Daddy Day

Four Years Past: Will The Flames Still Burn Bright?

'Lets roll, yo.' Woo Bin said, signalling forwards. He pushed the buggy containing Min Ki forwards. Of course Jun Pyo had a triple buggy, and Yi Jung had another single. The only trouble that was crowds where starting to gather around the famous fathers and their offspring. The three men pushed their way through the crowds and in to the zoo. Woo Bin was by far drawing the most attention. The public knew of the Goo triplets, and they knew of the So baby, but the question on every one's lips was who was the baby in the buggy Woo Bin was pushing.

'Where should we go first?' Yi Jung asked looking around at the different signs.

'I want to see the penguins.' Jun Pyo said. Yi Jung and Woo Bin looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

'Are we here for you or the kids?' Woo Bin asked laughing. Jun Pyo shrugged shamelessly.

'Why do you want to see penguins anyway?' Yi Jung laughed.

'They're like people wearing suits.' Jun Pyo laughed to himself. He leaned over his buggy. 'Do you wanna see penguins?' He asked his children. At being talked to all three of them babbled back. 'See they want to go too!' He insisted.

'Yah, they have no idea what they're replying to.' Yi Jung pointed out.

'Are you insulting my children's intelligence?' Jun Pyo replied.

'No, he's insulting yours for thinking seven month olds are so mentally developed.' Woo Bin replied.

'Aish.' Jun Pyo snapped. 'I'll go see the penguins by myself.' He said storming off. He walked about four feet before going back for his children he'd abandoned in their pushchair. His friends followed after him laughing. Once they where stood outside the penguin enclosure the babies went silent as they where mesmerised by the swimming creatures.

'So we never really got to talk much about Jae Kyung being back.' Yi Jung started. 'How are you?' He asked his friend. Woo Bin smiled.

'I'm really happy, but really freaked out at the same time.' He said. Jun Pyo suddenly started laughing. Both his friends looked at him, waiting for him to explain.

'If you get married you should get married in that hotel in Jeju island me and Monkey nearly got married in. Maybe she'll stop the wedding again.' Jun Pyo continued to laugh.

'What's even going on inside your head today?' Yi Jung asked rolling his eyes. He looked to Woo Bin. 'Have you guys gotten back together properly?'

'Yeah.' Woo Bin nodded. He had a massive smirk on his face.

'Woah. Look at his face, he's so smug.' Jun Pyo scoffed, looking at his friend.

'Are you going to join the married club soon?' Yi Jung grinned, flashing his own wedding ring at his friend. Jun Pyo did the same.

'Don't rush me.' Woo Bin replied. Yi Jung started laughing.

'We're not going to rush you, but you better keep you eye on your id.' He said.

'Why?' Woo Bin asked suspiciously.

'Ga Eul-ah hasn't shut up for the past week about how happy she is you and Jae Kyung have been reunited. I wouldn't put it past her either to go and register the marriage by stealing your id.' Yi Jung spoke.

'She was plotting at my house yesterday.' Jun Pyo said.

'She was?' Yi Jung asked laughing fondly at his wife's mischievous attitude.

'Yeah, and she had Jan Di in on it too. They where planning a big event to get you guys back together, but I guess it's not needed now.'

'It's because Ga Eul's not working at the moment. She's got too much time to plan all these things.' Yi Jung said.

'Doesn't Sang Min take up a lot of time?' Woo Bin asked.

'Some of it, but he's really good. It might actually be better for her sanity if he was a little worse behaved.' Yi Jung said. Right on cue, Jae Sun started to scream angrily, just to show, he was not well behaved like Sang Min.

'Aish.' Jun Pyo said angrily as he grabbed his child out of the buggy and tried to bounce him on his hip to get him to be quiet. The other dads had to restrain themselves from laughing at this situation.

'Don't look at me like that! I'm outnumbered!' Jun Pyo said. Finally they couldn't take it any more, and burst out laughing. With his free arm, Jun Pyo went to hit them. Both of them dodged and kept laughing.

'It really feels like the old days. Except for the babies...or the fact we're at the zoo.' Woo Bin said.

'Yeah, and Ji Hoo's missing like always, that rascal.' Jun Pyo shook his head and tutted.

'We should of invited him.' Woo Bin said.

'He's at that conference in Las Vegas.' Yi Jung told his friend who had forgotten.

'Rascal, I bet he's just gone to a casino instead.' Jun Pyo said.

'Maybe we should all take a ''work''trip to Las Vegus' Woo Bin laughed.

'It gets better though, he's gone with that woman Hyo Joo.' Jun Pyo said.

'He's gone with Hyo Joo?' Woo Bin's eyes widened. In the buggies the babies where getting restless so Jun Pyo put Jae Sun back in the stroller and they all pushed their babies over to the monkey cages. 'That player.' He laughed.

'Yeah, I had to tell Ga Eul she shouldn't get involved with that too.' Yi Jung laughed.

'It didn't work, she was talking about them the other day at my house.'

'That woman...' Yi Jung shook his head chuckling.

'Yeah, you should tell her that she shouldn't keep coming to stir trouble at my house.' Jun Pyo said.

'Why don't you tell her? You're not exactly a wall flower.' Woo Bin pointed out.

'Do you even know how terrifying Jan Di and Ga Eul are together?' Jun Pyo said dramatically. Jun Pyo and Woo Bin looked to Yi Jung.

'Don't look at me. Ga Eul does what she wants, I can't control her.' Yi Jung said.

'Such whipped men.' Woo Bin shook his head in a pitying manner. Yi Jung and Jun Pyo looked and each other and started laughing.

'Two syllables-' Yi Jung started.

'Jae-' Jun Pyo said.

'Kyung.' A voice said out loud. But it wasn't said by any one of men. They looked around, and low and behold there stood Jae Kyung herself. She had left Woo Bin's house earlier with the spirit of Jae Kyung still deep inside her, but looking frail on the outside. Now, she was back to fighting form. Her hair had been cut back in to it's old style, and it was shiny again. On her feet where high heeled boots in pristine condition, she wore a leather jacket, black trousers and a white blouse. Jae Kyung was back.

'Woah.' Woo Bin said, looking her over from head to toe. 'But why do I feel scared?'

Every one couldn't help but laugh.

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Chapter 5: This story seems about ga eul and yi jung
Chapter 51: this is very touching story and the best . it is like a feast for BOF fans. i can read it again and again but i wished ji hoo also have happy ending
Chapter 51: Awww this was super cute. Thank you for this ^^
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 51: I really liked this story, it was one if the most believable Bof continuations I've read. But seriously? More tragic loss for Jihoo? At the very least let him find Hyo Joo's neice and raise her as his own. :(
which one is gaeul?