."

They moved me into a room where a nurse dressed Yamato's hand. Once she left to get Yuri, the guys and Yankumi walked in.

"Hey," Yankumi looked around, "where the baby?"

"The nurse is bringing her," I told her.

Ren laughed looking over at Yamato, "she still thinks he's a girl. When is she going to understand? Guys like us don't make girls."

I glared at Ren, "what's that suppose to mean?"

He backed up as the nurse rolled a baby bed into the room. Right behind her was Yamato's mom. The nurse carefully lifted Yuri into my arms then walked out.

Yamato motioned his mom to Yuri, "mom this is Yuri."

As she and Yankumi cooed over Yuri, I looked at the guys. They were shocked.

"I can't believe it," Ren mumbled

"He's really is a girl," Kamiya gasped.

Ichi shook his head, "maybe it's a mistake."

Kura nodded, "yeah."

"Yeah," Honjo agreed, "yeah maybe," he lifted his pinky.

The guys nodded. I rolled my eyes.

Yamato sighed, "you guys."

I looked down at Yuri, "I'm sorry you have idiots for uncles."

Yuri just stared at me then Yamato. She reached for him.

I laughed, "looks like she wants daddy."

Yamato shifted, "oh um...."

"Go on Yamato. Hold your daughter," his mom gave him a small push towards the bed.

He nodded. I slowly transfered Yuri into his arms minding her head. He looked down at her and couldn't help but smile.

"We're going to give you two some time alone with Yuri," Yamato's mom said before she ushered the guys and Yankumi out of the room.

Yankumi paused in the doorway. She watched us wipping her eyes. She stood there until Ren and Kamiya came back. Ren pulled her away as Kamiya closed the door.


We laughed before looking at each other. We smiled at each other until Yuri started to cry. Yamato quickly but gently handed her back to me. She stopped cry instantly and drifted off to sleep. I shifted out of bed and place her in the baby bed. I laid back down making room for Yamato. He laid down wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you," he kissed me.

"I love you too. Oh and Happy Valentine's Day," I mumbled drifting off.

He started to drift off as well, "best Valentine's Day ever."

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Chapter 15: I have always been a fan of the manga of Gokusen, it was great and simply, amazing... so was this story. Damn, I like it so much! It's better than the drama like stated in the comment sections~! ^_^
Love it!
Chapter 15: waaaa this is what ive been looking for i mean this is way better than the drama ~~ love it <3

will be waiting for the sequel ~~
Chapter 15: Wow I really loved your story.
I can't Wait for the sequel^^
Chapter 15: I like your version better then the drama. And I am being honest. ^^

But I just wanted to say I just loved your story. And I can't not wait until you do the other stories.
Chapter 14: Awww that was so cute!! I am sure glad she had a healthy baby girl.

And I am glad you updated the story. And this is coming to an end already. I hope toy can make a prologue street like 18 years or something
Chapter 13: I vote for a baby GIRL, why, because I'm tired of stories there the girl gets pregnant with a baby BOY!
Pleaseee let it be a booooooy *pouts*
Chapter 12: I think this version of Gokusen is much better then the original. It has much more drama to it.

Good job!! ^^
Chapter 11: Aww this was such a cute chapter!!!! I loved it! ^^ I cant wait to read what will happen with her and Yamato. (He was a favorite character in this season of Gokusen ^^)
Chapter 6: Awww that was sooooooo cute!!! New subscriber and I like it very much!!! ^^
Chapter 4: Pleaseeee update