Chapter 2

Risou No Musuko - Life after marriage

--Daichi POV--

I opened my eyes and remembered the intimate night. then I looked at her sound asleep face beside mine and is glad that she's no longer crying in her sleep. 
"why should I care!"I thought to myself silently.
I quietly stepped out and made a call.
"Kobayashi-kun, I need your help" I whispered.
just as I plugged down the phone...
"ohayou, nee-chan" I was startled by a sweet voice.I turned to the source and was captivated by the sweet smile.
i should snap out it.
"ohayou.. and I told you stop calling me that" I said frustratedly.
she just smiled. probably we both were reminded of last night's intimacy and we became awkward all of a sudden.
just when we need someone to break that awkwardness, the doorbell rang.
Kobayashi, Wanikawa, Habu and Masako stood at the door with excitement!
They rushed in to greet Mina.
"Konnichiwa!" I think she was taken aback by them.
"Ko~nnichiwa" she stammered as she stared at me as if calling for help.
That's cute.
I went nearer to her.
"It's okay, they're my best friends. I think we'll all have a fun day out today, right guys"
"YES!" they cheered together.
She looked at me in confusion.
Kobayashi walked towards me as everyone else crowded around her to break the ice.
"Daichi... you're really hard to grasp ne. haha. one day you were nasty to her, another day you're so protective. you even arranged this. don't tell me you ~"
"What?! no~oo w~~ay!" why am I so nervous.
"you guys told me to be nice isn't it"
" yea, yea we did" he giggled and walk towards the rest. I sense the sarcasm. 
--Mina POV--
"Kyaaaaaa~ I actually got to play at Joypolis! I heard about it in Korea and always wanted to go! Thanks nee-chan!"
He looks irritated. But I really feel more comfortable calling him that... I feel he's there for me ~ is that how I want it to be??
Looking at his irritable face, I quickly turned to the rest..
"Thanks all of you!"
"No problem. It's been long since I last came" Masako said.
She's nice. I feel envious of her... she's so naturally close with Daichi...My heart, why is it feeling like this?
I diverted myself to the other rides. Then I saw this haunted ride...I hesitated but I thought it'll be fun.
"I want to ride this"
"Let's ride this together! there's the 6 of us, so we can take it in pairs"
Wanikawa, Habu and Kobayashi rushed to my side.
"Hey! I'm older so off" Wanikawa said.
"I'm richer" Kobayashi said. They started bickering.
My eyes is fixed at Masako and Daichi since they naturally coupled up. I thought he'll take care of me but he left me with other guys. When he looked in my direction as he wanted to stop the commotion, our eyes met. he noticed I was staring?
"Stop fighting you guys!" They listen to him alot, they stopped instantly.
"well, I think our guest should choose herself" he spoke indirectly to me.
"Go on, make a choice." he signaled me, without even looking at me. why is he so cold suddenly.
I thought Kobayashi-kun is the best option since he feels really kind. my mouth almost said his name...but my hands didnt listen to me.
i went straight for his sleeves.
"heh?! no fair! he isn't supposed to be one of the options" they protested.
"Baka! I told you to choose the 3 of them, not me!" Daichi shouted awkwardly.
"you guys, of course she'll pick Daichi. You guys are like some blood thirsty masculine monsters just unleashed from the underworld. Daichi on the other hand doesn't give off this vibe" Masako said.
"besides, he's her nee-chan. who else can she choose" she winked at me.
"NANDE. I said I'm not her nee-chan.. geez, I have no sister and I do not want one" his words kinda pierced through my heart. he really doesn't like my presence. maybe I am making him uncomfortable. maybe I should leave... these negative thoughts flooded my mind as I sat on the rollercoaster with him. I couldn't concentrate on the ride, but I took this opportunity to scream as loud as I could to let out all the inner unhappiness.
"it's so fun!!! Daichi, Mina, how's the ride" Habu shouted to us.
Daichi didn't respond.
--Daichi POV--
They may think I'm a real jerk, but it's not something I can accept right away. I already reached my limits for taking care of her the past 2 days and letting her stay but I cannot be her brother. That man did betray my mum, and when they come back, I'll really kick his and protect my mum from him. my mum has suffered from my real dad, and I swore I won't let her cry. that's why I kept asking her to stop calling me that. things will get nasty when his dad returns and I dunno how she's gonna take it but when is she going to understand it's not so simple as calling me her brother.! I think I got carried away by treating her too well, she's hurt more if I continue being nice to her. it's for her good to see this side of me before the confrontation with her dad begins.
I can feel she's looking at me when I failed to respond Habu.
"I'm not feeling well~ I think I wanna go back" she said.
Huh? she's unwell? is she sick?i wanted to ask.
"Are you okay, Mina? do you need to see a doctor?" Kobayashi asked before I got the chance to ask.
"I think I'm just feeling a bit of jet lag"
"Oh gosh, then Daichi, you better bring her home. she needs rest" Masako cut in.
"Actually you guys can go on.. I can make my way back myself"
Oh, she's finally getting off my sleeves but how come I don't exactly feel happy? in fact, I feel a bit worried for her.
"Lets go" I walked towards the exit without looking at her.
--Mina POV--
"Go on, Mina. Daichi will take care of you" Kobayashi winked.
I bowed to the rest and ran beside Daichi.
We were silent throughout the cab journey but I feel I should say...
"Sorry Daichi for imposing so much problems on you. I know you detest me. I'm sorry" 
He looked at me intensely, but I lowered my head, worried to look into his eyes.
"I don't hate you."
tears are welling in my eyes. he turned to look at me when I didn't complete my sentence.
"I don't hate you as a person. but there's something you should know about dad left the both me and my mum for another family even before I was born. My mum was determined to give birth to me and brought me up singlehandedly. if your dad do anything to betray my mum, I won't forgive him, and that includes you. I won't allow anyone to hurt my mum."
"This is why I don't like when you call me nee-chan. I hate that because this just means I accept that you and your dad betrayed my mum. he lied about your existence, this is a fact"
"I'm sorry."
"it's not your fault. I'm sorry too for being harsh today. I wasn't that good a host myself. I should have just come clean with you from the start."
"I think I have burdened everyone..."
"Baka, you don't have to please me or my mum. you have your dad, isn't that why you came back for. nothing is  gonna change your main objective here which is to reunite with your dad. you didn't burden us, the issue is just your dad lied. so it's your dad's fault that spilled over to you. I didn't handle my emotions well so I'm sorry for treating you that way. " he looked anxious.
"I meant... I think I am a burden to my dad as well"
Daichi POV
She's getting very emotional and I just feel it's my fault. but why do I get the feel that something else is bothering her. 
"Do you think my dad will acknowledge me, Daichi?" she said after a long pause. she stared forward and from a side view, I can see her tears running. Her hands grabbed her skirt tightly.
I grabbed her shoulders and turn her slightly to face me.
"why won't he? you're a good girl and I doubt anyone will abandon you. there's no reason to..." she doesn't seemed convince. she continued to look down, avoiding my gaze.
"look... as a personal promise, I won't let him hurt you, okay?" I don't know why I said that but it came intuitively. have I actually assumed my role as his brother?!
"Daichi~" I smiled to her and wiped her tears away.
"lets just go back and rest. stop thinking about all these"
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_kuroneko19 #1
Chapter 4: U're update this! Yey, i thought it's not gonna continue. Poor mina, hopefully she'll be better since she can stay with kobayashi family. Wonder how his mother will react to mina.