
Your my pet, but I love you
“Gone on, class is about to start SunMi! You can do it.” Whispered EunMi, as the two cousins sat watching their Math teacher enter the room. The rowdy kids quickly became quiet as their teacher clapped his hands. The focus of the students fell on their teacher, who opened up his textbook, ready to teach. SunMi wasn't up to the plan, but she couldn't lose the bet. If she couldn't distract their teacher...then she'd lose. If she lost- SunMi glanced over towards the windows. Sitting with his chin resting in his palm, JunHyung was already starting to doze off. If SunMi couldn't distract the teacher, EunMi said that...the consequences of the bet would be as equal to Hell on Earth, as five pennies to a nickle. The cost of losing the bet, were to throw a textbook- mind you that they are very hard and heavy- at the gang B2ST's leader. That would be the last thing SunMi would think of doing, besides even looking at the bad 'gangster'. “Okay class, today we are going to be going over a few things for the test that’s coming up next week. You're all going to have to hand in your papers tomorrow, as well. So, now, lets begin!” Mr. Shin exclaimed, beginning to turn around towards the chalk board. EunMi nudged SunMi in the side. “Yah!” She whispered, jerking her head towards the teacher. SunMi shook her head, her face begging for mercy. She didn't want to do this, knowing she was unable to succeed. EunMi started to count down on her fingers. Five fingers....SunMi whimpered. Four fingers...her eyes darted from the fingers to the chalkboard. Three fingers...EunMi reached for a textbook. Two fingers...she handed it to SunMi One finger.... “MR.SHIN!” SunMi yelled, jumping out of her seat, earning a quiet laugh from EunMi. Mr. Shin cursed under his breath at the sudden noise. He turned around and crossed his arms. SunMi's face grew hotter, as she glanced around the room. Everyone was looking at her, even JunHyung had woken from his daydream to give her a look. “SunMi! What is wrong? Class barely started.” Mr. Shin sighed, rubbing his temples. SunMi slowly clenched her fists. “I...I'm sorry, I...was wondering could tell us about your wife?” SunMi stuttered, coming up with the first thing that popped up in her head. Mr. Shin just stared at her, and everyone was quiet. JunHyung covered his mouth as he started to laugh. Everyone noticed him, and unleashed their laughter as well. Oh this is just great. What do I do? I don't know how I should distract him...all there is left is....the consequences. SunMi thought, glancing down at her giggling cousin. She was holding the textbook, which didn't seem to big now that SunMi looked at it again. Maybe it wouldn't hurt if she... It was very clean and quick. With a flick of her wrist, SunMi snatched the textbook from EunMi's hands, and threw it across the room. The book hit square on with the laughing leader. Everyone went quiet as they saw the contact of the book and JunHyung's head. The boy's head jerked forward, almost face planting into his desk. As the textbook dropped to the floor and JunHyung's hand slowly made its way up to the bump that would soon form, SunMi froze. I did it...I just threw a textbook at B2ST'S gang leader. I'm dead, I'm dead! Without even thinking, SunMi grabbed her bag and rushed to the door. She exited the classroom, without even an explanation for the action she had just succeed in. She may have been successful in the consequence of the bet, but there sure was more to come. How did she know? She could tell from the angry footsteps that were chasing after her. She looked over her shoulder to see JunHyung running after her, and he looked pissed. “Come back here you little !” He yelled, causing other classroom windows to be filled with curious student faces. No way was SunMi going to stop, not unless she wanted to die young. She turned a corner, and headed straight for the Girl's Bathroom. Once inside the bathroom, she locked herself in a stall. She stayed there, heavily breathing. All of a sudden the bathroom door burst open. SunMi covered , so her screams would be heard. “Don't think I wont come in here you ! Where are you? I can break a door down, you know. That I am not afraid of doing.” He boasted, his footsteps becoming louder as he reached the stall SunMi was in. SunMi clasped her hands together, praying to God that he wouldn't kill her. SunMi felt her life flash before her eyes as the stall door opened with a gust of wind. She screamed, seeing JunHyung's eyes. They were dark, stormy, and as angry as bull. SunMi froze as she saw his muscles flexing, the veins on his arms and neck protruding from his skin. He looked like a true beast. “Please...” SunMi felt tears forming in her eyes. JunHyung snorted, grabbing her arm and dragging her out of the stall, and slamming her back against the wall. He pinned her arms to the wall as well, and stared at her. SunMi squinted her eyes, unable to look at the man in front of her. “Why did you do that? You want to die early? Don't think I have any rules that girls can't get hurt.” He growled, SunMi opening her eyes to see JunHyung raising his hand. “It...was