Pissing Harry D.otter

Part 3 of 5


Harry endured 2 weeks and counting of Kaico’s unwanted . Literally and figuratively. Any more of this

Hey D.otter.’


‘I gotta .’

Harry rolled his eyes. ‘So?’

‘The toilet’s clogged again.’ Kaico had the decency to look sheepish.

Harry’s right eye twitched and he exhaled sharply before standing up to head to the bathroom. ‘Kaico,’ a pause, Harry drew in sharp intakes of breath, not caring if irritation is clearly written all over his facial features, glaring at an obnoxious Kaico. ‘ you’ve managed to singlehandedly clog the toilet again in just 2 days. What comes out of your butthole, rocks?’

To his utmost surprise and horror, Kaico smirked and walked towards him in three, long strides. ‘Oh you’ll be surprised to know what comes outta here.’ Kaico paused, patting his behind like a puppy. ‘But I’m sure you’ll be more than interested on what comes in.’ Kaico wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and sent Harry what’s supposed to be a seducing smirk. Harry blinked twice and shoved Kaico away from him, nose crinkling in disgust, voicing out a loud ‘Ewwwww!’. Kaico’s eyes crinkled into crescents as he laughed genuinely, catching Harry off-guard as he watched in dumb-struck awe as Kaico laughed his heart out; effectively making Harry’s heart make a somersault too.


—     And he’ll lose his marbles all together.


There was also that time when Harry and Luhan accidentally walked in on Kaico and McSehun making out in D.otter’s bed, all over each other with Kaico on top.

“I, uhm.” “I… I just— We just need to get these.” Harry motioned to a charm’s book Luhan left once when he stayed over to review spells with him.

The two stopped for a second before resuming where they left off, not caring if Luhan was rooted to the door, hand gripping tightly on the old door frame, mercilessly chipping the aging wood in the process, or if Harry stumbled a few times in his hurry to bolt out of the place as fast as possible. Harry knew they didn’t care. Kaico and his friend were both jerks, by far the most obnoxious ones who ever existed, too. Harry half-dragged a very stunned Luhan by his wrist back into class, patting the doe-eyed boys’ back and sending a small, comforting smile.

Luhan was clingier to him since then.

And Harry forgot that Kaico and McSehun made out in his bed— until three days later. He angrily shoved the comforter in the castles’ Laundromat and discreetly cursed Kaico and his ancestors, for bringing up such a pain in the into the world.

When Harry returned to the room later that evening, Kaico was nowhere to be found, and the whole room was a mess. His clothes were in a dirty pile everywhere, creating little mounds of Kaico-related . Harry’s left eye twitched this time, and he ran his free hand through his hair, really considering pulling all those strands out because of pent up frustration.

This has got to stop. THIS. HAS. GOT. TO. STOP.

Not being able to stand all of this any longer, Harry waved his wand and threw all of Kaico’s belonging’s into his bed, including his used and unused underwear, mud-covered shoes, school textbooks, half-eaten snacks, wet coats, everything. Satisfied, Harry exited the room to meet up with Luhan and Suho in the common room, snickering like a man who has just lost his wits.

Suho, the ever concerned friend and Angel—, again, literally, asked him if he was alright.

Harry just replied with a cheeky grin. “Oh I am feeling heavenly. I feel like I have just brought justice to the world.” True enough, an hour later justice has been served. A terrified shriek and incessant violent banging on the wall coming from Harry and Kaico’s room is proof enough.

Ah, justice. Sweet, sweet justice.



Everything was going smoothly in Harry’s life for once— until Kaico decided to seek revenge and get him in trouble to every teacher possible.

Heenimerva McGonagall almost expelled Harry from Hogwarts for good. He thought that it was Harry who inflicted the Densaugeo spell on him— care of a tattle tale-ing devil in the name of Kaico.

Apparently, Heenimerva, the cat shape-shifting charms teacher, grew 4 large—LARGE—teeth that rivaled that of an animal cartoon character. Horrified, Heenimerva fled through the castle halls and glared at anyone who dared look his way— but to say that the mask covering his larger than life teeth wasn’t attracting attention to itself, is a terrible, terrible understatement. Kaico, however, has other plans for Heenimerva that morning. Bumping ‘accidentally’ to his charms teacher, he divulges some ‘information’ about who might have caused his teacher’s teeth to grow a body. Harry D.otter. He smirks to himself and puts his hands inside his coat pockets. He speaks to no one in particular when he says ‘Mission Accomplished’ strutting down the halls and disappearing into the crowd, a touch of ash among a sea of brown and black.


