Day by day-

Day by day(haehyuk)
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Day by day(haehyuk)-   Donghae gripped on the photo frame harder, almost causing the fragile vintage design to shatter into a million pieces.    just like his heart.   It probably had been a month, or maybe a year, Donghae didn't really give a . But that period of time had been the toughest. He changed drastically, so immesely he was sure if he stood in front of a mirror he won't even recognise himself.   But what's the use of having an identity when you lose something dearest to you?   That flawless petite body, that beautiful brown hair, all permently tatooed in Donghae's mind. It wasn't Donghae's fault, nor it was the other male's. It was neither their fault that a brain tumor just decided to take refuge in Ryeowook's body. Donghae was fustrated, upset, furious, that that wretched sickness just had to come and rudely snatched away that deep affection they shared for each other. But what made matters worse was that Donghae could never find something or someone to blame his beloved's death for.   A single tear fell from Donghae's porecelain-like face, the salty liquid falling directly onto the photoframe and on to Ryeowook's face as if he was shooting some sort of drama.    Donghae smiled bitterly as he wiped his thumb over Ryeowook's face, only to be returned with a cold, flat, sensation. Donghae remembered reading from somewhere that crying will be able to make you feel better.   what bull.   Donghae felt a million times more horrible than the first tear that ever fell after Ryeowook's death. He felt helpless, annoyed with himself. Donghae could do nothing in this situation, all he could do was sit there and cry, begging for god to send Ryeowook somewhere beautiful to rest in. how pathetic. His black hair gently flew with the chilly air and Donghae groaned. Sungmin, his older brother, dropped by earlier, and apparently had forgotten to close the ing windows.   Donghae had two choices. Either to freeze to death or to get his up and close the windows. Donghae immediately opted for the second, there's no way in hell that he's going to die such a slow death, he rather take a bullet through his brain. The slim man gently placed the frame on the bed, got up and trudged towards the annoying glass panes. Shutting it effortlessly, he was about to trudge back again like a wounded walrus, but spotted his iphone lighting up.   Donghae raised a brow. He hadn't used that piece of technology since forever, needless to say, he expected it to be out of battery. He reached out to the sparkly black object, tugging it, causing a piece of folded paper to fall off at the same time.    "I charged it, Hae. Go out, tlk to people, don't sad anymore." Donghae read it out loud and rolled his eyes. Sungmin had been taking english lessons for a long time now, but his english was still ty as hell. Sungmin can easily write in Korean, and Donghae was unable to understand the reason behind why his hyung just had to write in a foregin language. That man didn't even bother to sign off, and Donghae could easily spot a few grammartical and spelling errors lying around, just like the memories he shared with Ryeowook.   Donghae felt his eyes stinging again and immediately shook it off, pressing the only button on the iphone surface, hoping to destract him from all the angsty around him. The light shining so brightly out of the tiny object burned Donghae's eyes. The young man hissed out curses, then reached out for the curtains to pull it away, for once, allowing the sunlight to seep through the last layer of translucent fabric. Donghae trailed his finger with the arrow as the iphone unlocked itself. The male scrolled down his notifications and slightly pouted at the amout of messages he had recieved.   Judging from the date the messages had been sent, Donghae realised it had been a year and a half since his Ryeowook was gone. The raven's lips pulled into a thin line, surprised that he actually spent a year and a hal
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Chapter 1: Makes you say 'next? :0 '
lemon-deulop #2
Chapter 1: So much sweetness.
Very nice. c;
hyuk2x #3
Chapter 1: i think this story is cute,waiting for your next update.
MyeolchiHyuk #4
Chapter 1: aww.. really hope hyuk able to heal hae..