


My life used to have these cheerful colours but they slowly faded. I was no longer happy with my life and loneliness starts to eat me day by day. My friends betrayed me and everyone just seems to ignore me. All I had was my family but they have their own lives to care.

*  *  *

Everyday I wake up to the same things in life. It’s like a cycle and there’s no one who was willing to change that. Not until I met him. His name is Luhan. He’s quite charming and good looking too. We became friends and got close to each other. Soon my life became colourful and I was happy again.

No longer after that, he proposed to me. I became his girlfriend and he promised not to leave me. I trusted his words. My life changed and everyday there’s always something to look forward too. I made lots of new friends with his help. I couldn’t describe how happy my life became. We went on dates, go on trips with our friends and have cute midnight talks on the phone. My life was perfect. It’s just like every girls dream.

*  *  *

After a few months of our relationship, the colours of my life started to fade again. He wouldn’t answer my calls, he wouldn’t reply my text messages. I’d find myself staring at my phone waiting for him. He started to ignore me. I waited at our usual spot but he wasn’t there. Later, I found myself in front of his doorstep just to see him with someone else.

It was heartbreaking. I trusted him. I trusted him with my life. How could he? He broke his promise and threw me away like garbage. My heart shattered into a million pieces. After all we’ve been through. I was wrong to trust him. His love was just a lie. Everything was just a lie. I tried to be strong but I can’t help but to cry everyday.

*  *  *

Sleepless nights were full with tears. I cried too much that everything went jet black. I was blind. My life is over. Just because of one person my life became not only dark, but it became colourless..

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Chapter 1: Sequel please
Chapter 1: Mm, is this your first story? ^o^ it's great! But I wan to request something~ "Please, make a sequel~" I want to know why and what'd happen next! Please~
Chapter 1: Wow, that's really great! Keep writing, can't wait to read more!!
babyloves #4
Chapter 1: This is good!