It’s late at night and the winds are howling angrily, banging tree branches against windows. Seokjin sighs and blinks sleepily; the wind kept them all up, unfortunately, and deprived them of their much-needed sleep. A silly movie was playing on the TV screen in front of him, but he barely payed attention to the weird and highly unlikely plot- something else was bothering him.

Jungkook, who sat right next to him, was starting to doze off, his head drooping and then snapping right back up after a few seconds. It was an adorable sight, really, but since Taehyung fell asleep with his head in Yoongi’s lap and his body sprawled all over the couch a while ago, the position the young singer was in looked pretty uncomfortable and unsuitable for a nap. 

Something funny happened in the movie, and Hoseok and Namjoon nearly laughed their lungs out. Seokjin’s eyes flickered to the screen for a moment; the main character, a beautiful young woman, was now covered in tomato sauce from head to toe. Personally, Seokjin didn’t find that very funny, but oh well.

A soft snore emitted from his left and he jumped; Jungkook dozed off again and immediately sprung back to life, blinking around him and groaning confusedly. Seokjin chuckled and- without thinking- pulled the sleepy maknae onto his lap, tucking the younger’s head beneath his chin and wrapping his arms around him. Jungkook yawned.

“Go to sleep, Kook,” the older mumbled softly, petting the younger’s hair. “It’s been a long day.”

Jungkook nodded weakly, his fingers gripping on the materiel of the front of Seokjin’s shirt, and his body relaxed completely. Small snores blew past his lips, and Seokjin smiled.

It was 2AM and rain was falling, but it’s alright, because he has someone to keep him warm.

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Chapter 1: I hope you make a story about Jin and Jungkook again..
Miuxjnh97 #2
Chapter 1: Cute~ So sweet :3 Can I trans it into VietNamese au-nim?? :3
Chapter 1: oh my gosh, this was sho shweeeet >/////< Kookie reminds me of a cute baby~
Chapter 1: Sweet^^ I wish I have someone care for me like that^^