Asagi's Transformation.

Asagi's transformation.

Something had clicked in Asagi ever since he'd first seem Hizaki in his beautiful dress. He'd always been flamboyant and looked a bit different, but how he wanted to look like that too. Like a woman. Asagi's boyfriend, Teru was a secret outside of school, but he loved him very much and knew he would like him in a dress, as he did his shorts and tank tops,

It was the mini-Prom soon and Asgai was completely against going in a suit. He was 100% set on a dress. However, when he thought of telling his strongly Christian family, he felt a bit sick inside. He wished he was just gay, but he wasn't; he was a panual crossdresser with a boyfriend, who wanted to be a transvestite and start wearing women's clothing to the Prom. He felt like his thoughts alone were a shame to the family name...

But that hasn't stopped him secretly working on the dress. Asagi was a gifted sewer and often loved experimenting with shapes and materials. He'd made a jacket before, but now he had a much bigger project/ he was making his own Prom dress. Day and night, he leaned over the sewing machine, changing his mind several times over.

To his horror, his Mother kept dragging him into conversations about normal suits and getting his hair cut back to short again or as she called it, "normal length." Normal this, normal that- it did his head in. He grabbed at the lace fabric, feeling unimpressed. Just because he was wearing a dress, didn't mean he had to hide his thighs... No. He had to show his best asset somehow...

He heard his Mother walk up the stairs and shoved the material and sketches into his cupboard. "Asagi?" His Mother called, concerned by the clanging noises coming from the room. 

"Yes Mother?" He asked, opening the door to display his innocence. 

"I thought I heard banging about. . . Is everything OK?" Confused, she peered inside his room. For a minute, she thought he'd bought a girlfriend home... Girls seemed to like pretty boys these days and her son was the prettiest of them all. "Are there any girls you'd like to take to prom?" She asked him, worried she might have to play Cupid amongst her freinds children. 

"MOOOM!" He argued, embarrassed and went to shut the door- he had dress-making to do. But his Mother stook her foot in the door, preventing him from shutting it on her. 

She couldn't think of anything worse than the embarrassment and family shame, if her son was to attend Prom solo. "You're very attractive. I'm sure every girl will want to go with you." They did, but he was going in a dress and besides, he had a boyfriend- Teru. He shook his head at his Mother, but smiled all the same. 

"I have Prom planned. My way." He told her and this time, she allowed him to shut the door. He was a sensible boy, so she would leave it to him. She felt all happy and choked up when she imagined her perfect baby in the most perfect suit with a nice, normal, short haircut he could spike up and straighten and do all that stuff he liked with. He'd always known how to look after his hair, not like those boys you had to force into a shower. Her freinds' son hadn't washed his hair for 2 weeks. The thought made her ill.

She wondered if Asagi's freinds had groomed hair; was it peer pressure? She tutted to herself, 'Kids these days.' But she'd only ever seen female friends of his, not the boys he talked about. None of those girls were anything more than that either. She could have sworn a couple of days ago one of them had uttered the 'G' word, but she was sure she she'd seen Asagi kissing a girl in the park before. 

She wondered what he was up to in that room of his. She would have never guessed he was playing with more than spot cream and moisturiser. 

"Drat!" He yelled, as yet another stick-on gem stuck to the floor instead of under his eye. The packet made them out to be so easy, but the truth was they were far from it. These were worse than the false lashes he'd secretly sat around in last week.

Just when he was thinking he wasn't cut out to look like a woman, he had the idea of putting them on induvially and however he wanted. Even more unique! He was going to be one HOT lady after all. 

"Washing ti-" His Mother began, opening the door. She stopped mid-sentence, shock swallowing her words. What was her son DOING? There had to be some kind of mistake. Asagi noticed her in the mirror, he wanted to rip them all of and make excuses, but his mind was blank and it was too late. 

His Mother dropped the washing to the floor and slumped on the bed, feeling horrified and light headed. There had to be some reasonable explanation. Maybe it wasn't what it looked like. Girls liked pretty boys, maybe it was worse now and Asagi was trying to impress someone of high standards? Maybe it was for a drama performance? Yes; stage makeup. Maybe... Maybe though, the 'G' word had was being used about... About him.

He slowly turned to face his mother, his eyes covered in gems, sequins and sparkles, to give her a guilty grin.

"Son?" She asked far too softly.

"Yes, Mother?" He answered innocently, as though he wasn't covered in makeup, like a showgirl-style Lady of Bangok.

"Why do you have... Stuff ... On your face?"

"It's makeup." He was still playing innocent.

"Why?" She pushed, causing his false exterior to shatter. He sat back and sighed, unsure what to say.

