Dumb and Blind

Best Plan Ever

Jongup wasn't dumb. Well, he admits that he has his off days where he'll say something and the members would just stare at him like he'd grown a second head - but Jongup was certainly not blind. On the contrary, he was actually quite observant, he just never let on. 


He knew, for example, that his best friend was harbouring a huge crush on Youngjae from the way Junhong would sneak dreamy glances when he thought no one was looking. Jongup was looking, of course, but Junhong never noticed. He never blamed him for not confiding it. The boy was still so young and being surrounded by males 24/7 made even the most strongest of men question their uality.


On that note, Jongup was 100% sure that Himchan was gay. Or, at the very least, bi (with a preference for the D). The D as in Daehyun. How did he know? It was so blatantly obvious Jongup wondered why no one else had commented on it. 


Himchan acted like Daehyun was Satan himself, at the worst of times, but Jongup could recognise ual frustration from a mile away and his hyung was reeking of it. Daehyun, on the other hand, mistook Himchan's ferocity as genuine. And Jongup knew that it hurt him. Mostly because Jongup knew Daehyun liked Himchan too. 


Yes, Jongup was not dumb. Actually, he was probably smarter than all of them. Maybe. Anyway, it was starting to get frustrating to see the amount of crap Daehyun received from Himchan. It had intensified the past few months, and even Jongup began feeling bad for the Busan (more so than usual, anyway). That was why he had a plan. It was going to be the best plan ever. Ever.




I can do this. I can do this. Come on, Moon Jongup, you can do it. Mentally prepping his mind whilst physically shaking himself out, Jongup got off the couch and made his way over to the kitchen where Himchan was currently cooking. From the smell, Jongup was sure it was bibimbap. Ignoring his suddenly grumbling stomach, he tapped Himchan on the shoulder.


"Ya-? Oh, Jonguppie, what's up?" his hyung questioned whilst mixing the pan and adding in some seasoning. The smell was delicious. Jongup wondered where Daehyun was as he was usually found hovering over the cooking, nit-picking the food. Though he was glad the Busan was not present because his presence was not part of the plan. At least, not at this stage.


"Can I speak to you? In private?" Jongup asked, eyeing Youngjae who was on the other side of Himchan slicing up seaweed. Youngjae raised an eyebrow, but unnaturally chose not to comment. Jongup was silently thankful. He didn't know how to begin to explain what he was doing.


Himchan momentarily stared at Jongup with an inquisitive look before nodding and wiping his hands on the front of his red checkered apron. They walked into the corridor away from any of the others' prying ears.


"What is it, Jongup?"


Suddenly frightened, Jongup was speechless. What was he doing? He was meddling in people's affairs. He shouldn't be doing this! Torn, Jongup opened his mouth, but abruptly shut it again.


Himchan watched him with confusion. "Jonguppie?"


"I like Daehyun-hyung." he blurted out. It's too late now, he consoled himself, I can't turn back.


The range of emotions crossing Himchan's face was a little difficult to pinpoint. Was that anger? Sadness? Confusion? Jealousy?


"I like Daehyun-hyung, and I don't know what to do, hyung."


Himchan frowned. "Why are you telling me this?"


"I didn't know who else to tell.." Jongup trailed off, attempting to sound lost and sad, which was actually quite easy.


"I'm glad you told me then." Himchan's voice was warm like the smile on his face. "Did you want me to tell him?"


Jongup nearly laughed. That was exactly the question he was hoping his hyung would ask. This was definitely the best plan ever.


"No, no!" Jongup acted panicked. "I just needed to tell someone. Thanks for listening, Himchan-hyung."


He then proceeded to walk off, purposefully leaving a surprised Himchan to mull over his confession. Jongup grinned mischievously, giving himself a mini high-five. Phase 1: complete.  




It was freezing. Jongup was currently on the roof, shrouded in the dark, shivering and cold. He was waiting patiently (now not so patiently because of the sudden icy atmosphere of the night..) for his hyungs.


