Step One: Make a Fool of Yourself

Call Me Hopeless, Not Romantic

Honestly, if there was one thing Jeongguk is ashamed of, it's his flirting skills— or lack thereof. That's right, Jeon Jeongguk has absolutely no experience whatsoever in flirting. Or courting. Or wooing. Whatever the word people use these days. It didn't really bother him at first, seeing as there was no need for them. He had never wanted to try and make a girl fall in love with him before. He never really needed to. Girls around school harbored crushes on the raven haired male and were definitely not shy enough to keep it to themselves. Jeongguk made them like him without trying.

But the one girl who he wanted to fall in love with him didn't fall in love with him.

And that was a little weird.

Eventually, he found out that not every girl was going to have a crush on him right away. If Jeongguk wanted her, he had to work for her. And that meant taking her out on dates, telling her compliments, doing things that she'll love and all that wonderful jazz. And he wanted to start right away, because damn, he really did like her. Except... Jeongguk didn't know how.

He was awkward around her, and he stumbled with his words whenever he tried to say something suave. He tripped when he wanted to look cool, and he failed when he wanted to impress her.

So, like all other lost teens, Jeongguk went on the internet and looked up guides.

And that's what he's doing right now, at 2:26 AM in the morning instead of sleeping. And he's just about to give up when one article looked particularly favorable. Interested, he clicks on it. It takes a while for the page to load (damn you, internet connection) and when it does, big bold letters read, How to Get the Girl You Like with Ten Easy Steps!

Scrolling down, Jeongguk reads the first step: Get to Know Her.

If you are well acquainted with your crush (and when I mean well acquainted, I mean well acquainted), you can just skip this step. If not, keep reading! Obviously, you guys aren't going to get anywhere if you don't talk to her. You need to make sure you actually have chemistry with her. After confirming that you do (or even if you don't), get to know her! Find out what she likes, her favourites, what she does when she's bored— everything! (Well, not everything. That'd be just a tad creepy.) And let her know about you, too! Once you know a lot about her, continue on to the next step.

After reading the first step, he's sold. Jeongguk prints out the rest of the article and fold it into half and half again. He slips it into the side pocket of his bag, and slides into bed. Hopefully, this guide'll help him win her heart. 

Walking to school with Hoseok, his best friend, he his lips nervously as his eyes flicker back and forth across the school courtyard. Hoseok jokingly bumped the younger male's elbow with his, making Jeongguk stumble slightly off course. "Dude, just relax," he advises, crossing his arms. "It's not like you're asking her out or something."

Jeongguk rolls his eyes at Hoseok's perception of the situation. In his case, he had lived a blissfully easy life when girls flocked to the male like birds, offering their hearts up (not that he accepted them, of course) and therefore, when push came to shove, he had absolutely no idea what to do when courting a girl he likes. Not to mention, Jeongguk had hardly talked to a girl where she hadn't supplied the conversation, so he really had no idea what to talk about with Hyorin. 

"You just don't understand," Jeongguk begins, his hands flailing about to try and emphasize his point. "I don't know how to talk to her! What do I even say? When I've talked to girls, they practically led me through the conversation."

"Be yourself. It's not that hard, Jeongguk."

"Of course, it's that hard. What if she doesn't like who I am?"

"You're great—not greater than me, obviously—but you're still great. Why wouldn't she like you?"

Jeongguk let the comment about the older male slide, seeing as he was already used to his ego being the size of Korea. (He also never knew when Hoseok was joking or not with his egotism, but whatever.)

"Maybe when you like a girl, you'll understand," he mutters, earning a flick on the ear. "Ouch! That was so uncalled for!" Hoseok didn't reply, instead, he offers a cheeky grin. His eyes don't focus on the other's grin anymore, his attention being attracted behind him where Hyorin is standing with her friends. Jeongguk swallows nervously, and Hoseok notices where the younger's eyes are. 

He turns around and Jeongguk could practically feel the cogs turning in Hoseok's head as he stares at Hyorin.


Hoseok whips his head around, and Jeongguk swears that he could have gotten whiplash. "Why not? You were the one preparing for the moment! There she is! Go make your move, Jeongguk."

"I lied, I'm not ready anymore," Jeongguk says, slowly backing away from the elder. 