Harry, clearly taken aback by his teacher’s accusation, tried his best to defend himself. He even showed his wands history of spells used. His wand was relatively new, and was only used in class activities. Heenimerva let him off the hook, but without giving him a judging ‘i-am-watching-you-‘ look. He exited the room with a curt nod and a bow, small, grateful smile in place as he was let off the hook. As he reached the halls and was making his way back to their shared room, he grit his teeth and rolled the sleeves of his black coat up.

Right. Payback time.



Kaico Malfoy went home that night.


(Apparently, D.otter made him eat ‘food’ that speeds up your metabolismin this case, every 5 minutes after you put food in your mouth. Kaico found himself stuck in ‘the throne’ the whole night. His Father simply shrugged at his son’s idiocy. His mother found it strangely funny. He didn’t laugh.)


All this happened within a span of two weeks, and Harry thinks he’ll die long before the second quarter of the school year even starts, if he continues to room with Kaico, the sore cause of his frustrations in the everyday he’s living. Just thinking about Kaico makes his blood boil.

Luckily for Harry today, Dongbledore is scheduled to comeback. Dongbledore alerted all the prefects from the 4 houses last night and they in return informed all the freshmen. Harry mentally made a victory dance in his head and thanked the heavens for finally putting an end to his seemingly unending streak of misfortune. Kaico would be out of his roof and he’ll finally—finally be able to enjoy his freshman year, just like he was supposed to in the first place.

Harry’s smile is bright and dazzling as he combs his hair down in front of the mirror. Whistling to himself, he puts on his glasses and skips down the secret passageways and into the great hall, greeting fellow freshman along the way. He skids to a halt when he sees a familiar face in the crowd.

Waving frantically, he waddles his way to the crowd in front of his dear friend Luhan. “Luhan! Its so nice to see you! I wonder what house we’ll be put in, huh?” Luhan nods and smiles his signature dazed-but not really smile to him. It makes him beam as well.

“I don’t know about you, but I hope I get placed in Ravenclaw. My whole family’s been under Ravenclaw for the past 4 decades or so.” Luhan nervously chews on his lower lip as he and Harry line up with all the other students in the hall, anxiously waiting for their turn.

Harry hums and pats Luhan in the back, telling him he’ll be fine. Harry wonders where he’ll be placed. But he doesn’t really care, as long as he’s not in the same house as Kaico, everything is fine and dandy.

One by one the hat sends freshman into their destined house, and a flurry of people come and go from the hall. Prefects are everywhere, assisting freshmen and their luggage to their assigned houses, room assignments given out, maps handed to anyone who wanted them, passwords said in a hurry, etc etc. Harry blinked and took the surroundings around him, managing a small smile but it completely turns into a scowl as his eyes land on an unsuspecting Kaico.

Kaico was running around the hall, chasing after a laughing McSehun, and two other guys, who he thinks are Jonghyun and Key, Kaico’s other airheaded friends. The obnoxious bunch literally trip over other smaller, stationary students. Not caring if they fall over, or they get stepped on, not even stopping once for an apology. Harry grits his teeth and mutters a spell in his mind, aiming for Kaico and his friends.


Petrificus Totalus.


Harry waits, and snickers mischievously as he watches Kaico and his friends halt in mid step, forced into a state of attention, and just freeze. Onlookers watch in a mixture of pity, shock, and awe as Kaico and his friends frantically move their eyes around to see whoever cast the spell on them, glaring whenever they lock eyes with anyone. Harry on the other hand keeps his eyesight forward, watching the new sorting hat in sudden interest. His grip on Luhan’s shoulder gets a teensy bit tighter and Luhan winces, turning to look at Harry and he beams at the other. Low and threatening growls are heard from the other side of the room.

As Luhan sits on the stool and the hat is placed on top of his head, 4 distinct plops are heard from somewhere in the back of the great hall. No one turns to find out 4 idiots sprawled all over the ground, purposely ignoring the ruckus of fallen people. A freshman somewhere to their left is video-taping the whole thing.

As Harry strides over to where the new sorting hat is placed, he smiles to his friend Luhan, already hauling his suitcase and other belongings to Ravenclaws high towers.


As the four idiots try to regain their dignity and composure, Harry is sent off to Gryffindor’s quarters.




