Ch: 001

Child of Dragon


Chapter One: The Boy With Horns

An odd meeting resulting in an addition to the family...

The mountains were shrouded in morning dew as Yong Guk made his way along the overgrown dirt path that ran against the bumpy hills of an old, unused walkway. The trees rustled quietly in the breeze as the young male fixed the straw hat upon his head before bending down to collect a few ferns he had discovered, ripping the roots out of the dampened soil and reaching back to place them in the woven, straw basket strapped to his back. He glanced to his side where the path let off into a small cliff and his eyes widened in surprise at the sight he was greeted with.

                Down below, lay a peacefully sleeping child upon the dusty ground, his traditional clothing lay splayed around his tiny, fragile body and his footing seemed to have fallen off from his small feet as they lay a little away from his bare toes. Though, Yong Guk found, the most surprising thing about the child were the thin engraved, branch-like horns connected to his head, strands of ebony hair falling softly in place between them.

                Yong Guk made his way down the side of the cliff, gripping onto rocks that jutted out from its dirt face and the roots of old trees, feathered leaves whistling in the morning air. He landing softly on the ground, the action kicking up dirt to create a small brown cloud of dust before caustiously making his way over to the sleeping child, bending down to lean back on his heels and reach out a hand to lightly shake the young boy awake, "Hey, are you alright?" His raspy voice rang out softly as he continued to nudge at the sleeping figure. Slowly the child's eyes fluttered open, the boy looking dazedly at Yong Guk for a moment before sleep seemed to slip away from him, only for the him to flinch in surprise, eyes wide and alert.

                "Don't worry, no need to be scared. I'm a mechanic that works in a shop in a town at the base of this mountain, I was just passing by. Are you okay, it looks like you had fainted, would you like to tell me where you're from?" The man soon realised that perhaps he was bombarding the child with too many questions as the small boy looked at him in confusion. Yong Guk wondered if the words he had spoken had even been processed. He helped the shaking child to sit up and smoothened a palm across the milky surface of the boy's cheek before offering him a flask of water, "Would you like something to drink?" Yong Guk spoke softly, a small smile crossing his gruff features. The boy remained silent but looked up at him shyly before reaching out a small hand towards the flask.


* * *

The mechanic's workshop was an old, shabby looking, building held up on wooden stilts. It wasn't anything special but it was the place Yong Guk called home. The wooden structure wasn't the prettiest building in the small town but it did it's job, housing the young man. It wasn't exactly made for more than one person either, but the little boy upon Yong Guk's back was only small. The workshop would have to do its job for two now.

                Yong Guk pushed open the door with the sole of his foot and carried the boy inside. The young child had fallen asleep during their trek home and Yong Guk hadn't the heart to wake him. The man had to admit that the boy's sleeping features were indeed adorable. Yong Guk hadn't wanted to disturb the child but he couldn't leave the kid with all this dirt and sticks stuck to his porcelain skin so he had tried in quiet vain to tidy the child a little before they reached home and rid him of the branch-like objects upon his head. These "horns", as Yong Guk had come to call the objects, were probably something the kid had worn for fun, the man supposed, but however they were put on him, was surely done securely.

                The little boy began stirring, Yong Guk watched his pretty little features scrunch up before his bright orbs opened wide.

                "Hey, kiddo." Yong Guk whispered, his lips curving into a smile. The boy yawned before looking around his new surroundings, confusion shown on his small face. He put the boy down and took off his large coat, hanging it on the hook nearby the door. He turned to see that the little boy hadn't moved from the spot that the mechanic placed him in. Yong Guk hummed in thought before realising, "You hungry, boy?" It then occurred to him he hadn't been given a name to call the child. "Can you tell me your name?" 

                Instead of getting an answer, Yong Guk watched the kid run off into the kitchen, urgent hums from his little lips as he patted his stomach. He must be hungry, Yong Guk thought. He trod after the boy and opened his cupboards, they were a little bare but there was just enough for a man yet now he had to share. "Here," the man smiled with triumph as he found a packet of cookies at the back of one cupboard, good enough for a child, right? The boy stared at it a while before taking it, smiling.

                "Th-thank you." The little boy finally spoke, he knew his manners already it seemed, so that meant he knew how to talk too, or at least how to communicate. Yong Guk figured it was best to run the kid a bath right now, he would find out more about the boy when he was warmer and cleaner. Clothes, Yong Guk figured he would have to tear the arms off of an old shirt for the boy. 

                "Let's get you washed." 

                The man made the kid a warm bath, almost full to the brim with clear water. He hadn't much left but using whatever of it he could, the mechanic added some bubble bath into the mixture. He turned around to see the horned child sitting on the toilet seat, staring curiously at the running water.

               "Does it look good?" Yong Guk asked and didn't complain when he got no reply in return. When the bath was finally ready, he beckoned the child over. Slowly, the boy approached and as a smile lit up his cute features, the mechanic couldn't help but smile as well. He didn't want to admit it but he was already attached the the little boy. "I bet it will feel as good as it looks." Yong Guk grinned, his gums showing as he removed the child's clothes.

                The garments were dirty and smelled bad, but Yong Guk would have them clean for the next time he wore them, or maybe he would just buy the boy a new wardrobe altogether.