"Bull, c'mon, you're going to at least say hi." Without another peep from Jeongguk, Hoseok pulls the raven by his arm, as the younger male tries to resist, his panic rising the closer he got to Hyorin. Oh man, she looks absolutely gorgeous today, with her hair pulled into a sloppy bun and her uniform in pristine condition, Jeongguk thinks, his body going limp at the mere sight of her, making Hoseok's job of dragging him over there easier. 

"Go get 'em, tiger," Hoseok says, giving Jeongguk one final push before running away to seek shelter behind a tree. There was no way he was going to miss this, he decides, poking his head out from behind the tree.

Jungkook stumbles forward, surprised at the push Hoseok gave him. He would've given the other a glare if it weren't for the fact that Hyorin is looking right at him, amusement dancing around in her eyes. He turns around, finding his so-called best friend, hiding behind a tree. "Say hi!" he mouths before erupting into a fit of giggles. Obviously, he's enjoying this.

Turning back around, Jeongguk faces Hyorin, who has her eyebrow raised. "Uh, hi," he says, sending a meek wave.

Her friends giggle.


"I'm, uh, Jeongguk. Jeon Jeongguk. We have a lot of classes together, like math, English, chemistry, and history. Weird, right? ...haha. I only have some of my classes with my best friend, Hoseok. He's over there, behind a tree. He's the one who pushed me. I think you'd guys would like him, if you can ignore the fact that he has a huge ego," he rambles. Jeongguk knows that he's rambling, but he can't stop. It's a habit he does when he's nervous. He's probably boring her to death—or worse, freaking her out. "So, anyway, the weather's pretty nice, kind of like you—uh! I, um, I mean, the weather's nice and you seem pretty nice, too, er, not like I thought you were mean! I just...— the weather's nice." Jeongguk sighs, feeling rather embarrassed about himself. 

"Uh, hi, Jeongguk-sshi. And I already know that. About the classes, I mean. Not about the, uh, other thing. Thank you for, um, comparing me with weather," she says, a small smile tugging at her lips. A smile. Sort of. That counts for something, right? 

"No problem, no problem at all!" He laughs nervously, eyes looking at anywhere but her

"Well, see you later, Jeongguk-sshi," she says, sending a wave before motioning to her friends to leave.

"Yes, see you later!"

See you later.

That meant he could see her later, right? That was obviously an invitation to come and see her later, right?

Jeongguk watches as she leaves, the wisps of her hair flying gently in the wind. He sighs pleasantly, a small smile on his face. 

On the other hand, Hoseok couldn't believe what just happened. The kid pratically spent almost half of the conversation talking about him and not himself! And then he had to go it up by saying that stuff about the weather! He completely blew it. Hoseok wouldn't be surprised if Hyorin thought he was a little weird.

Rolling his eyes, Hoseok trudges up to the other, pulling him by the ear.

"Ouch! What the heck?" Jeongguk yells.

"That was so bad!"

"She said, see you later! I can see her later!" he protests.

"That doesn't mean anything!" Hoseok urges. "Anybody can say to anybody, 'see you later!' It's common courtesy!

"Wrong! She could've said, bye, but she didn't! She chose, see you later! Meaning, I can totally see her later. Meaning, she wants to see me again. Meaning, I did good!"

Hoseok rolls his eyes again, not believing the amount of dumb in Jeongguk's body. He barely gets through one conversation with her and he thinks he's at the top of the world. The conversation was so bad, Hoseok could feel the second hand embarrassment from miles away. Jeongguk practically screamed inexperienced.

"Whatever floats your boat, Jeongguk," he says, opting to stay out of his best friend's delusions. 

Satisfied at his response, Jeongguk flashes a smile at the other before marching towards the main entrance of the school. Hoseok didn't know why Jeongguk couldn't just flash that smile he just did to him when he went up to her. He's sure that she would've found it dazzling, just like he did.

...or something.

this is so short, but it's been like forever, so here this is. (y)
i hope you guys like it, and i'm not quite sure what i'm doing with this plot LOL. 

(also i lied when i said it was going to be in second person.)

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cries because the first chapter is taking longer than i thought


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Chapter 2: Thats me all the time when the teacher tells me read. Im just lucky that most of the time im sitting next friends and most the time they help me.