a bet...and you...please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to hurt you.” She squinted her eyes again, a tear finally falling down her cheek. It fell from her face and landed on the floor. JunHyung looked down at the floor, and scoffed. “It...didn't hurt. And fine, I wont hurt you.” He whispered, roughly letting her hands go. SunMi slowly opened her eyes, and stared at JunHyung hopefully. “You...wont?” She questioned, confused but happy at the same time. Of course she didn't dare show those emotions in front of him. JunHyung nodded, about to say something, but was cut off by SunMi jumping on him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him. “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” She repeated, shaking JunHyung around. JunHyung's eyes widened at the hug, and his lips slightly curved in amusement, but was quickly washed away by sternness. “Get off me.” He coughed, pushing SunMi's smaller body off of him. She banged against the wall, and looked up at JunHyung. “I said I wouldn't hurt you, but I never said I would let you get off free.” He crossed his arms, and looked her up and down. “You seem to not be ugly, so that’s a plus...fine. You'll be my toy; that’s what you get for messing with B2ST, my little pet.” He said, his finger SunMi's cheek. She blushed, and slapped his hand away. “P-pet?” She questioned. JunHyung nodded, and lifting her chin so that she was looking into his eyes. “You're mine now, and you can't leave my side. 'Pet'” He smirked, patting SunMi's head. JunHyung turned, and strolled out of the Girl's Bathroom. SunMi felt her legs go weak, and her back slid down the wall. She landed on the floor with a thump, and looked towards the closed door. “Pet? Toy? What did I get myself into? I can't believe this...I'm a good girl, messing with gangs. I'm doomed.” She sighed, hugging her knees. -----------JunHyung's P.O.V----------------- “Please...” She pleaded, and I could see the tears in her eyes. Damn, I hate when girls cry. I snorted, and grabbed her arm. Pulling her out of the stall, I pushed her against the wall. I stared at her, surprise filling me. She was cute...I never noticed her before. She squinted her eyes, probably scared less. “Why did you do that? You want to die early? Don't think I have any rules that girls can't get hurt.” I growled, causing her to finally opening her eyes to see me. I raised my hand high, anger coming over me. Man I overdo it sometimes. “It...was a bet...and you...please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to hurt you.” She squinted her eyes again, a tear finally falling down her cheek. So it was a bet? How annoying. I looked down at the floor, amused by her thought of even thinking something like that could hurt me. “It...didn't hurt. And fine, I wont hurt you.” I whispered, letting her hands go a little too roughly. What was with me? I need to cut it out. SunMi slowly opened her eyes, and stared at me. Those eyes, reminded me of all the people I had fought before. Their eyes were always that wide, begging for mercy. “You...wont?” She asked me, I could she her skin start to regain its color. Odds are she never had been so scared before, she was still slightly shaking. I nodded, and right as I was about to tell her to leave, she jumped on me. I froze as she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. She grateful thanked me about a hundred times. How cute. I smiled my hands moving to hug her back- wait. What was I doing? “Get off me.” I said as I pushed her away from me. I coughed, surprised and confused from the new feelings. I needed to get out of there, but I didn't really want to yet...“I said I wouldn't hurt you, but I never said I would let you get off free.” I lied. Her smile fell, and I regretted my words. But they wouldn't stop flowing from my mouth. It was just my body's reaction. If I start to lose my 'gangster' feel, my body will react on its own. I hate it. I looked her up and down, noticing her her polished shoes, knee high socks, ironed skirt and shirt, and her hairband that was holding back her brown hair. She wasn't that bad looking... “You seem to not be ugly, so that’s a plus...fine. You'll be my toy; that’s what you get for messing with B2ST, my little pet.” Pet? Toy? What was I talking about? “P-pet?” She questioned. I nodded, and lifting her chin so that I could look at her more closely. The real me wanted to just stare at this girl, and figure out the feelings that washed over me; yet the bad me couldn't help but act like a jerk. “You're mine now, and you can't leave my side. 