Harry’s new roommate is Chenald Weasely. But according to him, everyone just calls him Chen. Harry smiles and offers his right hand, pushing the rim of his glasses up with his free hand. Chen takes it and gives it a good squeeze, grinning widely. Harry notices Chen’s hands are rough and callused. He briefly thinks that its texture is good for it but then he catches himself and blushes, throwing a sheepish grin instead as they unpack their stuff and engage in light conversation.


Moments later, the sound of light tapping on their front door echoes through the room and the two boys look up from what they were doing. “Come in!” Harry yells and smiles widely as he sees his visitor, Suho. Harry brushes his dirtied hands on his jeans and walks over to where Suho was standing. Harry never notices, however, as Suho and Chen exchange knowing glances, smiling shyly to each other. If one knew the other, no one made a move to show it. Harry bid his new found friend and roommate a goodbye and went out with Suho, for their study date. Yes, he and Suho has a study date to attend to, for their first quarter practical examinations on charms next week.

Seated next to each other in the school’s vast library, Harry nudges Suho in the side in a fail attempt of acting cute and kind-of-sort-of flirting. He’s always liked Joonmoney Granger, his real name, he said, since the very first time they met. Except for the fact of course that he bears this striking appearance to a person in Harry’s ‘list of childhood traumas’.

Harry had puffed his cheeks and blew out a huff of air, effectively turning the page of the book he was staring at reading. In boredom, Harry took a peek at the studying Suho beside him and with a resigned sigh, slid off his glasses and laid his cheek on the table, prepared to doze off any minute. Everything was blurred when Harry took off his glasses, thus making it easier to just close his eyes and sleep, instead of seeing with the uncomfortable sight he had. A minute later however, when Harry was just a step away into drifting to dreamland, Suho moved the heavy textbook away from him and laid his cheek on the table as well, facing Harry. He blew air and it hit Harry’s face, fanning him gently with Suho’s minty-fresh breath. Squinting, Harry opened his eyes to see a blur of milky white. “Uh, Suho?”

The milky white blur was gone for a while and Harry heard a bit of shuffling, before everything cleared into focus as his glasses was slid perfectly onto the bridge of his nose, framing his large, doe-eyes. Blinking until his sight returned to normal, he saw an amused Suho beside him, with his right palm under his chin, staring at him with a gentle smile. “Charms too boring for you, D.otter?”

Harry snorted and tried to come up with something cool to say. “Pfft. No, of course not! I love charms and the spells and all that, stuff.

Suho looked unconvinced. “Uh-huh.”

Harry smiled sheepishly. “What?”

“Okay then, since you’re such a charms lover, what’s the spell for making stuff fly?”

Harry’s mind went blank. He knew that spell, it was his favorite. But it seems like his brain and common sense all flew out the library’s deteriorating window as Suho’s smile blinded him, preventing him from thinking about anything else, except at how everything was suddenly in slow motion, and that the sun’s rays hit Suho’s hair perfectly, the breeze playing with his soft brown locks, framing his perfect face, how his complexion seems to glow amidst the dusty and ancient ambiance the library had, or how a halo suddenly appeared out of nowhere, hovering above Suho’s head in a saint-like manner; how Kaico’s sneering face suddenly appeared and— wait what, Kaico?

Harry blinked and was brought back down to reality as two fingers snapped in front of him repeatedly. “Jeez, Hogwarts to Harry! You okay buddy? You spaced out there for a bit, and I think you drooled while staring at me.” Suho cringed a bit and Harry hurriedly bought up his hand to wipe at the corner of his mouth.

“Hey! I did not drool!” Harry pouted at a snickering Suho.

“”Sorry Harry, you looked really spaced out a while ago. You’re eyes got glassy and your mouth was hanging open, and it was like you were in another world.”

“Hmm, did I?” He was lost in another world alright, in ‘Suho is perfect’ world.

“Well, what were you thinking about?” Suho said while turning back to his book, scanning the pages swiftly with his eyes.

“Oh, nothing interesting in particular.”



“Hmmm.” Suho was again absorbed in his study world. If only you knew, Harry thought, but then, Kaico’s face crossed his mind for the second time that day. Why did that gaytard suddenly appear in my thoughts? Ugh.

Harry was appalled by Kaico’s sudden wandering into his consciousness but he brushed that thought aside, now leaning against Suho as he peered over the other’s book, clearly oblivious to the fact that somewhere in the library, someone was watching him, digging holes in the outline of his back.




