Stupid Period


You stomped your foot to the ground. Lucky, it didn’t make a too loud voice since you sat in a pretty high place, two short chair stacked into one. It had been like that since you came and you’re just too lazy to put it down, moreover with a mock up in your hands.

Pastel watch in your wrist showed that you had been waiting for fifteen minutes and your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. This mock up was no help at all with 20 inches as its height and 16 inches as the width, made your waiting even worse indeed. Anything worse? Sure, your phone drop dead so you have no idea how to contact him while all of your friend already went home and all you wanted to do was to kill your boyfriend because the hormones of your period.

"Oh, finally, so you’re here," he managed to say in between pants as he showed up from your left. It seemed like he was just running or at least speed walking or whatever.

"Ya, Jung Daehyun! What do you mean by ‘so you’re here’? I’ve been here for almost twenty minutes sharp!" You snapped at him and handed him your mock up.

He took it and slowly recovered from panting. “What happened to your phone? I couldn’t reach it,”

"It’s dead but I’m pretty sure I texted you that I’ll be waiting in the back of the building," you answered in a super-annoyed tone.

He told you where he parked his car and both of you were heading there side by side. “No, babe, your love letter didn’t manage to reach me, maybe your phone was dead before the message actually sent. I waited for ten minutes in front of this building where I dropped you this morning. You didn’t show up and I couldn’t reach your cell so I came in the building since you are so extreme when on period—how many times you passed out when you were on your period?—I went to your class but it was empty, I moved to your usual studio but it was empty too,” he explained in one breath but he stopped to open the passenger door for you while holding the mock up with the other hand.

You came in and he put the mock up on the back seat, making sure it stood still and wouldn’t crumble over.

In no time, he reached his own seat. “Where I was? Oh, I went to your usual studio but it was empty too, I checked to the terrace again but you’re still not there. I started searching in the whole place, and then I found you in the back of the building later,” he finished and was staring at your eyes, didn’t even bother to start the car up yet.

Your heart warmed and tears were forming on the edge of your eyes. Stupid hormones. “So, you were panting because you had wandered in the building?”

He just grinned sheepishly and adjusted his cap a little.

You slid your hands to his neck and hugged him. “You waited for me and then wandered the whole building and when you found me I threw my tantrum at you. What kind of girlfriend am I? Why am I so childish? Stupid me, stupid period, stupid hormones, stupid mock up, stupid college, stupid architecture, stupid car, stupid—”

"Okay, that’s it you are out of the line, my car and your college had nothing to do with this," he cut your words with a light chuckle and slid his arms to your tiny waist. "Are you fine, by the way? Your worst time of period is usually the second day, right? And you spent the whole afternoon in the studio making mock up instead. How’s the presentation?" he asked softly with his palm caressing your back oh-so-calmingly.

"I’m fine. The stupid lecturer didn’t show up today so I have to bring my mock up again next week. But, amazingly, I’m fine. I just want to take a nap under a thick blanket and sniff you all day and night because you smell so good. Oh, and desserts, I want desserts," you blabbered and planted your nose in his shoulder. "Oh my god, you really smell so good. Did you just take bath or something?"

He laughed out loud and let go of the hug. “Your period starts to take you over because you are saying random things. Anyway, it’s true that I just took a shower but I normally smell good, you know,” he tapped your forehead slightly. “So let’s just go home so you can fulfill your wishes but for now, you can have this,” he took a small plastic from the backseat and handed it you.

You opened it with eager to found chocolate bar and ice cream inside, made your mouth hung open immediately.

"The ice cream is probably melted by now but you can still eat the chocolate, maybe it’s already a little mushy too,"

You stared at him in awe, didn’t even try to close your agape mouth.

"I’m an awesome boyfriend I know, but you looked so ugly like that, so close it," he said with a cocky smirk.

In blink of an eye, your hand snatched his cap and threw it at him with full power



Because I'm in a stupid period and I have to deal with this stupid mock up but I have no awesome Daehyun by my side so I made this.

I hope you enjoyed it <3



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Chapter 1: Authornim you are architecture student too I guess haha I saw myself for a second when I read the presentation lol good story *thumbs up*
Chapter 1: This is adorable! I'm smiling so much ;3;
And good luck with your mock up presentation :)
Chapter 1: Awww cute. We all wish T.T
Chapter 1: Ow, is dae dae worried? >_<
ilovejunhong #5
Chapter 1: AWE DAEHYUN!