Fell in Love with a Wizard's Son

Fell In Love With A Wizard's Son

I have to admit, when I opened my fruit cart to sell some of the amazing home grown goods that my mother swears by, I didn’t think that people like the one in front of me existed. He was lean with feline eyes. Brown orvs that shined like the galaxy, slender nose, midnight black hair, and high cheek bones all topped a gorgeous body. I was almost beginning to think I was dreaming or at the very least, died and went to heaven. I had just come out of my trance when those brown orbs locked with my own. I felt my breaths begin to labor as my hammered in my chest; I thought he was going to hear my heart beats with the way he was looking at me. Those eyes looked like they could swallow souls, deep and dark. Just as I began to relax, the beautiful boy smirked. I had to close my eyes for a little bit, I was convinced, he was here to kill me with his beauty. I never thought that seeing someone smirk like that would so much. The boy began to back away from the cart, his eyes never leaving mine. With one more delicate smirk, he left to go on his merry little way and that’s when I noticed, “that kid stole my fruit!”



As I ran through the alley ways of town, I couldn’t help but, feel my cheeks burn up. That seller behind the cart was just staring at me, it’s like he’s never seen another human being before. He was pretty cute I must admit. I turned a corner and abruptly stopped, dead end. Damn. I turned around when I saw him, that seller he followed me. I guess he finally realized I stole the fruit off his cart. He was panting harshly; obviously he was trying hard to keep up with me. “Y-You, stole my fruit!” He exclaimed. I was trying to stifle a chuckle as I replied, “nice observation, captain obvious.” The seller rolled his eyes and spoke, with more composure this time, “Why did you steal my fruit?” Does this guy know how to ask questions? I replied, “Because I was hungry.” I think he was getting a little frustrated which made me chuckle again. “You could have at least paid for them.” He said again. I shrugged, “I guess I could have but, I was lazy plus you were staring at me with your mouth hanging open I thought that buying wasn’t of the norm.” This time the seller blushed and gave up, “Fine do what you want.” When he turned to leave, I panicked, “wait! You won’t tell the guards will you?” The seller turned and shrugged, “no, with out proof or witnesses there’s nothing they can do.” I watched him leave the alley. Releasing a relieved sigh, I left the alley and made my way home with the stolen fruit in my hands, suddenly the fruit started to weigh me down, great now I feel guilty.




When I arrived home, I placed the fruit down onto the counter. I looked around the house was dark except for the eerie candle light that illuminated my fathers study. Gulping, I crept past the room but, my father being the wizard that he is noticed me, “Kibum, go pay that boy.” He father demanded not even leaving the room. I sighed, whenever I do something bad he somehow finds that out so quickly. Maybe he follows me around while he is supposedly studying. Yes, my father is a wizard but, he isn’t the wizard that you think of. No, he doesn’t have bottles of liquids of all the colors of the rainbow and everything in between. No, he doesn’t wear a pointed hat and robes like he’s Gandalf.  No, he doesn’t have a long white beard. No, he doesn’t have a weirdly shaped staff and no, he’s not old. My dad is in his early thirties, he’s tall with dark hair and dark eyes. His study is probably the only thing that is anything close to a stereotypical wizard, it’s an office space with a large notebook and dozens of book shelves filled with books but, they’re mainly medical records he has few spell books. The reason for that is because if he looses one, it won’t be such a big deal. The spells that he does bother to write into a book are spells that are very energy consuming and spells that need very rare ingredients. He is a wizard who helps with things around the community such as, construction, pharmacist, healer, academic teaching, and other types of jobs like that. So, long story short, my dad is a normal man just with a little magic up his sleeve, literally.  I walked into his study and replied lowly, “how did you know?” He chuckled and turned to face me, “Kibum, this isn’t the first time you’ve done something like this, I know I don’t get a lot of money but, my wizardry will help us one day I promise now go pay him back ok?” Yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking how can we not have money when my dad works pretty much all of the time, well here’s the kicker the citizens here accept his assistance but don’t pay him all because of high taxes and guess who controls that, our government which so happens to be a king who is more concerned about how many rings he can fit onto one hand than about his citizens. Sighing I grabbed what money I had managed to save up and went back into town.



I handed a woman back her change and put up a sign on my cart that said ‘closed.’ I started packing when I heard a familiar voice, “Hey.” Looking up I saw him, that kid who stole my fruit. He wasn’t making any eye contact with me, he had an embarrassed flush across his cheeks that, for some reason, I found really adorable. “What can I do for you?” I asked a little surprised to see him. He grabbed my hand and placed a pouch into my hand. “There I paid for the food.” I blinked, he was actually paying me for the things he stole? I smiled and shook my head, “that’s ok, don’t worry I’ll let it slide this time, besides you seemed to be in desperate need for them.” This time his eyes widened, “A-are you sure? I have to pay you back some how.” I smiled at him sweetly and he blushed even more, how much cuter can this kid get? “Go out on a date with me, that’s all I ask.” The boy gulped, he seemed almost paralyzed. I smiled again and introduced myself, “My name is Jonghyun and you are?” The boy stuttered a little, “Uh-oh, um, I’m Kibum, I go by Key though.”  I can’t remember smiling so much. I really think I like him no, I think I love him. I truly love him. 

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Chapter 1: awwwwwww this is too cute my poor heart cant take this awwww. PLEASE!! MAKE A SEQUEL PLEEEEEAAAAASE AUTHOR-NIM!!! *puppy eyes*
Chapter 1: Hehe it's really cute I can't wait to see what will happen <3
Chapter 1: Really cute! ! *-* <3
onlykeycanunlock #4
Chapter 1: That was CUTEEEE~ omg i liked this so muchh :D i wonder if key can use magis,too..? Well doesn't matter as long as he is cute though :P
Oh please keep going :D i will be waitinng :D