01: Our Happiness

Cup of Happiness






I plug on my earphones on both my ears as I stepped out of the building. The cold winter breeze brushed against my cheeks making me shiver and goose bumps appears on my skin. Eventhough I know it’s another long walk, I don’t mind. In fact, I always look forward to this time of day.


I firmly slung my back pack on my right shoulder and started my long walk. It’s been a long day. Long, hard and cold day. I never thought that working as an assistant manager on a private company was this excruciating.  If I’ve known, that growing up, graduating from the university, and working my as* off everyday is gonna be one hell of a ride, I should’ve stayed on my mother’s womb and never came out.


A smile curved on my lips… Although, I must admit, that something along the way is always worth the hardships.


“Huwaaa!! Ommaa!!!” I stopped on my tracks when I noticed a young girl, probably between 3 to 4 years old, crying not far away from me. Her little nose was all red and eyes glistening from her tears. She’s lost, I think.


I carefully walked over to the kid and bend infront of her. “Kid.. what’s the problem?” I asked. I noticed her hair was messy and her face was now wet from her tears.


“M-my.. omma… she’s gone…” the girl tried to speak in between her sobs.


“It’s gonna be ok.” I cooed her as I touched her shoulder. “What’s your name?”


“T-tae Hee.” She mumbled.


“What a cute name.. I’m sure there’s a cute surname too.. may I ask what it is?” I need to know her surname. If ever the police wanted a full name of this lost child.




“Beautful name. Park Tae Hee… I’m sure we’re gonna find your omma. I promise.” I said trying to cheer this little angel.


“Ani.. we can’t find her.”


I raised my brow.. “Why?”


“Appa said she’s now in heaven. And he said it’s so far away that we cannot go there and follow her.” She said trying to stop herself from bawling again.


My heart was crushed. How can a girl this little suffer from a tragic lost at such a young age.


“Ahjussi, do you know where heaven is?” She asked with her expectant eyes.


How can I answer that question, I don’t even know where heaven is. Or do I even believe it exists. I breathed out and looked at her, trying not loose the smile on my face.


“Taehee-ah, I know where heaven is, and I’m pretty sure your omma is also there.”


“Sincha? Can we go there? I miss my omma.” She begged as she grab my sleeves with her little hands.


I shook my head from left to right. “Ani, It’s already here.” I pointed to her chest right against her heart.


She raised her brow. “You’re lying. You don’t even know where heaven is.” She pouted.


“Ani, I’m not good at lying. Your omma is always there, always with you.” I said but my little listener is still not convinced, as she cross her tiny arms across her chest.


“Do you feel a pain in here whenever you cry?” I asked.


She nodded.


“That’s your omma, telling you to stop crying, because she’s also hurting there inside whenever you cry.”


Her red puffy eyes grew after I said those words.


“Sincha?? My mom’s in here???!” She seemed ecstatic and a little worried at the same time. Well not physically. I thought to myself. But I wouldn’t tell her that, It’ll raise a whole lot of questions from her if I even try saying it to a 3 year old kid. So, I did what a good ahjussi would do, I nod my head with a smile on my face.


“TaeHee-ah! There you are!” a man’s worried voice made me look at my side and saw a guy, atleast a year younger than me, sprinting towards us.


“Appa!!” TaeHee yelled, as she wave her tiny arms.


The man kneeled beside her and enveloped her into his embrace. I stood up straight without taking my eyes off at the two.


“Appa! I know where omma is!” the girl excitedly said as she held his father’s face with both her hands.


“you do?” the man asked quizzically and looked up at me.


“She’s in here. And  I feel her, appa. She’s really here!!” Taehee excitedly points to her chest. As I noticed a tear fell from her father’s eyes.


I looked away, as if guilty of prying into some other’s private moments. Atleast she’s no longer lost. I told myself as I continue my long walk once again. My heart was beating a little too fast from what just happened, I’m sad for them, but happy at the same time.


“Ahjussi!!!” I heard Taehee’s voice yelled behind me.


I carefully spun around and saw Taehee frantically waving her arms.. “Thank you!!!”


I waved my right hand and I saw her father nod his head towards me as I smiled back at him. I ce again and continue my little journey. A little bit more cheerful this time.











I heard the familiar chime upon pushing open the door. I tap off the small flakes of snow from my shoulders and from my hair.


“Anneonghaseyo..” the waiter greeted.


I smiled at him before walking towards my table and comfortably slump myself on the chair.


“The usual sir?” the young water asked.


“ofcourse.” I smiled at him.



As soon as he was gone, I glance out the window and looked outside. A smile curved into my lips and my heart started to pound against my chest once again. Damn. Why do I always respond like this for the last few years? What am I a teenage boy? Sheesh! I shook my head in disbelief.


Get a grip Jiyong.



“Here’s your orders sir..” the waiter was back and laid my order on the table.


“Thank you.”








I spun my head towards the door and my breath caught up in my throat as soon as I saw this beautiful girl walked in. She was wearing a black hooded parka. Her cheeks and nose were flustered red. I bet due to the cold wind outside.


She pulled down her hood revealing her hazelnut hair. And as soon as our eyes met, she beamed her infamous smile. The one that never fails to send butterflies in my stomach, or cause an indescribable happiness in my heart.  



“Hey.” She greeted.


“Hey baby girl.” I greeted back after kissing her forehead and letting her sit on the chair across from me.


She pouted as soon as she saw her cup of coffee infront of her.


