Chapter 3

I Choose You

We sat down at a table in the food court for a quick break.

Taemin ended up to be a pretty cool guy – even though he was a bit weird at times. He respected me and my opinions, paid no attention to the girls ogling at him throughout the mall and was good natured. He had a pure, innocent and gentle personality that most guys his age had lost. I think it may be too early to say this but I think I might fall for him!

“Hey, Jing! What do you want to eat?” he snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Um…I feel like eating some galbi,” I answered.

He smiled so wide, it showed his cute eye smile.

“That’s exactly what I wanted too! Wait here, I’ll get the food,” I nodded.

He stood up and walked away.

He left his phone on the table but I ignored it. After a few seconds, it started to buzz and I considered weather to answer it or not. My curiosity got the better of me, just a peek.

I grabbed it and looked at the screen. Oh, it’s a text. I know I shouldn’t do this but I pressed the open button.

The sender was from “Bling Bling hyung”.

It was probably one of his friends from the Shimmy group.

‘Did you get her yet? You only have a day left! Kekekeke >_<’

Her? Is he talking about me? Probably not, I definitely wasn’t the only girl Taemin knew. One day for what?

I bit my lip as I texted back.

‘Get who? A day left for what?’

Oops. Was I too obvious? Oh, I realized what I was doing. I shouldn’t be going into Taemin’s business! I felt very guilty and was about to delete the messages when it vibrated again.

‘Are you playing dumb? To get that weird girl, Jiyoung.
You only have a day left to win the bet!
Be prepared to give me my $10! Hahaha ^^’

I almost dropped the phone in shock. What?! Taemin made a bet with his friends that he could get me as a girlfriend? For 10 dollars?

I felt my heartbeat and my face redden. Taemin wouldn’t do that! He was too nice and loveable! The evidence is right there though. Ugh, how could I be so stupid? A person like me would never catch the eye of a guy like him. It was all just fun for him. I felt my eyes water. No. I will not cry in public.

I could understand perfectly how his mind worked.

I saw Taemin walk back with the two trays of galbi. I tried to blink back the tears.

He sat down across from me and set the trays down.

“Hey, Jing. Did you see my cell? I can’t find it,” he sweetly asked.

He saw me holding it.

“Oh, you have it! That’s good. I thought I lost – hey are you okay?” He saw my wet eyes.

I looked down at my thighs.

“Why would you do this to me? Just because I’m not as beautiful as Gyuri, doll-like as Hara and as bubbly as Nicole is. Next time you play a childish game with your disgusting, repulsive friends, don’t include me in it,” I spat out.

He looked at me with a confused and hurt look on his face. A stab of guilt shot through my heart.

“Jing…” he started.

“No, don’t call me that. It’s stupid.” His face made me want to cry but I continued.

“Sorry, you’re not going to get your 10 dollars.”

His eyes widened in shock.

“How did you –”

The phone I had been gripping tightly these past few minutes cut him off as I threw it onto the table.

Who cares if it broke? Too bad it missed the galbi.

His face was a mix of expressions now and I wanted to start apologizing. I couldn’t do that now though.

I stood up and ran out before my tears could spill, all the while hearing him call my name with longing.


Sorry for making the girls so ditzy, it’s just to make Jiyoung seem more…normal. If anybody is wondering, everybody’s the same age except for Seungyeon who’s in college and Onew who’s a senior. Everybody else is a third year. And Taemin could switch classes because he’s such a good student and the teachers love him. ^^ 

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Chapter 8: One of the cutest stories ever!
Chapter 8: They're sooo cuteee!!! I miss their cute image, they are growing up now... :(
Would you make JiMin fic again? this is so sweet and make me smile and laugh and scream!!
Chocolatemushrooms #3
Awww! Great story!
It looks interesting...

sequel please :D really like it :D make more Jing x Taemin fics :]
your story is sooooooo cute ^_^
Totally love this fic and this couple ! Best maknae couple ^.^
And the end is so cute >.< you did a good job ! ;)
Yoon_Eun_Hye #8
I really love it =)
Love this story ^^
I love this story! its so damn cuteeeeeee<br />
I totally ship Taemin and Jiyoung ^O^<br />
Love the plot and everything~