After the Storm


A soft whimper makes Youngjae furrows his eyebrows and pouts a bit. He lets out a small groan as he carefully opens his lids, blinking a few times. He is confused of the sight of two melted candles and two cups of still full chocolate that remains untouched in front of him. He looks around the place and soon enough he finds out that he is still in the living room, leaning his head on Daehyun's shoulder.


Oh… We were sitting and fell asleep…


Slowly he turns his head up, his face meeting hot breath that comes out from the older. He smiles knowing his love is still sleeping peacefully beside him. He lifts up his chin to reach the other's jaw and plants a kiss there. He slightly pulls away as he notices something different. He carefully takes the other's face on his palms and lifts it in a really slow motion so that he can pull his head away. His expression turns to be worried as he feels that his palms meet a hot skin. He turns his body facing the other and examines the face that he is still cupping.


“Baby? God! You get fever!”


Daehyun's lips are parted, trying to catch as much air as he can. His breath quickens. Sweats fall down his forehead, pass his cheeks and down to his neck. He groans for two or three times, still shut his eyes. He decides to lays down the older on the couch since he can't carry him to the bedroom. He places Daehyun's head on the arm rest and pulls the blanket over his shoulder.


Panic. Youngjae is panic as he starts to bites his nails nervously. He knows really well that he is such a clumsy one but he can’t just stay there doing nothing. He looks around his apartment, thinking for something he should do for Daehyun.


Okay, Youngjae, you just have to calm down and think. Relax…


Saying a suggestion to himself, he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. An idea comes out as he makes his way to the kitchen searching for a basin and runs to the bathroom grabbing a small clean towel and filling the basin with cold water. He walks straight to the living room and kneels down on the floor facing the sleeping male. He puts down the basin on the floor, wetting the towel and gives it a squeeze. He brushes away the sticky-wet-covered bangs that covers Daehyun's forehead before he puts the wet towel on it. He gives the other a worried look, ignoring the fact that the other doesn't see it since he is sleeping. He lets out a sigh as he caresses Daehyun's cheek and gives a soft but long kiss there.


After few minutes looking at the older he stands up and walks to the kitchen. He takes two clean cups and puts some sugar and a teabag on each cup. He takes the kettle which is still on the stove since last night and fills water into it before turns on the stove and boils it. While waiting for it, he wants to cook porridge. Honestly he doesn’t know how to cook, but at least he can try. Besides, he wants to take care of his boyfriend. And honestly, again, the reason is a half lie because he feels guilty towards the sick male.


He made Daehyun like this.


If it wasn’t because of his fear, Daehyun wouldn’t be that careless.


If it wasn’t because of the storm, Daehyun wouldn’t be sick.


Youngjae bites his tongue and shakes his head to brush away the thought. He is feeling guilty, but he doesn’t want to think about it. The more important thing now is taking care of Daehyun. He searches his phone that the older took away from him last night and he finds it on the floor beside the table in the living room. It was probably dropped when Daehyun grabbed the blanket from the floor last night. Youngjae unlocks his phone and taps the browser icon on the menu, typing how to make porridge on the searching bar. Once the results come out, he chooses the first one and read it. He occasionally furrows his eyebrows because he can’t understand how to do this and that. Frustrated, he scratch his hair and throws his phone to the dining table. He decides to cook something easier, like the instant one, except ramen of course. He opens the refrigerator but immediately closes it because he just remembered that he only has fruits and soda there. He takes a look at the food storage and extends his arm to reach a pack of oatmeal. He proudly smiles and nods to himself. He takes a pan, puts some amount of oatmeal and water there before puts it on the stove and cooks it.


The kettle blows its whistle letting Youngjae knows that the water is ready. He turns off the stove and lifts the kettle using a napkin and pours the boiling water into the cups. He dips the teabag for few times and stirs it with a spoon. He takes his own cup and blows some air to the surface making it not too hot so that he can drink it. He takes a sip of his tea and release a sigh when it makes him calm. He puts it down to check the oatmeal, stirs it and turns off the stove after it’s bubbling. He takes a plate and pours half of the cooked oatmeal into it because he does believe that Daehyun will not be able to eat a lot on a sick condition.