Whenever their nights weren't too busy, Himchan and Daehyun would usually be found on the rooftop, talking late into the night. It shocked Jongup that they didn't see their obvious physical attraction towards each other. He shook his head; his hyungs were so blind.


Out of the blue, the rooftop door swung open revealing a disheveled-looking, though ever attractive, Himchan, and a sleepy, puffy-lipped Daehyun. Himchan looked like a combination of frustrated and upset. Jongup felt momentarily guilty, but pushed the feeling away as he consoled himself that the outcome would be worth it.


"Hyung, what's up?" Daehyun asked. "I've never seen you want to talk so urge-"


"It's about Jongup." Himchan cut off. 


The said boy noticed the slight falling of Daehyun's face. Jeez, all these two needed was a push. A really hard push.


"Oh!" Daehyun finally replied after a beat. "What's happened to Jonguppie?"


From what Jongup could see, Himchan's eyes were suddenly downcast, as if he were contemplating on whether he should say it. Daehyun appeared to want to speak up again when Himchan lifted his gaze, a sudden sharpness in his eyes.


"Jongup likes you."


Daehyun abruptly looked startled. "What?"


Himchan rolled his eyes in turn. "Jongup told me that he likes you."


Jongup mentally noted that if he actually were to have a crush on any of the members (not that he would because it would be too weird), he was definitely never going to reveal that kind of information to Himchan (at least, not ever again).


"Jonguppie... likes me?" Daehyun repeated, sounding extremely perplexed. "Me? Why me?"


"I don't know why you either." Himchan grumbled.


Jongup tried not to chuckle. His hyung was much too protective at times.


"Thanks." Daehyun sarcastically replied. "Really nice of you, Himchan-hyung."


"That's not what I meant." Himchan sighed.


It was silent for a moment making Jongup frown. Maybe this wasn't the best plan ever..


"Do you like him too?" Himchan finally asked.


The look in his eyes was challenging, Jongup thought that was the best way to describe it. 


"What?" Daehyun spluttered. "No!"


Himchan's nostrils flared in evident disgust. "See? You've already hurt him."


Daehyun looked shocked. "But that is not my fault! I can't help what I feel!" 


Himchan shook his head. "Why? Do you like someone else?"


The younger man opened his mouth before shutting it completely and swallowing.


The older man's eyes widened. "You do! Who is it?! Is it someone from the company? I cannot believe you."


"No, hyung.."


"Tell me who it is, then. Tell me so I can know if they're better than our precious dongsaeng."


Jongup was flattered. Oh, if only Himchan knew what he was truly saying. He internally laughed.


"No!" Daehyun said, turning away.


"Tell me now!" Himchan shot back, grabbing Daehyun's arm so he couldn't escape. "Tell me or I'll-"


"You, hyung. It's you."


Jongup's breath caught in his lungs. The pieces were all falling into place! Resisting the urge to squeal in delight, Jongup watched on.


Himchan dropped Daehyun's arm as if his skin were on fire.




This time Daehyun rolled his eyes. "Yes, Himchan-hyung, I like you."


Another silence ensued and Jongup tried not to rip out any of his hair. Come on, hyung, just admit it already, Jongup anxiously thought.


"But.. why?"


Jongup literally face-palmed himself, shaking his head. This really wasn't going as smoothly as he'd hoped.


Daehyun suddenly chuckled making both of the other men stare at him in surprise.


"Because you're perfect." Daehyun answered.


Even with the limited artificial light from the rooftop and only the slight glow of the stars, Jongup was sure Himchan was blushing bright red. The boy tried not to cheer, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.


"You're beautiful, okay? You care about the members so much. You take care of us and you're always there when we need someone to talk to. You inspire me to be a better person by being like you. You're so talented and-"


His words were suddenly cut off as Jongup delightedly saw Himchan pounce on the unsuspecting Daehyun.


Their lips locked in a heated kiss and although Jongup knew it was wrong to watch, he couldn't help but do so. He was transfixed.


Daehyun's arms had wrapped around Himchan's thin waist whilst his arms, in turn, surrounded Daehyun's neck.


All of a sudden Himchan shoved him backward almost making Jongup groan aloud. 