"Because I want to." He argued immaturely. There was a long moments silence before his Mother got up and left the room, not picking up the washing. She slammed the door behind her and pulled her phone out from her cardigan pocket.

Asagi heard the dial tone coming from the corridor in the quite house. He'd messed up, but felt so relieved it was out there now. Hopefully she'd get it, but she was old and like any parent, naïve. His father would be hearing all about this he bet... Maybe even Nanna or his Mother's friends. God. She might even be calling one of his friends.

Going through possibilities in his head he felt less than comforted. He imagined everyone's reactions and how his Mother felt inside. He bet she was ashamed, but he knew he was how he was. Surely she'd have seen the signs. He went back to sticking on the gems, but felt tears running down his face. He needed to invest in a waterproof mascara. 

He abondened the gems and pulled the dress from the cupboard instead. In his anger, he began to rip and tear and cut it, shredding all his own hard work. His tears fell on to the fabric so he began to mush fabrics on top of each other, covering any makeup stains he'd left. He'd never felt so angry and unaccepted before. 

Once he'd calmed down, he began working on other accessories in his random, angry style. A veil with roses and long, tight-like s stockings. After all the negative feelings were let out and the tears had dried away, Asagi noticed he didn't even have any shoes for Prom!

He needed to break and wanted to see Teru, so he left his dress (out of the cupboard) and went to call for him to go shoe-shopping. He grabbed his money into his clutch and began wandering the streets. 

Eventually, he got to Teru's; before he'd even knocked, his boyfriend opened the door. 

"I sensed you were in crisis and I saw you walking up the street." Teru explained himself, breathlessly. 

Asagi gave him a determined smile and softly kissed him.

"Oh. Already!" Teru cooed. "Are we going somewhere special!?" He was excited, as he loved doing anything involving Asagi, his vampire prince.

"Uh. Yes... Yes we are!!" He injected some enthusiasm into his voice. "We are going shoe shopping!! I need shoes for Prom. Real nice ones." 

Teru squealed and clapped his hands; he had a bit of a shoe obsession thing going on. "Great!" He strapped up his own heavy, high heeled boots, hugged his parents and stepped out the house. "Let's go!" 

Asagi slipped his hand into Teru's and led him through the crowded street of Yokohama. Asagi had noticed that if you were in love in the big city, it felt romantic, but when he was alone, he felt even lonelier and smaller alongside the busy crowds and bustling hundreds  of couples. Today though, he was with his boyfriend and although everything made him feel down in the last few minutes, it was him and Teru against the World. Just seeing the guys' face made him happier. 

He wasn't Reita, but he was way cuter and sweeter and in love with him. Reita was none of those things. He was just a moody guy in a band, who wore a noseband all the time and dated some kid who made him look like a ert. He was someone who freaked out when people sat next to him. He was the Sheldon Cooper of nosebands and seat-sharing.

Asagi sighed, but just looking at Teru made him know he'd picked the right guy. And besides, Reita and his cute Asagi-fan-boy, duck kid and Aoi, his freinds, (he wasn't good with names) had opened the gate that had allowed Asagi and people like him to come out. If it weren't for them 4, Asagi highly doubted he'd have Teru. Or Hizaki have Gackt. Or pant boy have 'Full Face. And so on. And so on.

Finally, they reached the Diamond-Underground Shopping Arcade. Many people got lost in the many halls there, as it had a labyrinth-effect on newcomers, but Teru and Asagi knew their way around- they'd lived there all their life and were dedicated shoppers. 

"What were you thinking?" Teru asked, interested to hear what footwear Asagi wanted this time. 

"BABY, Angelic Pretty, Rose chocolat, TUK...' Asagi answered, listing off the options after considering some more he added- 'Maybe Hades, Doc's, BJD, RTBU, Chaussures, Metamorphose, New Look, Demonia, New Rock, Iron Fist..." He rambled.

Teru cocked his head to one side and nodded thoughtfully. "You want to mix Visual Kei, Lolita and Steampunk?" He asked, interested. He shuffled his feet, suddenly feeling footwear inadequate.

"Yeah; why not?" Asagi asked, as they entered the first shoe shop-Schuch. He began picking up random boots and shoes and examining them happily. Shoes pushed all troubles aside. 

"You're a genius." Teru complimented him and squeezed his waist. 

In the end, he walked home with big, black, buckled boots neatly packaged in a box under his arm. Teru said he'd be OK letting him sleepover, but Asagi knew he had to get back home. Despite, the way his Mother had stormed out of his room, he didn't want her getting worried as to where he'd gone.

