
It's All Fiction

PS: Dark purple and underlined -> Dates imprinted on pages of the diary

       Dark purple -> Words he wrote on his diary

       Italic -> Flashbacks

'he' is Minho while 'she' is Yoona^^





He sat there rigidly, staring blankly at his diary. The opened pages were yet to be filled up.


18 July 2011


The date stared expectantly at him, probably wondering why its owner hadn’t wrote in it for the past month. Filled with nothing but droplets of tears, the diary lay untouched on the wooden table.

He choked on his tears as they came streaming down his face. It hasbeen a month since she was gone; since he smiled; since he laughed.

“Mianhae, but she couldn’t make it.”

The unforgettable words rang in his ears, and the scene rewound in his mind, the doctor’s crestfallen and grave expression; the unstoppable tears that seemed to roll down his cheeks endlessly; the world that seemed to end and collapse at that very moment.

He closed the book with a loud thud and walked out of his apartment solemnly, like a person who didn’t know how to live with himself any longer.


He walked through the busy streets of Seoul aimlessly, pushing through the faceless crowd, and walked straight towards the place where he wanted and longed to be at that very moment, the meadow where they first met, where they first kissed, where he asked her to be his girlfriend.

It was the same place, of that he was instantly sure, he had never seen another clearing so symmetrical. It was as perfectly rounded as if someone had intentionally created the flawless circle. And to the east, he could hear the beautiful stream bubbling quietly.

The place was serene and stunning, the wildflowers bloomed ever so prettily; the ground was thick with tall grass that swayed in the light breeze like ripples across the lake.

However, it didn’t hold what he was looking for…..

What was the point of going any farther? Nothing lingered here. Nothing more than the memories that he could have called back whenever he wanted to. Of course, if he was willing to endure the corresponding pain. There was nothing special about this place without her, he realized.


He wasn’t sure what he hoped to feel here, but the meadow was empty of atmosphere, empty of everything, just like everywhere else. His head spun dizzily.  

Even though he was in a gorgeous meadow where nothing seems to go wrong, his heart; his mind is in a dusty desert where trouble brews. Trudging through the ‘sand’, he felt emotionless. The grainy, golden sand flew into his eyes, but it wasn’t the sand which makes his eyes water.

“Oppa, saranghae!”

The hauntingly beautiful voice replayed itself in his mind, bringing more pain to his heart.

How much he longed to see her cheerful smile that could brighten up his day anytime; her lovingly soft words that could heal his heart anytime; her bright doe-like eyes that would forever be imprinted in his memories.

“Oppa, don’t cry.”


The familiar voice echoed through the desert, he stood still and gasped softly, was it really her? For once in the entire torturing month, he felt a glimpse of hope.

He turned around slowly, afraid that all of it was just a fragment of his imagination.

“It’s really you,” He smiled and tears of joy filled his eyes. But she just stood there, not moving an inch. A tear slid down her cheek, and he watched painstakingly, an arm outstretched towards her, as if trying to reach for her and hold her tightly in his embrace, while it fell to the ground.

As soon as the tiny teardrop made contact with the ground, the sand whirled around her slender figure, and she vanished into thin air.


His eyes bore the wretchedness that was swallowing both his heart and soul, and was left gasping for air. His legs gave way as he weakened and fell onto his knees, tears dripping down his face.

He remembered vividly, her lips; her eyes; her gorgeous smile; her flawless face; her shining doe-like eyes. He remembered them all. He didn’t forget the way her slender fingers played themselves on the piano; the way her head always found its way to the space between his neck and shoulder; the way she spoke tenderly to him.

She was never once forgotten……


He felt another tear through his heart. The pain made its presence once again.

It was a crippling thing, this sensation that a huge hole had been punched through his chest, excising his most vital organs and leaving ragged, unhealed gashes.

Hours later, as he left the meadow sorrowfully, the whole world faded to a monotonous blend of colors of black and white.


It wasn’t a nightmare, nor was it a lie. He knew it all along, but just didn’t want to acknowledge that fact.

After all, everything they had together was all just fiction……


18 July 2011

I still can’t forget you
I still can’t trust everything
Even today, I can’t send you away like this

I will rewrite it again, our story will not end
I will bury the fact that reality is seeping into my skin for now
I rewrite it once again, the beginning of you and I, smiling happily
In case you will leave me, the background is a small room without an exit

I can’t leave your sweet presence
There is no such thing as an end for us

I can’t forget you                                                                                                                                                                                                I am writing the story that will never end in my heart

I will hold on to you                                                                                                                                                                                            I won’t let you go
Even today, I’m in the story of you and I, that hasn’t ended yet, in Fiction

I run towards you and embrace you
I can’t ever let you go from my embrace
There is no such thing as an end for us

Like this again
I can’t end it
I am writing the story that will never end in my heart

I will hold on to you
I won’t let you go
Even today, I’m in the story of you and I, that hasn’t ended yet, in Fiction

I will say this again, one more time
Right now you are next to me
I’m believing like that

I’m the writer who lost his purpose
The end of this novel, how am I supposed to write it

I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I keep writing these 3 words
Setting the worn out pen on the old paper strained with tears
This story can’t be happy or sad

Right now I’m writing such a happy story
But it is all just a wish





Hey^^ Hope you guys enjoyed it:) Sorry if it was boring/lame/short/irrevelant XD

Hope it was good^^ And I won't be writing any fanfics anymore until October><  

Please comment and subscribe^^ Saranghae<333


PS: Dark purple and underlined -> Dates imprinted on pages of the diary

       Dark purple -> Words he wrote on his diary

       Italic -> Flashbacks

 'he' is Minho while 'she' is Yoona^^


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Aweee i really liked all your minyoon fics ...please more minyoon plssss
Omona... Minyoon *cries* This is a beautiful story. Please write more Minyoon? Do you ship them? Your writing style is... just omg.
-YoonAddicT- #3
@candyredhearts - Really?! Thankyouuu so much<33 Your comment really made my day:) And, you're much more better than me^^
woww the story is beautiful<3<br />
the words used were perfect<3<br />
i was practically crying...<br />
youre a wonderful writer<3
-YoonAddicT- #5
@candyredhearts - Thanks so much for your support<333
great new story<3<br />
minyoon<3<br />
update soon<3
-YoonAddicT- #7
@aegyomyminho - Thanks so much:):)
minionsbanana #8
Aww, a lovely foreword. Update soon!