'Pet'” I smiled, happy to have her by my side, but my smile came off rather...gruesome. I never smiled, except for today. First she made me laugh, and then right as I'm about to lose it..I calmed down – more like felt horrible- when she cried. I have to get out of here! I let go of her, and walked out of the bathroom without turning around. -----After school, SunMi's P.O.V----- “You're his WHAT?!” EunMi stopped in her tracks, covering . She stared at me as I turned around and looked at her. I shot her a look. “I'm his 'toy' now, because of you! Why did you make that the consequence! Aish!” I said, slapping her upside the head. “Dummy.” EunMi sighed, and rubbed her head. “You didn't even go through with the bet! You just through the book at him! And I don't know that’s all I could think of anyway-” EunMi stopped as we walked through the school’s front gate. I looked at her. “What..what-” I followed her stare, and froze also when I saw JunHyung leaning against the school walls. He hadn't seen us, and was talking to the five other members of B2ST. “Yah...lets go the long way.” I whispered to EunMi, who nodded in agreement. We turned around slowly, and I took a deep breath as we started to quietly walk the other way. Sadly, the feeling of freedom never came. “Pet!” I cringed, turning around halfway to see the B2ST gang walking my way. JunHyung was in front, his smile sickening. Did this boy even know how to smile? It was gross. I looked to my side and saw EunMi was nowhere insight. SHE DITCHED ME! “Yah, Pet! You here me?” I turned around, figuring it would be good to obey him. I didn't want to go home bruised. “So this is the girl? Pretty cute.” Doojoon asked, smirking at me. He reached to pet my hair, but his hand was stopped right before it made contact with me. “Hands off.” JunHyung said, his tone protective. Doojoon backed down, and I couldn't help but smile to myself. So no one would touch me, eh? Now I could study! “Shes mine, boys. And lets keep it that way.” The boys nodded, and JunHyung wrapped his arms around my waist, and laid his chin in the crook of my shoulder. I stood there like stone, and felt like throwing up. The others shrugged, and started walking the way EunMi and I were going to originally. JunHyung didn't let go of me. When the boys were a few feet away, I felt his breath warm against my neck. “Don't worry, I won't let them touch you, Pet.” he slowly unwrapped his arms. “It's...SunMi.” I grunted, and turn to go find EunMi. He didn't need me right? He was probably just showing off to the other gang members. I felt JunHyung grab my hand. “Where are you going?” He asked, his voice startled. Probably that I would dare walk away from him, and honestly I didn't know where the 'courage' came from. “I'm going home? I thought you only wanted me to meet the members-” “Come with me, they wont be there.” He ordered, but in a way it was friendly. That part confused me. Maybe this guy had a sweet side. I laughed, probably not. “Why?” “I said you were my toy right...and that you need to be by my side.” He gave me a small smile, which wasn't as gross as his smirk. “Fine...just don't hurt me.” I said, starting to be a bit scared of where we were going. “If you show me to your house, I wont hurt you.” He said, that smirk returning. “” I asked, as he pulled me down the street. Passing students watched us, whispering. They were going to misunderstand... I yanked out of JunHyung's hold. He turned around and tilted his head. “I don't want you to know where my house is...I don't want gangsters like you near my house. You mad?” I said, stepping away from him. “I'd rather you hit me then me show you where I live.” I said, with no regret. I watched his face, looking for any sign of emotion. All I found, was sadness. He looked down at the ground, and then at some kids nearby. “WHAT AR EYOU LOOKING AT YOU LITTLE ERS? YOU WANT A BEATING!” He yelled, showing them a fist. The kids ran away, which I wish I could do, but my legs wouldn't move. All I could do was look fixedly at JunHyung. That comment actually got to him... had I hurt the gang leader of B2ST's feelings? ME? I reached out and touched his arm. “I'm sorry-” “SHUT UP!” He yelled, slapping my arm away, and punching the stone wall that surrounded the school. His face contorted at the pain, and he pulled back his hand. I gasped at the sight of blood. His hand was cut up badly. “JunHyung! You're hurt.” I exclaimed, reaching out and cupping his fist with my hands. He took in a sharp breath at my sudden movement. His eyes were closed tight, as I blew on the cut. “What are you can stop..” He said, his voice tired. “Don't do this, I can fix it-” “Quiet,” I said, looking up at him, and smiled. “don't you know that pets are the best comfort when you are hurt?” I tilted my head, and chuckled when I saw a small hint of a smile on his face. I looked at his cut, and sighed. “Lets get you to the nurse...but she is most likely gone.” I thought out loud. ------JunHyung's P.O.V---- She cradled my wounded hand in her small palms. My hand was scarred from all my other freakouts, but she didn't get freaked out. She just focused on my wounds. I couldn't help but watch her face as she blew on my cut. Her lips were puckered, and as she blew on my cuts I couldn't help but wince. “What are you can stop...” I offered to her. “Don't do this, I can fix it-” I don't want to feel these strange feelings. Please let go. “Quiet.” She said, which startled me. This girl wasn't afraid to talk to someone like me? “don't you know that pets are the best comfort when you are hurt?” She smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back. My stomach felt queasy I was getting a nervous. What was this? Butterflies? Why