

They always meet like this: Jongin waits for Soojung by the library’s door during Mondays and Fridays at 6PM and she arrives drenched in chlorine water, her hair leaving droplets of fluid in the tiled floor.

"Do you think we would be judged for the things we were forced to do?"


So I probably shouldn't be putting this up since I still have lots to finish but this one is half way done, compared to most of things. I don't know how this began to be honest. First, I thought about writing a cute fluff about tutoring but it escalated into something else. And this happened. Oh, also, I was inspired Krystal's athletic skills that she got from her parents. And yeah angst, because everyone believes that kaistal was made for angst LOL.

Also, Song of a Maiden [3rd installment of the world without] will be up some time in November. It was such a pain to write that one because there are so many background stories to make and so little imagination to actually imagine one. (And, I'm writing 4 fics at once. Don't judge me.)

Speaking of, I'm doing a collaboration with somber! It's going to be a fic about Chen and Krystal and Kyungsoo and it's going to be wonderful. We've been talking about it for weeks now and have already made an outline of the story. As of now, we are making the introduction for part one... page 2 of god knows how long.

See you in three/four days~!

Update 11/16/13: tweaked the description. also, not see you in 3/4 days lol this is getting longer (and messier)

Update 12/14/13: This is a mess. After rereading this thrice today, I realize how pointless the plot and how inconsistent the writing is. I plan on re writing so don't expect an early  update. Sorry for the trouble!

Update 2/2/2014: It'll only be a one-shot. Around 6-7kw long lol IT'S ALMOST DONE OTL

Update: 3/28/2014: I lied. It's a two shot again. First part up.


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Chapter 2: it's really a beautiful story!!! i love it^^
Chapter 2: I like this <3
good job :)
Yeah i think kaistal's made for angst too, lol.
Chapter 2: Author-nim !!! What they talking about 3 months ago ?!
I really want to know .. please post it !!
Anyway, post a seqeul too please ?! Even if it is one shot ..

I love this story very much !! GOOD JOB (y)
Chapter 1: Omfg they kissed!!! Yey omg I adore the way jongin protected soojung ;u;
Chapter 1: Omg what a great start... I cant wait for your next update.
Chapter 1: the emotions are in place. the story is well written. heck, i missed kaistal. i loved how their relationship evolved. swimming pool and krystal is gorgeous <3
Chapter 1: Oh dear lord please have mercy on me. Ive been craving for kaistal since god knows when and this story is just beautiful. My tummy feels weird now ok. Sighs please i want more. Will looking forward for the last part!

Mr jung needs to learn his lesson. Jess better come and save her sister
Chapter 1: i really like it!! protect your soojung, jongin;)))