“Ayo wassup D.otter!”


Harry almost dropped all the books he was holding when he saw Kaico and McSehun in his new room and Chen tied up in the corner like a caterpillar— WAIT WHAT?! CHEN IS TIED UP?!

Scrambling to where his new roommate is hung and held against his will, Harry glared at the two intruders and untied Chen from his restraints.

Harry noticed Chen’s mouth was tied as well.

“Harry! Harry! Those people,” Chen pointed an accusing finger at the two brats standing near Harry’s bed. “— they’re monsters!” Chen narrowed his eyes at them accusingly and his behind Harry’s back. “Do you know them?”

Harry sighed and gave Chen a tired look. “Hmm. Sorry about that, Chen. Are you all right?” Checking his roommate for injuries except for a few scratches on his wrist caused by the tight rope, Chen looked generally okay. “Chen, I swear—I’ve never seen this lot before. WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?” Harry then proceeded to wave his wand around them threateningly.

“Hey! You totally do know us! We’re his friends! Well, sort of.” Kaico grinned and Sehun snorted.

Chen turned to look at Harry with wide eyes and mouth hanging open. “These… these beasts— you’re acquainted with them? Harry, I thought you were part of the better lot! I actually thought you were nice!”

“Wait, I am nice! What are you talking about? Chen, calm down! Kaico, McSehun, if you both won’t leave this room right this instant, I swear I’ll call on Kris to kick your sorry asses out of here.” Harry let out a low growl as warning and still had his wand in the air in a defensive manner, one hand placed protectively over Chen as he continued to stare Kaico and McSehun down.

“Sheesh! Okaay, okay. No need to pull out the big guns. Your friend over there is just overreacting.” Kaico rolled his eyes and McSehun stayed silent, sipping on a glass of bubbletea he conjured out of nowhere.

“Overreacted?? OVERREACTED?!?” Chen made exaggerated hand movements in the air as he stared incredulously at the two unwanted visitors and then at Harry. “I was eating chips—, eating chips goddamit! Until I was rudely interrupted by these two, two imbeciles! Slamming the door open, causing my half-eaten chips to fly out of my hand. Bombarding me with questions about you like they were searching for a wanted criminal.” Chen threw an angry glare at the two who brushed off the accusation like it was nothing.  “I didn’t know where you were, honest! And they kept pestering me about it. Until tan boy there said ‘he doesn’t believe a thing I say’ and so they shoved me onto the cold floor, went on top of me, tied my hands behind my back and hung me on that corner over there. It’s just simply traumatizing. My chips…”

Harry stood there immobilized, thinking of what to do next.

“That’s it. Out.”





Kaico shot Harry a kicked puppy look but Harry was having none of that. Standing his ground, the two made their way towards the arc shaped door.

McSehun looked indifferent while Kaico looked defeated. He threw Harry one last look before exiting out the door hastily, leaving Chen gaping and Harry no-less than irritated.


“I know.”


“You just kicked those two Slytherin creatures’ .”


“Not really.” He said, shrugging. “But Chen… I heard you were good at pulling pranks—“

Chen cut him off immediately. “Payback time.”




A/N: Originally I told you guys that this would only be a three shot, but to be honest by looking at the story right now, I think it’ll be a 5-shot. ; A ; ASsdfgfhjkl; sorry for the sudden lengthening of the story OTL

I got so hyped up to write this. I haven’t written in a long time in this is my first ‘actual’ breakthrough so please support me o/

Also, thanks for all the upvotes, subscriptions and the comments. I appreciate each and everyone of them~! <3 btw, I plan on writing a bonus chapter after I post the end of this fic sometime next week. Tell me which pair you’d like me to write on! P.s it’ll be 8-12k; ouo

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Chapter 2: Omfg!!! I'm laughing so hard!!!! This is so...i just love it
Arrrlex3 #2
Hey ~
I'm kind of afraid to start reading. Is this going to be updated ? Or did you drop this ff ?
Just found this story and woah I love it :D continue please <3
Chapter 6: I can never read harry potter book the same way again....the make out sesdion was Urgh. Fighting for the nrxt chapter
Red_7892 #5
Chapter 6: Yay! U update HURRAY! It's been so long, I thought u abandon this story
The kiss was intense, and hot man 0.0
plz update soon!
Whoa u updated o.o
Red_7892 #7
This story is hilarious! I love it! Please update soon!!!
I really want to