would there be butterflies in me though... “Lets get you to the nurse...but she is most likely gone.” She contemplated what to do, but I wasn't listening. I was focused on this feeling, the feeling that was coming over me as she absent mind-idly rubbed the back of my hand with her thumb. She didn't even notice what was going on with me. She didn't notice my face grow redder. “Its fine-” “I guess I can bring you to my house..” She said, letting go of my hand. She looked up at me. “Only because I feel sorry...that I made you do that, and for what I said.” She apologized, and walked past me. I followed her without a word, my heart beating fast at the thought of her house. No girl ever brought me to their house. They were always afraid...well that was a bad excuse. No girl ever brought me to their house, because I've never had a girl to call my own. I never had someone that cared about me, that would see the hidden JunHyung. Someone that would break off the lonely shell of 'B2ST'S LEADER' and would set the caring me out. I think I found her though...SunMi, SunMi, SunMi...What a pretty name. “JunHyung? Aren't you coming in?” I snapped out of it, and looked up at SunMi's confused face. She was holding the door open for me. I just stared at it, and slowly looked at the house. It was nice, small, and very homely. I looked back at her. “I can actually go in? You aren't afraid I'll, like, you or something?” I asked, immediately regretting it. What a stupid thing to say! I'm just implanting bad images into her mind! “Hah! No way! Come on!” She laughed, and grabbed my non-wounded hand. She dragged me into her house, which gave off a very calm cozy feeling. I felt like there was no reason to be stiff here. I immediately relaxed, and smiled. Maybe I could stay here forever, and never return to the bad boy JunHyung. “OH! You smiled!” SunMi pointed at my face and laughed. “That's good. I was afraid that you would be emotionless forever. Wait here.” She motioned to a cream colored couch, and walked down a hallway and out of sight. I watched her go, and smiled even more. I took my place on the couch, and let my hand rest on the fabric. Never in my life have I liked getting hit...but getting hit by that textbook must have woken me up. “I'm a new person- no. I'm the real me...I don't have to be bad...I don't have to be angry anymore...thanks to SunMi.” I whispered to my self, as I smiled. “Sorry to keep you waiting.” My head shot up, and I felt the butterflies return as I saw SunMi walk over. She was carrying a box of band aids, and disinfectant. “It still hurt?” She asked me, sitting next to me. I shook my head, and let her take care of my hand. I watched as she concentrated on the cuts. Placing a band aid over each knuckle. “I don't like it when you and the gang members get all row-died up. I've seen you fight before.” She said, without looking up. “You've seen me fight before?” I asked her, angry with myself. She simply nodded. “It was last year, and you were fighting with Doojoon. You guys had got in an argument in class, and after school you confronted him. At first I felt bad when you hit Doojoon, but I felt worse when I saw you get cut on your arm. It looked so painful...and I watched you lay there...I was actually ready to run over to you, but my friends stopped me. They told me I shouldn't get involved with the gangs.” She chuckled. “Seeing how we're here now, I guess their advice didn't break through to me.” She looked at me and smiled. Her gaze fell on my left arm. She traced a finger over a scar on it, and sighed. “That's the cut, huh? Brutal.” She let go of my hand. “All done.” I looked at her, and watched her smile. “SunMi...” I whispered, her name easily leaving my lips. She looked up, and smiled. “What?” “Thank you for today, and thank you... for almost coming to me that day...” I looked away embarrassed. SunMi looked at me quizzically. “But I didn't help you?” She said. “I know,” I looked at her and smiled. “but you are probably the only person would ever even consider helping me.” I took her hand. “You didn't care that I was a scary guy, you just saw through that. No one ever thought that I had any other personality...even though I hate being like that. I hate being scary, and you noticed that. So, thanks.” I smiled at her. She nodded, and squeezed my hand. “Every one deserves a second chance, JunHyung.” She looked at me, her eyes hopeful. “Just like everyone deserves to be in love?” I asked her, and she thought about it. “Yeah, like love...” she nodded, trailing off as I squeezed her hand, and slowly leaned in. I closed the gap between ups, and gently placed my lips against hers. She kissed me back, and slowly pulled away. “That day, you got hurt...I also thought you were very cute too...” She laughed, and I joined her. DONEE!! Thank you Allyouneedisme for requesting from me!! I hope you liked your one shot and sorry it took so long. I needed to think this over so it took longer lol. I hope you liked it and thanks again for requesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shesworthit #1
wow!! clap clap!!

so nice~~
Aww i like it ^^ XDD Thank you! :D