More Than Just Practice [drabble]

More Than Just Practice

"No, no, like this!"

Within the confinements of the large practice room, Hyesung draws Junjin closer to him until the younger male's arm envelops around his waist, his head tilting back to press gently against his shoulder. The gesture startles Junjin at first and his instinct is to eye around the room to see if anyone's looking because really, the two aren't alone; there are several people lounging around them, the back dancers and the choreographer.

"What are you doing?" he mutters quietly, warningly against Hyesung's ear, his eyes soon focusing onto the large mirror that covered the entire side of the room before them. The pose the two sets is rather provocative and any more action taken will have the rest of their audience suspicious of their- or rather, Hyesung's- motive.

Truthfully, he much prefers to experience this in a more private setting. Like a dim-lit bedroom, lines of scented candles, fresh rose petals, and ripples of fine silk covering just enough of flesh-

Stop. He needs to stop; otherwise, he won't be able to cover anything from the waist down.

"You worry too much, Jin ah." Hyesung says in a voice just as soft and turns to follow the younger male's gaze to the mirror. Junjin can see the slight smile of mirth crossing Hyesung's lips. He is not taking it seriously. "Besides, this is dance practice."

"For you or for me? Because I can practically feel their eyes on us like they're disgusted since this is coming close to having public -"

Junjin stops as Hyesung shift within his hold, turning around and slinging loose arms over his shoulder. The older male then quirks up an eyebrow at him, looking rather disbelieved. "We've done something like this in the past and it didn't bother you back then. Why now?" And before Junjin can say a word in response, Hyesung quickly adds, "You were never this modest before!"

"Oh's nothing I could explain with ease..." Junjin mutters under his breath. However, since the two are in close proximity, Hyesung can hear it well enough. "What? What happened?" he inquires suspiciously. He blinks to the side, catching a glimpse of the choreographer calling up all the back dancers to discuss their positions for their next performances. And for a second, he can almost swear the male had given him a knowing look as he collects them to the opposite corner of the room.

Oh god.

Hyesung blinks back to Junjin and promptly shoves the invasive thoughts that gathers into his mind. He wonders if the choreographer knew; the male's a close friend of Eric's, after all...

"-so yeah. Hyung?"

"Y-Yes!" The older male jerks out of his thoughts with a stunned look on his face. "What did you just say?"

Junjin simply palms his face, unable to believe the other didn't hear him. "I don't want to repeat this!"

"No, really, I'm sorry. Tell me, Jin ah." Hyesung shakes his shoulders a bit, his eyebrows scrunching together in an apologetic way.

The younger lets out an exasperated sigh, turning away for a second only to come back and meet Hyesung's pleading gaze once again. His lips thin but he eventually relents- he won't admit it aloud but he'll always relent to Hyesung , whether he likes it or not. "Fine. It's..." he pauses and just as he takes a second glance away, he leans forward to whisper. "Minwoo hyung and Donghwan hyung...they were doing inexplicable things with each other. right. here. in this room." he points down on emphasis. "just yesterday."

A pause.

Junjin can almost see the cogs in Hyesung's head as they attempt to turn after a few tries. "...Wait, what?"

The younger male resists the urge to turn back and scream out of frustration. He sighs heavily. "They were both making out."

After what seems like hours, Hyesung pulls away from Junjin with a shout of disgust, eying down the floor and shaking his head vigorously. "Why did you tell me that! I don't want to know anything about their escapades!"

"Well, you told me you want to know!" Junjin defends himself. Neither he nor Hyesung are aware of the attention they're receiving. The cheoreographer shakes his head and promptly announces that practice is over and they can leave for today. A few of them are hesitant because Junjin and Hyesung provides them better entertainment than the nightly varieties; however, they're all eventually pushed out of the room, leaving the two idols at their own disposal.

Not that they noticed.

"This does not have anything to do with what we're doing now, you know!" Hyesung narrows his eyes at the younger male, cheeks tinged pink whenever he glance upon the large mirror. He's trying his best not to build up any sort of images involving other members.

The next words are unconsciously slipped out of Junjin's mouth: "You shouldn't have pressed yourself against me so provocatively then! The image just struck me because of you!"

Hyesung stops to blink. So did Junjin.

"That's not the kind of reaction I was hoping for." The older male eventually says, looking put off by the response. This causes Junjin to lift up an eyebrow in mild curiosity. "What were you expecting from me?"

Hyesung suddenly has the gall to look sheepish, his eyes not meeting with the younger male. After some time, he speaks up in a murmur that Junjin has to strain a bit in order to hear. "I was hoping you'd drag me out of the room know."

Being the more perceptive one, Junjin catches on after a short moment, mouth hanging low and eyes growing wide. This is something new- Hyesung's never the type to initiate more than quick pecks on the lips and intimate hugs on occasions (Junjin doesn't want to push; he's a good lover, after all). And whenever he tries something- more touching, more nips on the neck and jaw, more skin to skin contact- Hyesung would push him away and reprimands him for being a addict.

Okay, so he wanted more. Hell, only once had they gone all the way and that was months ago! And finally-

Finally, Junjin gazes around to find the practice room empty, save for them. Perfect opportunity.

Taking a step forward and pulling Hyesung close to him, Junjin offers a wolfish grin and leans toward those soft lips he's been eying on. "Let's have our fun here then."

His face soon meets Hyesung's palm. "Not here! You just told me that those two..." a shudder. "Anyway, let's just go somewhere else."

The younger male blinks once and nods eagerly at the proposition before he drags the other out of the room in a hurry. In the back of his mind, he curses at Minwoo and Donghwan for claiming the room first and wasting valuable (y) time.

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Chapter 1: loved it so chapter plzzzzzzzzzz :)
feelgyo #2
Chapter 1: Drabble juseyooooo~ ^^
This need to have chapters ^^ I like it... ^^♡♡♡♡♡♡