Love Story

'Lina, it's not Secretary of State, after all!'

We were finally driving back to SNU, thank God!.

'Still, Jaejoong, you could have been more enthusiastic.'

'I said congratulations.'

'It was mighty generous of you.'

'What did you expect, for chrissake?'

'Oh, God,' she replied, 'the whole thing makes me sick.'

'That's two of us,' I added. We drove on for a long time without saying a word. But something was wrong.

'What whole thing makes you sick, Lin?' I asked as a long afterthought.

'The disgusting way you treat your father.'

'How about the disgusting way he treats me?'. For Lina launched into a full - scale offense on paternal love. How I was disrespectful.

'You bug him and bug him and bug him,' she said.

'It's mutual, Lin. Or didn't you notice that?'

'I don't think you'd stop at anything, just to get to your old man.'

'It's impossible to 'get to' Kim Jaejoong III'. There was a strange little silence before she replied:

'Unless maybe if you marry Park Lina . . .'

I kept my cool long enough to pull into the parking lot of a seafood diner. I then turned to Lina, mad as hell.

'Is that what you think?' I demanded.

'I think it's part of it,' she said very quietly.

'Lina, don't you believe I love you?' I shouted.

'Yes,' she replied, still quietly, 'but in a crazy way you also love my negative social status.'

I couldn't think of anything to say but no. I said it several times and in several tones of voice. I mean, I was so terribly upset, I even considered the possibility of there being a grain of truth to her awful suggestion. But she wasn't in great shape, either.

'I can't pass judgment, Jae. I just think it's part of it. I mean, I know I love not only you yourself. I love your name. And your numeral.'

She looked away, and I thought maybe she was going to cry. But she didn't; she finished her thought:

'After all, it's part of what you are.'

I sat there for a while, watching a neon sign blink 'Clams and Oysters.' What I had loved so much about Lina was her ability to see inside me, to understand things I never needed to carve out in words. She was still doing it. But could I face the fact that I wasn't perfect? Christ, she had already faced my imperfection and her own. Christ, how unworthy I felt! I didn't know what the hell to say.

'Would you like a clam or an oyster, Lin?'

'Would you like a punch in the mouth, Preppie?' '

Yes,' I said. She made a fist and then placed it gently against my cheek. I kissed it, and as I reached over to embrace her, she straight-armed me, and barked like a gun moll:

'Just drive, Preppie. Get back to the wheel and start speeding!'

I did. I did.


My father's basic comment concerned what he considered excessive velocity. Haste. Precipitousness. I forget his exact words, but I know the text for his sermon during our luncheon at the SNU Club concerned itself primarily with my going too fast. He warmed up for it by. Suggesting that I not bolt my food. I politely suggested that I was a grown man, that he should no longer correct - or even comment upon - my behavior. He allowed that even world leaders needed constructive criticism now and then. But I was not about to set him up to reminisce about F.D.R., or his role in Korea bank reform. So I shut up. We were, as I said, eating lunch in the SNU Club. (I too fast, if one accepts my father's estimate.) This means we were surrounded by his people. His classmates, clients, admirers and so forth. I mean, it was a put-up job, if ever there was one. If you really listened, you might hear some of them murmur things like, 'There goes Kim Jaejoong.' Or 'That's Kim, the big athlete.' It was yet another round in our series of nonconversations. Only the very nonspecific nature of the talk was glaringly conspicuous.

'Abonim, you haven't said a word about Lina.'

'What is there to say? You've presented us with a fait accompli, have you not?'

'But what do you think, abonim?'

'I think Lina is admirable. And for a girl from her background to get all the way to Kyunsung ...' With this pseudo-melting-pot bull, he was skirting the issue.

'Get to the point, abonim!'

'The point has nothing to do with the young lady,' he said, 'it has to do with you.'

'Ah?' I said.

'Your rebellion,' he added. 'You are rebelling, son.'

'Abonim, I fail to see how marrying a beautiful and brilliant Kyunsung girl constitutes rebellion. I mean, she's not some crazy hippie - '

'She is not many things.'

