I want more Gucci!

EXO chatroom (moved to put-da-light-baek-on)

→Duizzang is online

IknowWushu started a conversation with Duizzang


IknowWushu: Hi gege :3

Duizzang: no

IknowWushu: But I didn't even say anything!

Duizzang: no

IknowWushu: This is the last thing I'll buy this month. I swear!

Duizzang: no

IknowWushu: Just this one time! That's it!

Duizzang: no

IknowWushu: I won't ask you ever again!

Duizzang: no

IknowWushu: I'll buy everything else with my money!

Duizzang: Then buy this with your own money.

IknowWushu: Pwease gege~ image bbuing bbuing~ 


Duizzang: no

IknowWushu: Gege, you're more good-looking than that ugly giant Chanyeol


IknowWushu: and funnier


IknowWushu: and more charistmatic


IknowWushu: and better at rapping

Duizzang: What do you want.

IknowWushu: YAY!  image

Duizzang: Hurry up or I'll change my mind

IknowWushu: Okay!!

IknowWushu uploaded a picture

IknowWushu sent a link: http://www.gucci.com/us/styles/298614I33319001#

IknowWushu: or this

IknowWushu uploaded a picture

IknowWushu sent a link: http://www.gucci.com/us/styles/2845874G2051000#

IknowWushu: or maybe this

IknowWushu uploaded a picture

IknowWushu sent a link: http://www.gucci.com/us/styles/338798J89808131#

IknowWushu: I know! I'll get all three of them! :D

Duizzang: How much are they?

IknowWushu: $1020 without tax

Duizzang:  tumblr_mm4r66ZcbV1rfjowdo1_500.gifHuang Zi Fricken Tao! I don't have that kind of money! Ask Suho to buy them.

IknowWushu: But Suho hyung alread bought me some!

Duizzang: What was the total?

IknowWushu: $3020

Duizzang: tumblr_m2jtoiV3Xj1qdlkyg.gif

IknowWushu: Com'on Duizzang! Your buying me less than half of what Suho bought me!

Duizzang: Well I don't exactly stand in a mound of bills and throw a handful in the air everyday

IknowWushu: What are you talking about?

Duizzang uploaded a picture


IknowWushu: ( °д°)o I didn't know gramps was that rich!

Duizzang: That's cuz you don't pay attention to him.

IknowWushu: I do too!

Duizzang: Only when you want something.


Duizzang: I have to go feed my fish.

IknowWushu: What? You don't have a fish!

Duizzang: Then I'll go get myself one!

IknowWushu: Wait, what about my Gucci??

Duizzang: (−_−;)Ugh fine.

IknowWushu: YAYAYAY! You're the best gege! image

Duizzang: Did you say that to Suho too?

IknowWushu: uh...



Duizzang: I hate you.

Duizzang left the conversation

→Duizzang is offline


IknowWushu sent an offline message to Duizzang

IknowWushu: D:

     sent at 4:50

IknowWushu: Wait, do I still get my Gucci?


Sorry guys for not updating until now. I wanted to but I had so much work (cough cough lit cough) to do and it completely
drained out my energy. Since I'm on winter break (Finally! :D) I'll try to update more often. I hope you guys liked this chapter!

>Also, sorry the emoticons aren't lined up with the text. Idk how to fix it :\

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I moved to a new account, and I update there :)
xiao_juna #2
Chapter 6: dont end ittt.it make my day
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caffeine_cat #5
Chapter 8: wtf.. how are we sure he's not trolling?! lol thumbs up for this chappy!
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Chapter 3: ._. I'll dress up as bubble tea for Sehun.
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