Youngjae brings the meals for Daehyun to the living room and puts it down on the table. He kneels down once again, takes the towel down from the forehead and puts his palms on it. He feels a bit better when he knows the male’s body temperature isn’t as high as before and he also stops sweating. He shakes Daehyun’s arm gently to wake him up.


“Baby… Can you wake up? I made something for you…”


Daehyun turns his head to the source of voice, still closing his eyes. He groans when he feels something pokes his cheek abruptly making him opens the lids. He narrows his eyes to meet Youngjae’s worried eyes and pouted lips. He can’t help but smiles a little at the adorable sight. He slowly moves his hand to touch the younger’s lips with his thumb and mouths sorry. Youngjae shakes his head, pulls the elder’s hand away and holds it on his.


“Don’t talk about it now. Come on, I’ll help you to sit up, you have to eat…”


The brunette only nods his head weakly and flinch when his boyfriend holds his back of neck to help him sit up. Youngjae takes the cup of tea and gives it to the sick male. Daehyun takes a sip of it and chokes because it’s too hot. He coughs badly. He sticks out his tongue and fanned it with his hand to get out of the heat. Youngjae doesn’t notice the reaction because he’s busy putting down the cup and takes the oatmeal to feed Daehyun. The older raises his eyebrows when he sees that the food is more like oat with milk. Daehyun gives Youngjae a questioning is-this-even-a-meal look but it seems like the younger doesn’t understand it. Daehyun shakes his head lightly and mouths I don’t want to eat now. Youngjae tilts his head not believing his boyfriend will lose his appetite this bad. He puts down the plate, “Eat it later, okay? You have to take medicine too…”


He lays Daehyun back to the couch and puts the wet towel on the forehead again. He stands up and goes to his bedroom to change his clothes after tells Daehyun that he wants to buy medicine for him and will be back in few minutes. He walks to the apartment's door, puts on his shoes and reaches the knob but stops to look at the sick male who is already sleeping. He sees the elder's chest rises and falls steadily. He smiles at the sight and goes out to the pharmacy.


Not taking a long time, Youngjae arrives at the destination and buys some painkillers and cough syrup. He pulls his wallet from the jeans pocket, takes some money and leaves it on the cashier. He quickly back to his apartment after tells the cashier to take the change. He jogs lightly, mostly runs because he's still worrying Daehyun. Soon enough, he already in front of his apartment door but he isn't coming in. He's panting loudly, one hand on the wall beside the door and the other one holds his chest, trying to breathe slowly. After maybe a minute or so, he decides to open the door and comes in. He kicks out his shoes and walks to the living room to find the still sleeping male on the couch. He puts the medicine on the table and furrows his eyebrows in suspicion.


Daehyun opens his eyes in shock when he feels a hard slap on his arm. He lets out a growl and quickly rubs the painful arm. He looks at Youngjae with annoyed glare but immediately frowns when the other folds his arms on the chest and narrows his eyes. Youngjae puffs his cheeks and tilts his head to the table but still looking at the sick male. Daehyun slowly pulls his body to sit up and looks at the direction that the younger pointed on. He rubs his back of neck and looks down of embarrassment when he sees three empty cups and a plate with nothing on it.


"I thought you don't want to eat?"


"Umm... Well... It didn't look edible but I was hungry so..."


"And you drank all of these? God! The chocolate was from last night!"


"Umm... My throat was so dry and a cup of warm tea wasn't enough so..."


Youngjae lets out a loud sigh. It really makes no sense fighting with a sick person who has so many reasons to defense himself. His feeling is kind of mixed right now. Half of him feels tricked because Daehyun didn't eat anything when he was still there but finished everything when he went out. Another half of him feels relief because Daehyun already eat so he can take medicine and sleep again to recover his condition.