He snuck back into the house, creeped upstairs and tiptoed into his room. However, he found his Mother and Father holding up the dress he'd made, which acctualy looked rather stunning. 

"Mother? Father?" He asked, secretively putting the boots away.

"Did you make this Asagi?" His Father asked, his face and voice frighteningly unreadable. 

"Uh, yes." He answered honestly.

"And who for?" His father inquired further.

"Ah, myself." Asagi's hands were getting very sweaty and he'd suddenly got peculiarly accustomed to tying them in knots.

"I see..." There was more silence.

"I don't know what to say." His Mother said, equally unreadable. Asagi shrugged and hoped someone would think of something to say.

Finally, to his suprise, his Father spoke first. "It's very well made." The tone wasn't sarcastic, but genuine. He could see it looked good, but for those words to come from his Father's mouth. . . Feeling accepted, he grabbed his Father into a relieved hug. 

"Are you wearing it to Prom?" He asked him.

"If I'm allowed, yes. I've worked many hours, preparing and planning..." Asagi answered, a hand through his long, soft, straightened hair.

His Father nodded slowly. "It's a lot for me to take in... But if this is who you are, you are my son and I will always love you and support you. I can see you've worked hard. I'll consider it."

Asagi had never felt so much love for his Father, but right now he was unbearably grateful for his kindness. "Thank you! This means so much to me!!" He exclaimed, hugging him again.

"That's ok. You're my little boy. And you're all grown up now. Sometimes I forget you're not just a little kid anymore..." His Father admitted, patting him on the back, reassuring him. 

"Yes. You will look very beautiful too and so mature." His Mother joined in the conversation, it seemed Father's reaction had reassured her a bit as well. Asagi was very fortunate to have such a great Father; she was very proud of him m, looks wise and also in the bravery department. 

"Thank you." Asagi said and hugged her as well. He was crying again, but they were tears of joy. 

"Who are you going with?" His Mother asked, hit by curiosity.

"Teru." Asagi replied, full of honesty as ever.

"A boy?" She asked, recieving a warning glare from her husband.

"Yes Mother, a boy." He informed her.

Her lips formed a little 'o', but she didn't want to seem unloving and judgemental, so she soon smiled at him again. "Are you 'G'?"

"Gay? You want to know if I'm homo? No. I'm a panual. So, yes, I like Men. But I also like Women and others. I was a crossdresser a bit, now I want to be more of a transvestite. I want to look pretty. I want to wear this dress to Prom with the veil and stockings I made and these boots I bought. And I want to wear those eye gems and makeup and gloves and accessories." Asagi blurted it all out.

"Are you dating this Teru boy?" His Mother questioned him dully.


"How long?" She pressed. 

"A month." She raised an eyebrow, but nodded. 

"Ok..." She said and took a deep breath.

"I think me and your Mother need to get our heads round everything right now." His Father excused them.

"Ok." Asagi agreed, as his Mother left the room, but his Father stuck his head around the door. 

"Remember, son. It's ok. We love you." And then he shut the door, leaving him alone in his room, clutching his dress and feeling ontop of the World. He called Teru and told him the news. He tried on the outfit and practised his makeup. He handed out hugs and talked to his parents. 

He'd discussed the Prom outfit with this cool Student Services teacher called Aki, (who he'd noticed was quite attractive, by the way) and once his parents knew the school was on board with it, they went along with it 100%. They weren't excactly overjoyed, but they got on with it and were pleased they had a close relationship with their son. 

Yet, when he tried on his outfit to show his parents, his Father gasped, admitting it was quite a stunning transformation, whilst his Mother cried emotionally and repeated "how beautiful" he looked. Asagi grinned, feeling proud and embarrassed and happy and many other emotions all at once.

Later that week, Teru met the family and they all loved him dearly. He was sweet, polite, very kind and also loveable. The family name wasn't put to shame after all. They had a good looking son, who had found true love in a very good man. His parents were pleased after all.

When it came to Prom night, the two families spent time and bombarded the couple with cameras until they were forced into the limousine. 

"YOU HAVE TO COME IN NOW!!" Hizaki screamed from the spacey car.

"YEAH! OR HE'LL DRIVE WITHOUT YOU!!" Uruha bellowed, before pulling his window back up again. 

They took a deep breath and left together, hand in hand. When they saw Asagi's dress, they were astounded. They'd never seen anything like it before. They'd never seen someone or something so beautiful. Asagi and his clothes... It was like he'd fell from heaven. The car filled with whistles of appreciation.