Ah, here we come. The goddamn nitty gritty.

'What irks you most, abonim - that she's Catholic or that she's poor?' He replied in kind of a whisper, leaning slightly toward me.

'What attracts you most? '

I wanted to get up and leave. I told him so.

'Stay here and talk like a man,' he said.

As opposed to what? A boy? A girl? A mouse? Anyway, I stayed. The Sonova derived enormous satisfaction from my remaining seated. I mean, I could tell he regarded it as another in his many victories over me.

'I would only ask that you wait awhile,' said Kim Jaejoong III.

'Define 'while,' please.'

'Finish law school. If this is real, it can stand the test of time.'

'It is real, but why in hell should I subject it to some arbitrary test?' My implication was clear, I think. I was standing up to him. To his arbitrariness. To his compulsion to dominate and control my life.

'Jaejoong.' He began a new round. 'You're a minor - '

'A minor what?' I was losing my temper, goddammit.

'You are not yet twenty-one. Not legally an adult.'

'Screw the legal nitpicking, dammit!'' Perhaps some neighboring diners heard this remark. As if to compensate for my loudness, Jaejoong III aimed his next words at me in a biting whisper:

'Marry her now, and I will not give you the time of day.' Who gave a if somebody overheard.

'Abonim, you don't know the time of day.' I walked out of his life and began my own.

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Jjimjnah #1
Chapter 23: The ending was so sad I had tears in my eyes but omg this story was great, I loved it. X
Chapter 14: Wow... Wow wow wow. These past two chapters! Their lives just took a complete reality check! Good to know they will be married for three years but sad to know that Jae's relationship with his father has still not progressed. At least Lina is making an effort to reconcile them. The 60th birthday is such a monumental date in a person's life. Full circle, isn't that what Koreans believe? I hope he goes sees his father soon. And I love all the banter between these two! Even when their circumstances change, they're still at each other's throats in their own sweet loving way! It's... so ing endearing, lol.
Chapter 12: Omg - they really DID get married!! O.o Part of me was still skeptical, because their personalities are sort of "I dare you" bull, lol! WOW... I'm happy for them! The exchanging of vows was beautiful. Of course, it wouldn't be complete without their refreshing candor at the end, haha. I have to take my little one to sleep but I will come back and read your next chapter soon! ^^
Chapter 11: ^.^ Lina's appa is so laid back! And gruff! So sweet to see the connection between father and daughter. And I still can't believe they're getting married! I love how Jaejoong and Lina defend each other throughout the conversation. This was great!
Chapter 9: OMG... I kept searching and searching. You can't just drop an L bomb like that! But alas... You did. And it's so like Jaejoong to casually drop it into conversation to further his point! Lol! Argh! At first I thought he was really joking about the whole marriage thing, but now... !! I'm so confused! Torn is a better word. I want him to marry her for the right reasons, not just to spite his father. And yet, part of me feels that he truly does care for the girl because she gets him. She understands him like no other.

I felt spoiled with your double updates. Now I will sulk until your next one -_-
Chapter 7: Omg... I laughed. But it was an awkward laugh because I don't think I was supposed to, LOL! I loved how Jaejoong is basically pitted against all three. I'm hearing the story from his POV, but at the same time I get a sense that things are not as misconstrued as he makes it seem. I love it! The part where Lina says they're staying for dinner because she's hungry... That was classic! ^.^ More juseyo!
Chapter 6: I have to admit - it took me a bit to warm up to this story. First - because you informed us that the girl dies in the first sentence! Is this going to be angst?! ={ Next - Jaejoong is definitely a guy that I would never approach or like - he's a jock, rude, pompous. And then there's Lina - mouselike, smart, sharp. But they both connect over their strong sense of language/humor. But now... he's clinging to her, while she's like "why?" ^.^

I'm curious to see what you have in store for these two! But more importantly, I'm interested in seeing how she affects him and his outlook on life. Great development so far!
IamAlexis #8
Chapter 6: Officially in love with this! You stole my heart with your words once again!!(:
IamAlexis #9
OHMY!!! yay! So happy you've got another story!! :D