신아 아카데미 | Shin-Ah Academy | apply open.



♦ Shin-Ah Academy
Mannequins moving, strange noises and figures appearing in the hallway, ghostly children playing in the forest near the dormitory;
these are only a few of the strange occurences students and teachers report in Shin-ah academy. 
A group of teenagers then decide to investigate but end up stumbling upon something in the school that they were not supposed to see...
♦ --icecream
Hello there! So this is my first (I guess) apply fic, I also have
a co-author to help me work with this, which makes
it much easier to write. And before I forget, we will be
updating EVERY Saturday. Unless something comes up
and interferes. However, if we do not announce anything about not being able to update, then you can expect us to update. Thank you and have a nice day! The password is basically number 10 in the rules. Haha. Okay.
♦ Butterscotch_Sundae 
Greetings, younglings. 
...Just kidding, haha. So, we're pretty busy because of schoolwork 
at times, so we might not be online unless it's like Saturday or Friday or if we're feeling productive. Also, it's my first time actually using HTML codes and I'm pretty finnicky, so the layout of the story might be changing a lot but please bear with us. 








Reviews on the recent applicants have been posted!


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thescarykiddokpopfan #1
I'm waiting for the update. This story sounds interesting.
xXxCatsLoverxXx #2
hi! i'm interested in applying. may i ask, when is the deadline to hand in the applications?
shinobitiff #3
Chapter 3: Hope mine isn't too boring... Please do tell me if I missed out anything.

Woot a horror apply fic! XD I think I'm going to like this :3 I'll take a look at the plotlines and apply soon ^^
Chapter 1: soo the scientist doesn't have a love interest?? which i don't mind actually unless you both just wanted us to choose an idol for her?
shinobitiff #6
Finally! Some horror XD Really excited for this! Must apply!
Chapter 2: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/697998

thank you for making this fic and please consider me ^__^
wow this sounds awesome!
gonna applyfor this ^^