"Oh no. I don't want to turn gay!" Kai quietly screamed to himself frustratedly. How could a GUY look so god damn gorgeous?! His girlfreind hit him and the 6 gay men with him clapped and cooed. Asagi giggled and Teru blushed violently.

"He looks amazing, doesn't he?" They all agreed, as Asagi posed around doing a mini modelling shoot for his great new friends.

"Understatement of the year." Full Face muttered breathlessly.

"I'm so glad anouther guy decided to wear a dress!" Hizaki squealed and opened the door for them.

"Yes. Yes. Get inside or I'm not driving you anywhere." The driver grumbled.

Asagi gave one last wave to his family and ran to the free seats. He was excited and nervous all at once. How would the others react to his dress?? Whatever; like he'd said earlier, it was HIS Prom too and he was doing it HIS way- goth boots, thigh-showing dress and all!

Teru obviously liked his dress and everything, as he was against PDA, but went to sit on Asagi's knee anyway, which he liked and appreciated very much. He kissed Teru softly, but the younger felt embarrassed and told him to "hang on" quietly. He wasn't going to push it; it was an honor enough to have him sitting on his knee. 

"Uruha... Where do you want to do it today? I mean the the toilets are always full and seeing as it's Prom night, there'll probably be people out of cubicles or 4 pairs of feet in 1. So-"

"That sounds REALLY FUN!!" Uruha yelled and even though Aoi was publicly discussing it very shamelessly, even he had to cringe and facepalm at this point. 

"No... No. Just us. Two. So, where shall we go?" 

"Ooh... Under the tables!" Uruha screamed, it looked like it wouldn't be long till (now renamed) Table Time.

"Ok. But not in the hall. An unused classroom. Oh God... We can-" Aoi began planning, but Reita told him to 'shutup.' He wanted to eat his food and although he was a bit of a at the best of times, he didn't want to be on Mini-Prom day.

Ruki softly slapped Aoi, "Come on, Aoi. You're in public! Shouldn't you be worrying about... Dancing or something?!" He couldn't recall seeing him ever dance and was a bit worried how he'd move.  He couldn't drop Uruha ALL night.

"You saw me dance in my gold kimono." 

"That was funny..." Uruha said, now worried too. 

"Don't worry. I'll show my real moves tonight." He promised Uruha, who seemed to relax.

"He's not talking about dancing any more, is he?" Teru whispered to Asagi, who shook his head. 

"I can't dance." Full Face admitted to no one in particular. 

"I can a bit. Nothing too complicated though, but I can feel the beat." His boyfriend, Kenji told him. 

Gackt shrugged, "Well, I can't dance, but I'll sure as hell try." He said and began to practise on the pole in the middle of the limousine, which received a mixed reaction of cheers and giggles.

"I'm quite good at dancing,' Hizaki announced, as Kenji casually took over the pole with Full Face, 'But I have a very different style to you Gackt. I can do traditional dances. Like the slow ones." 

Ruki giggled and nodded, "Well, Reita'a a great dancer, but he doesn't show it off, like me, Uruha and Kenji. He just headbangs. I guess he thinks he's too 'hard' for real dancing,' He nudged Reita teasingly, but Reita just shrugged and nodded. 'There was this one time-"

"SHUTUP, RUKI!! But yeah, like Aoi, I'll show you guys tonight." Reita smirked an first bumped Aoi. Prom was going to be LEGENDARY.

As they got out of the car, they recieved mixed reactions.

There was Gackt in a shiny, silver and very tight suit with Hizaki an even fancier dress than usual. 

There was Full Face, who managed to get a cap to suit his hair and red suit with Kenji in white, silk shorts, a blazer, shirt and stunning Kabouki paint. 

There was Ruki in silky golden and black florals and extreme creepers with Reita in a white suit, black shirt and monochrome noseband.

There was a very flamboyantly crossdresser Uruha in purple, metallic leather and ruffles, all over Aoi, who looked like a androgynymous member of the Mafia. 

There was Kai with his vintage Visual Kei, shredded suit and attractive girlfreind in a red and black yukata. 

But best of all, was the cute astrocaratic Teru, who looked a total doll in embroidered and beaded white and gold, and beside him, the unrecognisable Asagi. He looked so feminine and masculine all at once. Everyone agreed, he looked GORGUES, once they'd figured out who it was.

And although, they were and also looked like total misfits, they sure knew how to have fun. Hizaki taught Gackt to dance with a little more flare and a lot less gorilla resemblance. Full Face mucked around with Kenji. Reita and Ruki slow danced the night away. Kai and his girlfreind partied, like it was their last night. Asagi and Teru were major social butterflies. . . And Uruha and Aoi? Well best go into what happened under the tables that night...

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