
Under the Stars

                      When Kai first laid his eyes on the smaller man, he experienced so many emotions at once. He couldn’t think straight. He couldn’t talk and his mind went blank; he had to force himself to breathe. He didn’t know what was happening to him, he didn’t know why it was so. His heart would be sent into a small frenzy when he looked at him, and he couldn’t look in his eyes for more than seconds.


When Kai experienced those rare moments when the petite man would smile, the world stopped. The way his face brightened at such childish things and how his lips would barely shoot upward, making it not easily noticeable. And that was just how Kai liked it. The way his nose would scrunch when he sincerely laughed and how those almond colored eyes seemed to come alive made him so curious. He suddenly felt possessive over the smile. He wished only he could see those smiles. He couldn’t really explain this feeling, he didn’t want to explain. And as cliché as it sounded, Kai realized he was in love.


It took the latter longer to acknowledge his love for Kai.


First, he had admired the way the other poured all his passion into everything he did. When their eyes meet, he would always duck his head, his face flaming up for no reason. And when he smiled – God, when he smiled – a whole new world laid before him. The way his knees buckled at every touch they shared. Kyungsoo would always smile when he spotted the latter and he would feel such strange unfamiliar feelings toward Kai. For the 20 year old, this was new. The day when they first hugged each other, he ran to his best friend Baekhyun whom answered the younger’s question with a simple, “You like him, that’s why.”


As if that helped at all, Kyungsoo experienced so many different memories with Kai and found himself falling deeper into the pool called love. Confusion still raged in his head; however it didn’t cloud his judgment anymore.




It was on their first Music Core Bank Studio- Gayo (lol, had to advertise all of them for equal treatment) when they earned their first 1st place trophy. That day was a day for many firsts for it was also on that day they experienced their first kiss under the stars. They don’t know why they kissed, but the way Kyungsoo bit his lips after they broke apart with his face flushed made Kai want to kiss him once again.


Months passed since particular night. “It was the stars,” mused Chanyeol when Kai had told him about the kiss. “It has to be. They are so strange, and yet so beautiful. They hold so many secrets, one of which is the sudden lust that captivates the victims. I shared my first kiss with Baekhyun under the stars too.”


“The stars?”


What do the stars hold? What are they even made up of? Weren’t they just balls of gas? How are they even made? So many questions ran through his mind, but the last one that lingered was barely in topic. Will he be able to kiss Kyungsoo again?


He was selfish, he knew. He did what he wanted; he got the things not necessarily required. Yet this made him wonder. What he wanted didn’t need him to think about what others wanted, but this was totally different. How could he be so sure that Kyungsoo wants this as much as he wants it? How can he know whether he is jeopardizing their relationship right now if he went for it?


The thing is, he really doesn’t know. It isn’t his job to know the future, but rather to live in the present.




His suit was perfectly neat and had no creases anywhere. His hair was cut fashionably and he even bleached his hair to blonde, Kyungsoo’s favorite color. He carefully picked up the roses. Taking a deep breath, he looked in the mirror before shakily looking back at Chanyeol.


“I don’t think I can do it,” he said, gulping. “I’m too nervous.”


Chanyeol rolled his eyes, “Don’t be such a wuss, Kai.”


“But w – what if…”


“What if what,” Chanyeol replied back slowly, as if talking to a young boy.


Kai gulped, his voice scarcely a whisper. “What if he rejects me?” His eyes were large in fear, which was a rare feeling for him, and he quickly swiped his sweaty palms against his pants. “What if he doesn’t want me?”


Chanyeol quickly smacked his friend in the head, much to the latter’s dismay, and he scowled. “Are you ing serious, Kai? I know how Kyungsoo is like. By the way how you guys are talking already, I’m sure he likes you too. Now get yourself together, or else you are going to mess up this whole entire thing.”


He nodded, feeling a bit better, “No, but what if-“


“Goddamnit Kai! Let’s say he does, then it’s his loss obviously, okay? And also, you get to prove to him that you aren’t a scared little bastard who is afraid of confession.”


Kai was taken back before whacking Chanyeol’s head. “Geez, go wash your mouth with soap.” He resumed wiping his palms, but this time with a steadier heart beat. Slowly picking up the rose on a table, Kai smiled at the thought of Kyungsoo’s shock face.


Just then, a small knock was heard on the door to his house, and Kai quickly put the rose back before eagerly greeting Kyungsoo. “Um, hey. You wanted to see me?” asked the petite man. He stared at the man in front of him dressed up and wondered where he was going.


Kai nodded, concealing his wide smile. “Come on in.” The other smiled before slipping inside. Kai fixed his tie and let out a breath before he too went to the living room. He grabbed the rose that was hidden and when he heard an audible gasp, he beamed.


“Kyungsoo, please sit down,” he said as he gestured towards the chair positioned in the middle of the room. He had remodeled the living room to have a stage and amps everywhere. The latter looked at him in surprise, his gaze seemingly questioning what everything was about, however he did as he was told and sat in the designated spot. Kai cleared his throat, his face red, before clapping his hands.


Guitar plucking filled the air, what was the coldness of the awkwardness drifted away by a warm song. Kai took to the stage and grasped the stationed microphone and he blushed once more. “Um… I may not be the best at singing, but I seriously put my heart into this… I hope you listen well.”


His voice slightly shivered, the tension high in the air, but as soon as he hit the first note, all his passion bottled inside was unleashed.

I lost my mind, the moment I saw you
Except you, everything get in slow motion
I will trust you, protect you and comfort you
I will be on your side
I will never leave your side

I will make you smile often like a child
I will make you feel the most comfortable, like a friend


And he faltered for a moment, but as soon as he locked his eyes with Kyungsoo, he was certain.


Tell me if this is love


Kyungsoo took an intake of air as he stared shocked at Kai. The other, too, was quite red however his eyes never wavered from Kyungsoo’s. “Will you be my boyfriend, Do Kyungsoo?”


The latter blinked his eyes.


A red blush crawled to his cheeks.



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Chapter 1: he said yes

oh and yeol omo

great first chapter

author nim fighting
Chapter 1: Wow. //goosebumps galore// This was beautiful. Looking forward to reading more! By the way, there's a typo in the first para- referring to Kyungsoo as 'her' rather than 'him'.
lejohndary #3
That was actually really great! I can't wait for more! ^^