
After the WIN

Why did we win?


Was it simply because Seungyoon and I had ious experiences on stage? Because our faces were known a mere few years earlier? Was it sympathy from all our losses against Team B? 


What was it?


Why did we, who I've always thought was the weaker of the two, win a competition staged at the hands of a few, decided by the judgements of many? 


I didn't want to say we didn't have what it takes, but in the long run, anyone could see. 


The solid group dynamic of Team B, their strong hold in leadership, their passion and strength in music in its entirety.


Then I guess I realised something.


This win- this title "WINNER" wasn't telling us that we were better than Team B. I believe the reason why we won was because, God had different plans for us.


We equally had the potential, we equally had the passion. We just had different ways of growing.


Team B, who was slightly chaotic yet powerful, could only get better by training - toning themselves down so that they could control that immense talent.


And us, who was low in self-confidence and weak in bond, needed experience to tone our character, to boost our esteem.


We were equal and had the same goal. We just had different ways of reaching it.


We would always be the 11 guys who trained together and grew together at YG. We would always be brothers. This competition meant nothing but a faster debut. We would meet again as equals on stage. Each one of us much stronger and confident than we were before.


I believe in that.

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