“Hey what’s wrong? You don’t want coffee?” I asked, That’s new. She always seems too eager to have our regular afternoon coffee.


Ever since that faithful day, that she, yes she, muster the courage to ask me to sit down on this very exact chair to share an afternoon coffee with her.  I was flabbergasted of course, especially when she blurted out that the coffee was indeed for me. Imagine my surprise back then. It never crossed my mind, not a single chance that those extra cups of coffee were actually meant to a dufos named Kwon Jiyong.


“I can’t”


I furrowed my brow. “Why? We can order something different if you like?”


“But I want this coffee..” She protested while eyeing the coffee with her sad eyes.


“Then? What’s wrong?” I’m really getting worried. This never happened before.


“Because…” she trailed as she looked up at me.. “it’s bad for the baby..”




My heart stopped for a second, no I think for an eternity, as I looked at her.


“Umm…” what should I say… “W-what’s that again??”


“You’re going to be a father” Dara happily said.


My mouth was already hanging open, my insides churned, my mind went blank, totally blank. “Me? A father??” I finally asked.


She nod her head vigorously with a smile on her face.


I couldn’t hold it any longer, I stood up from my chair and lunged at her. Enveloping her into my embrace, showering her with kisses to her forehead, nose, cheeks and to her lips.


“Thank you!” I whispered as I felt a tear escaped my eyes. This happiness was overwhelming, I feel like I’m so blessed. I feel like the luckiest guy to ever walk on this earth.


“We’re going to have a baby Ji… a baby.” I heard her whispered.


I could no longer utter a word. This gift, this marvelous gift is enough to make me speechless. How could I ever deserve such a blessing?  I hold her tight, never letting her go.


“Auntie Dara!!!” We heard a girl’s voice not far from as, pulling us back from our little celebration.


We pulled out from our embrace and glance at the source of the voice. I was surprise to see the little girl again. Her father was standing behind her, also surprised to see me as well.


“TaeHee-ah! You’re finally here!” Dara shrieked and run towards the girl, scooping her up.


Yah! Be careful! You’re pregnant! I wished to shout. But I hold it in, I wouldn’t want to be a kill joy to this happy reunion.


“Aunti Dara? Why is Ahjussi here?” Taehee pointed at me with a smile on her face.


Dara smiled and laid her down once again on the floor. She walked to my side, encircling her arms around my back. “This is my husband, TaeHee-ah, he’s uncle Jiyong.. Do you know him?” Dara asked


“yes, I met him awhile ago..” the little girl beamed.


“And Ji, this is Taehee, my niece. That good looking guy right here is my long lost brother, Sanghyun.” Dara introduced me to TaeHee’s father.


“Nice to know you’ve got a name, ahjussi.” Sanghyun teased me with a hint of amusement in his voice.


“Nice to finally meet you too, your sister always talks about you.” I said as I offered my hand for a handshake.. I remembered Dara always praised her little brother who was always traveling abroad.


“Really? Hahaha! I’m glad. We’re so sorry we couldn’t go to your wedding. Don’t get me wrong I missed my noona. but we suddenly had an unexpected situation back then.” Sanghyun said as he took my hand for a handshake.


“It’s ok. We understand.”


“Enough with the drama you two. Come, sit!” Dara excitedly said as she grab TaeHee’s small hands and led her to our small table.


I pulled a couple of extra chair for the two.



“So.. what’s with the hugging I saw earlier?” Sanghyun asked as he eyed Dara, who was cuddling her niece on her lap.



Dara smiled at him and then to me. “TaeHee’s gonna have a cousin.” Dara non-chalantly said.


“Whoa! Really? Congratulations you two!” her brother said out of happiness as he embraced her sister and then pat me on the shoulder.


“I know this guy is really gonna be a great father.. I bet on it. Right TaeHee?” He asked his daughter.


TaeHee nod her small head and smiled at me. “I’m so happy you’re my uncle, Uncle Jiyong!”


“Well, little girl, I’m glad I am too.”


Really glad.


I looked at my beautiful wife.

We held each other's meaningful gaze, as if we're both thinking and thanking the same thing.. 


our little own cup of happiness.









Sorry if this didn't reach some of your expectations. lol. I did try my best /sobs at a corner/

But I'm really glad this is off my shoulder already. kekeke!

If you don't like it, deal with it! BWAHAHAH!

But if you did... you can always UPVOTE this story. Pretty please. With cherry on top? *wink* *wink*

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Chapter 1: 😭 this love is so beautiful. I don’t want this to end... hope it will happen in their real life soon. Thank you for sharing this sweet couple, authornim. It means a lot. I owe you.
Chapter 1: Aigooo~ hahah.. this is good! I like it!
Thank you authornim!
Chapter 1: aawwww,, this is so adorable, :') what jiyong said to taehee was really sweet,, and i know he would be a great father,, :D
juniejd #4
Chapter 1: Prequel & sequel, Short but sweetest!♥
dockie8ph #5
Chapter 1: wow, this is one great sequel!!
cherinyl #6
Chapter 1: this is better than the previous one... hehehehe nice story...
DaragonButterfly #7
Chapter 1: nice story
1say16 #8
Chapter 1: I think i want another sequel kc nmn ang ganda eh
melodygirl #9
Chapter 1: this is just too sweet!! love love love!! oooh my appler heart.
azurelady28 #10
Chapter 1: Bakit bitin? Wahahaha palagi nalang bitin ate dahil jan hindi kita sasamahan bumili ng rice :)