Charmed Again.--Apply Closed--

10/3/014; Update is on chapter eight. Added more characters to the magical beings section.


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Chapter 39: so is this story discontinued now or...?
but finally caught up with reading it. lol
i don't mind Aeji with Wonho though~
but eventually it has to be the sisters with the brothers, right?
i'm curious who is stealing the fairy dust though!
Chapter 39: The power of five? Something bad might be happen to someone.. oh my..
Anyway that dress is cute haha but I still in Jooyeon side lol
Did Aeji really in love with that demon? Aish what she doing really..
Thanks so much for update
Chapter 38: This chapter so interesting haha dang I did not see that Jisoo is bad girl, we really can't judge people easily here cause they might be someone they're not. Anyway I think its it too much that Ryujin hit Taekyeon, he just so short temper, I know Taek is annoying but I think he just mean to protect, same like what Jooyeon do.
Thanks for update hehe
Chapter 37: Okay to be honest I'm in Jooyeon side in here, and I kinda upset when everyon is against her, seriously I think Aeji and Hwayi bit selfish here, I know how much Hwayi and Ryujin love each other but Jooyeon right, its too fast, and tohave wedding now when clearly like everyone in danger because demon can appear anytime is bit selfish, you know and don't let me start with Aeji, she in that school for reason, so I think she act bit too much by defending his demon boyfriend, her main focus is not get boyfriend in there, she not thinking how much trouble she can cause, again, selfish. I wish Jooyeon have bit more support but Seungwoon and Jaehyun might be in Hwayi and Aeji side, :/
Aahh so frustrated, I can feel her Dx
But she need honest with Taekyeon and Seungwoon really aigooo..
Anyway call me childish but I wish something happen to Jooyeon so everyone stop thinking about their own self for once u_u
Thanks for update~
Chapter 36: Woaaah Aeji~ what did you do, Jaehyuk will be very moody after it hahaha anyway congrat Hwayi-Ryujin well they just madly inlove huh but I agree to Jooyeon, I kinda feel they rush it I hope it will be forever marriage, also I kinda hope Ryu and Joo stop try to eat each other head haha I will be laugh if they like stuck in one place, it will be very awkward xD
And Jooyeon and Seung are they official? Or like friend with benefit thing? Hmm
Those darklighter, are they dangerous? New enemy maybe? Where all the people from past? Are they back already? I forget..
Thanks for update~
Chapter 35: lol poor Jaehyuk he need some action too xD and its my first time seeing Jaehyuk doing babysitter haha interesting and funny lol
You know maybe hyunsol and everyone from past need comeback now since I think everything is pretty much can be handle by those 6.
Another thing, thanks so much for making Seungwon and Jooyeon finally make a move cause I feel they stuck in place lucky Jooyeon do something now hehehe
Thnaks so much for update ^^
Chapter 34: Until when Jaehyuk and Aeji will be teach on that school? Let me try remember, the school is like demon school right? I mean so much evil in there? Then why they willingly teach them their knowledge to bad person? Am I right or I missing something here o.o
Ah so that ninja/people frlm past is their past life? If Hyunsoo is pas life of Ryujin then other two is past life Seungwon and Jaehyuk? I still bit confuse with whole situation haha
Anyway thanks for keep updating :)
Chapter 33: Got me chuckles when read sojin and hyunsoo part haha so cute she have her first crush with someone from past haha anyway ryujin got jealous a lot he need calm down little bit lol
And oh did ryesu, sooyun and jinae is related to charmed one? Or just people from hyunsoo time?
Thanks for update
Realmz #9
Too many characters here... Got confused XD
And The Ninja Guys? Wow they have ninja here!!!

Been a while since my last comment, sorry.
Got Caught in my work here.

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 32: What happen? You seems add more character and problem each chapter lol I kinda lost to be honest haha so Jaehyun and Aeji handle Jaejoong, Ryujin and Hwayi with ninja problem and Jooyeon and Seungwon with that Sojung girl? I see, so they all be connected somehow right? Haha
Anyway thanks for update