"Stop." Himchan hissed.


"But you're the one who kissed me!" Daehyun cried in disbelief.


Exactly! Jongup thought in dismay. Seriously, what was with his hyung..?


The older man put his face in his hands, and the hurt on Daehyun's face tugged at Jongup's heart.


"I can't do this to Jonguppie." Himchan's voice was muffled by his fingers, but Jongup could still clearly hear. "We can't do this."


Another silence filled the air and although Jongup was immensely touched by his hyung's words, this was not part of the plan.


"Please." Daehyun whispered. He reached towards Himchan's face, carefully pulling the hands away. 


The pain on their faces mirrored one another as Daehyun left his own hand on Himchan's cheek. The older man sunk into him as if he were an anchor holding him down.


Jongup was past his breaking point. It didn't matter anymore. He was going to sabotage this damn plan and reveal himself. This was his last ditch effort. His hyungs were being unbelievable! Did they not know that if his crush were real, he would let them be happy?!


As he was about to climb out of his hiding spot, Himchan’s voice broke the silence.




Jongup's heart stopped. Had he heard correctly?! Judging by Daehyun's sudden mega watt grin, he had.


Instantly, Daehyun threw his arms around Himchan again, dragging him into another kiss. 


And that was Jongup's cue to leave. Feeling tremendously accomplished and triumphant, he stealthily crept out from his spot, still hidden in the shadows, heading for the exit.


Daehyun's voice suddenly rung out. "Jonguppie, you can show yourself now."


The boy's eyes widened in the dark, his body frozen in motion.


"Ya, Jonguppie!" Himchan sing-songed. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"


Oh, no. Oh, no! Jongup was panicking. What was happening?! This was not part of the plan! 


Heart palpitating, Jongup looked around, futilely looking for an escape route.


"Jonguppie, we're not angry.” Daehyun coaxed. “Just come out."


After throwing away the idea of flinging himself off the roof, Jongup reluctantly slid into the light, finally exposing himself to his hyungs.


"Well, hello there, stalker." Himchan mocked.


"But.. but, how-how did you-?" Jongup stopped, suddenly catching sight of the comfortable familiarity in the way Himchan and Daehyun were positioned.


Himchan's hand was possessively placed on Daehyun's hip whilst the younger hyung was unconsciously leaning into his body.


With widened eyes, Jongup nearly yelled in disbelief. "Since when?!"


Daehyun laughed, a sly twinkle in his eyes, "Four months ago."


Jongup could only blink; his mouth gaping open like a goldfish.


"Oh, Jonguppie, you're so cute." Himchan teased. "Matchmaker Jonguppie. Maybe you'll have better luck with Junhong and Youngjae, huh?" Himchan ruffled the boy's hair before pulling Daehyun's hand towards the rooftop door.


Jongup watched them leave, with their hands intertwined, and their heads flipping back in unison as they laughed loudly together. 


Okay, so maybe Jongup was dumb. And blind. Yes, dumb and blind.




A/N: Thank you for reading. I know I keep ignoring Himchan's POV in my first story [Emotional], but I was playing with this idea for awhile and had to get it down. As always, please leave me your comments!

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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 1: Well my Uppie you tried!!! Lol This was so cute.
magicbananas #2
Chapter 1: Awwww~
Guppie was soooo sweet!!!!!!!!!!
That was a really good story ^^

Better luck next time, jongup~~~ XD
Dubiaku #3
Chapter 1: "strongest of men question their uality" - So you think that only weaklings question their uality? I suppose you think being gay is just a matter of not having enough muscles? You should be ashamed of yourself and people like you have no business in public or writing sick, hateful stories.
nohnohnohnoh #4
Chapter 1: awww jonguppie
so cute XD
angelwhite #5
Chapter 1: hahaha.. jongup is truly cute. XD
Chapter 1: lol-ing hard at the end XD poor jongup
great job author-nim ♥
Chapter 1: Awhh poor Uppie!
Lolface #8
Chapter 1: Too adorable!! I love how Jongup is so caring of his bandmates