Behind the Veil


An unimagined opportunity for a career development


A more challenging environment to adapt with


A stepping stone to the better lifestyle


A whole lot drama than ever wondered


A dream to catch


Happiness to lose


A story of the journey to perfect


A story of passion, dream and luck entangled


A story that talks about reality more than just a fiction


It was raining drizzly; I was walking down the same path I had walked once and my thoughts flew back to the painful memory, how awful it was 4 years ago, when I saw a familiar man’s back; leaning over a wall; before him a lady – his right hand all over her thigh roaming up to her ; the other was leaning against the wall – I still remember how his head went; tilting from left to right; lowering down and further down – and I do not need to remember how I reacted, because every time I think about it, the same reaction appear; hot stream liquid rolls down my cheek, without me even knowing; today, the same thing happened to me too. I quickly wiped my falling tears with my left hand; I shook my head, patted my cheeks and smiled again. This is not me. I should not be the one crying. I am strong enough to move on. I said this to myself every time I think about it.


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ASueweetie4ever #1
Chapter 3: I love this. Update soon! ^_^