

What if you took the last two digits of your phone number and switched them? Just mixed up the seven and four and called. It could be anyone. Someone who lives on the same street, someone who lived halfway across the country, or even a member of your own family. It could be anyone and anything could happen. It was such a little thing that could cause something huge and it took barely any effort.

Chanyeol had read it online at some point. Someone had posted it on their blog, talking about what could possibly happen and it made him think. What if? What could be the harm in having a little excitement in his life for once? He did the same thing everyday; school and sleep, with the occasional jam session on his drum kit. On weekends, it was either studying or TV. He was wasting his life away, throwing away every possibility he had to live a little. His body was crying out for some fun, to mix up his daily routine, cause a little mayhem even. 

So he did it. He punched in the digits of his number switching the last two around and stared at it. It could be anyone. Should he call? Should he text? God, his fingers were twitching over the screen of his phone, nerves brewing in his stomach. Chanyeol was a boring person. He knew it, his family knew it, his friends knew it. So he threw himself into the deep end.

"Hi. I've only just realised what a boring person I am and how uneventful my life is. I like drums and cheeseburgers and my name is Chanyeol."

There. Sent. Chanyeol watched the send bar fill up and soon the message was delivered. He felt a sinking feeling in his stomach, so many thoughts running through his head. What if they weren't a nice person? What if the number was inactive? What if he was just ignored? Or the person who received the message thought he was a complete idiot and made fun of him? Oh god. This was a complete disaster. He couldn't abort the situation. He would be forever wishing he hadn't sent the text, wishing he'd just stuck to his normal life. But no. Not even a minute later, his phone buzzed, causing Chanyeol to jump out of his skin. He glanced at the sender and his stomach flipped inside him. It was the stranger. They'd replied. Chanyeol nervously opened the message, trying not to drown in his regret.

"I was just thinking the same thing. I like singing and kimchi and my name is Baekhyun."


A/N: So this was going to be a oneshot, but I'm not sure if I want to turn it into one. If it gets positive feedback, I'd probably write it in full! 

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Chapter 1: Please write in full one omg
iKonata #2
waah this seems to be really cute i definitely wanna read more of it update soon~ !!