Coming to Term

Coming to Term

As I feel another burning sensation in my chest and throat, I sit up on my bed and rest my back against the headboard. Sitting upright usually makes me feel better but it wakes me up too. Unable to return to sleep immediately, I look at my protruding tummy. It never failed to amaze me how a human body could adjust itself to accommodate another human being in it.

Just then, I feel and spot a little fist on the upper right corner of my tummy. Using my right palm, I it gently and whisper to the little fellow in me, “Kang Seung Hun, why aren’t you sleeping?” It seems like he has heard me for at the next moment he stretches himself even more and I could feel and see his little foot on another side of my tummy. What a cheeky boy I’m going to have! He has stretched a little hard and I give a soft yelp.

Afraid that I might have woken the person next to me, I give him a glance. He has not stirred a bit and is still sleeping soundly. He must be really tired. I notice that usual frown between his brows and wonder what is troubling him again. Using my thumb, I try to rub the creases away. He seems to relax under my touch and the frown slowly goes away.

“Dear son, which of your father’s features will you have?” I ponder. I look at his thick eye brows and single-lipped eyes. They aren’t very special but it’s him. I always like his cheekbones which give a manly look. Then, I see my favourite part of his face. His lips. It’s amazing how fast they move as he raps along. Gosh, I’m his wife, not his fan. Do I really have to admire him this way? I’m just glad that his fans will never know how his lips feel on them.

If you ever ask me in the past, I would never expect myself to marry a plain looking guy like him. Not that I am vain, I sure had suitors who are better looking than him. Yet under his plain looks, he has a relaxed disposition and calming charm which always put me at ease. When I am with him, I tend to go slower and smell the flowers more. Behind this charm lies a greater heart. Thinking of such, I place my hands on my little one and whispered in my heart to him, “I hope you will inherit your father’s heart.”

He believes in honesty and working hard. He told me once that “Working hard will never fail you. Don’t just focus on the results, we must enjoy the process.” He is a simple man without mighty ambitions. Fortunately, his hard work pays off and he gets his due recognition. With him, I learn contentment.

It seems silly but I could feel myself loving this man more just by looking at him.

I feel another bout of burning sensation in my chest and throat again. I can’t help but jerk my body forward and give a sour burp. He senses me this time. I hear his low sleepy voice, “Dear, are you having heart burns again?” “Yes”, I reply. He gets out of bed with his half-closed eyes and goes out of the room. He returns with a glass of warm water and passes it to me. As I sip the water, he patiently my back in a downward motion to make me feel better. He places my glass on his bed side table and waits for me to lie down slowly on the bed. “I feel like an elephant,” I once said to him and his response was “so that you can stomp in my heart.”

“Good night, Seung Hun.” I say to my baby.

My husband my tummy as he says, “We will be seeing you next week, son.” Then, he kisses my cheek and says, “Let’s get back to sleep.”

I’m 39 weeks pregnant and my baby is coming to full term next week.

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Micalbautista #1
Chapter 1: You really know your way around words! This was extremely touching!! *tears*
Zthiefatimah #2
Chapter 1: i hope u can continue ur story its very interesting. i waiting authornim
Chapter 1: i like this story
make story like this more
sequel juseyo xD

sorry if my english isnt good
Drowning- #4
Chapter 1: Sequel xDD
Chapter 1: deabak!! ^_^
Chapter 1: Just found your story, and I have to say that it's really good & interesting!
Wish you could make the continuation of this story though.. Hehehe...
Thank you for sharing your writing here, really appreciate it!
chrisjttan #7
Please write more MONDAY couple fanfics. You're really good at writing!!!!
vevina #8
Chapter 1: short but it^^
poisedon #9
Chapter 1: this is a great story... hope you will write another story about them and the baby...