Daehyun tugs Youngjae's jacket to gain his attention. The younger gives in after he sees his boyfriend's pleading eyes. His lips turn upwards and he drops himself on the couch beside Daehyun. He wraps the older on his arms and shakes him back and forth. He buries his head on the other's neck and mutters I'm sorry. He pulls away after he hears Daehyun mumbles mhmm me too. He cups the brunette's cheeks and meets his dark brown orbs. He gives a light peck on the lips and whispers I love you that makes the older shivers when his lips touch the warm breath from the other.


"I love you more, baby. But please don't tease me now or I won't stop asking for more and make you sick too..."


Youngjae lets out a chuckle that makes Daehyun smiles of his cuteness but then suddenly yells because the younger pinches his nose hardly. Youngjae's laughter fills the living room as he sees the sick male pouts and rubs his already red nose. Daehyun then laughs of his silly action but it gets cut because he is coughing continuously, makes Youngjae reaches for the medicine. He guesses that Daehyun doesn't need the painkillers because the fever has gone. He then opens the bottle of cough syrup after shakes it few times. Daehyun's voice is really hoarse and sounds so different because of the flu. Youngjae pours the syrup into the bottle cover until the liquid touches the strip mark. He gives it to the older who is already leaning over him. Daehyun swallows it with one gulp and shuts his eyes when the bitter taste reaches his tongue. Youngjae closes the bottle and puts it down on the table. He asks whether the older wants to move to the bedroom or stay here and he gets the answer before he finishes his question because Daehyun shakes his head after hears the word move. Youngjae smiles and nods understandingly as he lays down the older and wraps him on the blanket. He gently caresses Daehyun's hair while humming a song to send the male who is lying on his lap to sleep.




The Saturday morning's sky looks so bright compared to last night's. The light blue color paints the sky so pretty. Some splashes of white cottons decorate the plain blue canvas makes it nicer. The sun is greeting everyone with its infamous warmness. But the wind doesn't act wild like before, it only completes the perfect weather with its fresh breeze.


On a weekend which is also holiday like this, people who loves the outdoor will go to the park or the beach or the zoo to enjoy the weather. Some people maybe choose to go to the movies or cafe to hang out with their family or friends or lovers. Some people just want to stay at home, watching some movies or playing games until they get bored.



But Youngjae and Daehyun definitely not belong to those kinds of people.








Umm... Sorry for disappointing you guys but I've told you that this will be only two chapters so this is really the end /sobs/

I was squealing a lot when I wrote this two-shot awww imagine that they really do that /o\

Honestly at first I wanted to make Youngjae as sweet as Daehyun like the first but then i turned to be like this... /silence/

Well, I personally think Youngjae's character here is really cute and innocent but lemme see your comments about this ><


I really didn't expect that there will be many subbies and even upvotes OMG come here so that I can hug you one by one! <3<3<3

Thank you thank you thank you! /bows 90 degress to all directions/ ;;u;;


So... see you on another fics? ;)





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Chapter 2: cuteeeee..thnks fpr sharing
Chapter 1: Omomomomomooo!! So ing sweet *-*
Love this <333
Chapter 2: awwww cute :3
they care for each other :3
Chapter 2: awwww cute :3
they care for each other :3
Chapter 1: ooooh jdh is soooo sweet :((((
he really take a good care of baby jae ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: ;w; Daehyun is sooooo sweet!!!!! I love the way he takes care of Baby Jae..... I want more :D.....
Chapter 1: omg, i cant wait for next chapter.
lol it seems like i talk to myself.
update soon daevil-ah /hug&kiss/

Chapter 1: omg i love this, sweet daehyun TT
how can you do this to me? my daejae feels....
keep writing!! <3
Lay-lover #9
I ship daejae!! update soon, hwaiting^^