               Mechanic and the child were aware if the fabric that kept the boy's dignity hidden was removed it would be quiet awkward and uncomfortable for the both of them, so Yong Guk left him in the small pants the boy thankfully wore. The child was eager to climb into the warm waters, Yong Guk settling him down. The younger played with the water as the mechanic grabbed a sponge and soaked it before rubbing it against the smooth expanse of pale skin. "You still haven't told me your name yet." Yong Guk reminded, gently rubbing away the dirt. The young male's skin shined in the dim light as it was slowly cleared away of the mud and gunk.

               The boy turned, his hands pausing in the water as he looked up at the older. He bit his lip and a small crease appeared between his brows. Yong Guk chuckled, was he thinking that hard about it? 

               "Okay, okay. Try not to work yourself up, if you can't remember I'll just call you... Him..chan. Yes, Himchan. A pretty and unique name for a pretty and unique kid." Yong Guk decided, smiling at the new name, it really did fit the boy. Himchan nodded before resuming his play session with the water, Yong Guk advancing to Himchan's hair, soaking it with squeezes of the yellow sponge in his hand. It was hard to run the dirt out of Himchan's hair with the horns in the way; Yong Guk attempted to tug on them, gently in case it hurt the boy, he pulled one horn toward his chest in hopes the warm water loosened it, but instead the young boy came with the engraved object, nonchalantly leaning into Yong Guk as well. The man stared in awe as he let go of the little white horns; he supposed he would have to clean those too, then.

               After much trouble, Yong Guk had Himchan's hair and horns sparkling as his back did. Now, he decided, it was probably good for him to teach the kid to do the rest for future baths. "Hey, Himchan." The boy didn't respond at first but the man leaned over and placed the sponge in the center boy's cupped hands. "Rub this on your stomach." Yong Guk instructed, making the same motions on his own stomach. Himchan watched for a moment before bringing the sponge to his smooth skin and rubbed slowly, humming at the warmth it brang to his chest and tummy. He giggled, a gurgled little sound that Yong Guk could only describe as gorgeous. 

               The little guy had so much fun in the bath that when it came to getting out, he clung desperately on the sides and whined about in disagreement of leaving. Yong Guk had to carefully pry each finger off his sturdy wrist only to find that by the time he had one hand loose, the other would be clinging again onto him again. The mechanic chuckled heartily, remembering how he used to be the same with his grandmother. Even now, the mechanic loved to lounge in the warm depths of the bath water. They were pretty relaxing afterall, and for a hardworker to rest his muscles, it felt too good to have to end. 

               Finally the man had him out; immediately Himchan was pouting and shivering. Yong Guk quickly wrapped a towel around him and told him where to hold it as he used another smaller towel to dry the kid's skinny legs and arms. Even his torso was too skinny for Yong Guk's liking; maybe he would have to start making good meals for two from now on. When Himchan was fully dried, his hair swept to one side, Yong Guk noticed he needed a little haircut — Yong Guk wouldn't dare to touch it though. He was mechanic, not a barber. It wouldn't hurt to wait another day for the trim anyway.

               "Follow me, buddy boy." Yong Guk called out, leading the boy to his bedroom. They'd have to share the bed since it was a one bedroom house after all. Himchan's smaller footsteps followed him down the hallway and to the bedroom where he saw a large pile of sheets covering the floor to make a makeshift mattress, pillows lying messily unpon the cotton blankets.

               "Uwahh," Yong Guk heard the boy exclaim as he ran to the bed and climbed atop. Yong Guk allowed the male to roll and bounce while he waited for Yong Guk to find him some clothes to wear for the night. Finding an old shirt, Yong Guk tore the arms off to create a tank top effect, he did a pretty darn good job of tidying it up too with a small pair of scissors. The mechanic turned around and found Himchan sprawled out among the turned up bed covers and laughed. The boy's chest was heaving up and down and his cheeks were red with fatigue.

               Yong Guk approached the younger, picking him up into a sitting position before quickly slipping the newly made tank top over his slim body. It buried him. The mechanic took mind to not get the fabric of the shirt stuck on the boy's strange horns. "Himchan, are you sleepy yet?" he asked when said boy was fully clothed.

               Himchan replied with a shake of his head, "Not tired." he said simply, rolling around again. Yong Guk chuckled heartily as he collapsed back onto the bed next to the young male, a fluff of blankets to rise into the air. Himchan giggled and crawled over to snuggle into the man's side, he hummed and looked up at the Yong Guk's face and traced his jaw, finding the bristly stubble interesting to run his little fingers over. Yong Guk smiled and looked down at the boy. 


               "Story." Himchan agreed, nodding his head eagerly before settling down properly. "One about dragons." he added before closing his eyes and listening. Yong Guk thought long and hard but alas no idea came to mind of a story to tell. He noticed Himchan's little horns were proving it hard for the boy to get comfortable, so Yong Guk lifted him comfortably to lay across his torso, small head resting on the elder male's shoulder. 

               "Let's see..." Yong Guk began after a moment's silence; he told the story of a little dragon and a little boy who's features and personality resembled Himchan. It didn't take long for them to fall into peaceful slumber.


Author's Note:

Whelp... here's the first chappie~ hope you all enjoyed! :D


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Just going through my subscription list and I came across this so I read it again.
It's still cute!
Chapter 1: Wowie!! So adorable, babe!!

P. S. I'll be calling you that from now on xD
xMiu-Chan #3
Chapter 1: It's taking most of my will-power to not go and read the story this is based off of and spoil everything for myself. This is off to a cute start~
Chapter 1: AWWWW!!! Himchan is adorable and Yongguk is so cari g I just asdfvbnkxhd I LUURRVV IT ALREADY!!
Can't wait for the next chapter <3