Chapter 1

Full House

Sulli POV

It's 9 o'clock in the morning. I'm so bored. I have nothing to do. Where is Dongho ?? Where is him ?!? I already eat breakfast just 30 minutes ago. And now I'm hungry again. 

I went to the refrigerator and open it.

" Geez..there are some chip and other snacks. Lucky. " Sulli said as she take out all the snacks in the refrigerator and she go to sit outside her house.

(A/N: Sulli house is very wonderful. The outside of her house have a swiming pool and a romantic place to sit. Her house is very big.)

I sit on the chair near the swiming pool.

" hot !!!! omg my is burning " Sulli said as she rub her .

" I better go and watch TV back is nice than. Ohh,, my is still hott !! " Sulli said while carry all her snack back to her house.

Sulli place her snacks on the table and stand in front of the TV. She open it and the news in the TV pop out in the TV screen.

" Hello everybody ! I'm Shindong, the reporter ! Now let's see Taemin, our cute and famous actor. " th gay in the TV said.

" Gahh..that gay again~! " Sulli said and close the TV. 

I keep all the snack on the table and went to my room. I open my laptop and start writing story. I have no idea anymore for my story. I keep thinking until I fell asleep.

Ding Dong~~~~~Ding Dong~~~~~Ding Dong~~

I was awake by the bell of my house. 

" Who is this ? You dare to come and cut my dream " Sulli said as she rub her eyes while walking to the door.

Ding DOng~~~~~Ding Dong~~~Ding Dong~~~~Ding Dong~~

" Yah..can't you just wait a bit ? " Sulli shouted and open the door.

" Annyeong " ?????? said.


Chapter 1 is up ! I try my best. This is my first time writing a fic. Sorry for wrong grammar and spelling. Please forgive me *bows*. Hope you like it. Please comments & subscribe. You can give me some advice because i'm still bad at writing a fic. Kamshamnida~~ Keep reading !!

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Chapter 1: Update soon pliss