Comfort Zone

A Shaky Start

— Hoseok turns to training to distract him from the guilt of losing Julia. To others, he appears more focused and determined; but Namjoon senses that something is off.

NJ: I think that’s enough for tonight. We should go home now.

H: You can go. I want to stay for a bit longer.

NJ: You’ve been here all day. Everyone else left hours ago. Have you even eaten yet?

H: I’m not hungry.

NJ: You’re going to end up in the hospital if you keep this up. Tell me the truth, what’s going on with you. Is it because of Julia?

H: I really don’t want to talk about it.

— Namjoon leaves him in the studio and goes home to talk to the other members. They all agreed that it was time to step in and talk to her themselves. Namjoon volunteers to go alone. He heads over to Julia’s school. It’s late, but he remembers Hoseok mentioning that she prefers practicing at night. He asks the few students that he encounters if they know where he can find her and they direct him to the practice rooms in the far building.

— He can hear music coming from one of the rooms, so he decides to check there first. He opens the door slowly and quietly so that he doesn’t distract whoever is practicing. To his surprise, there she was. He stays by the door so he can watch her for a bit. Her fluid movements and the passion on her face make the depressing lyrics of the song come alive. Her performance leaves him breathless. In that moment, the rest of the world blurs into vague nothingness and all he sees is her. She’s so beautiful.

J: You don’t have to stand in the corner. You can come in if you want.

NJ: Huh? Oh. Right.

J: I assume you’re here to talk about Hoseok?

NJ: Yeah. He’s been really distracted lately. I’m worried about him.

J: I guess I’m worried, too.

NJ: Then can’t you forgive him already. I understand how you feel, but you guys are best friends. Are you really going to let your friendship end because of this?

J: It’s not that simple. See, if he was busy, then I would have been mad; but I would have forgiven him right away. This is different, though. He wasn’t busy, he just forgot. I could never forget about my promises to him because he has always been my priority; because I have always cared that much. The fact that I was so easily casted away in his mind just proves that I was never anything special to him. Our relationship has always been one-sided and it’s time I accept that and move on.

NJ: You’re in love with him, aren’t you?

J: Excuse me?!

NJ: I knew at least one of you had to be in love with the other. From the way Hoseok acts, I thought it would be him; but the way you’re talking right now, I guess it’s you.

J: Not only is that ridiculous reasoning; it’s also none of your business. If you’re done, you can go now. I have to practice.

NJ: No. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. Please…

— He grabs her wrists which makes her glare at him. He could see the tears forming in her eyes, confirming his accusations. It’s the first time anyone has called her out like that. Having the truth out in the open makes the pain in her heart worse. She feels embarrassed after being exposed. He feels bad for being the cause of her tears. He doesn’t know what else to do; so he pulls her in to hug her while guiding her head to his shoulders. The tears begin to flow freely. She doesn’t usually drop her defenses so easily, but something about his embrace is very comforting.


— Julia finally gets a hold of herself and apologizes to Namjoon. He simply smiles then offers to walk her home since it’s so late. She agrees, thankful that she doesn’t have to be alone after her emotional breakdown. As they walk from the school to her mother’s house, she tells him the story of her and Hoseok. He listens intently even though it pains him to know how much she loves Hoseok.But why does it hurt so much?, he thinks to himself. He pushes aside his confusing feelings for a second; and as they reach her front gate, he pleads with her one last time.

NJ: I understand now, more than ever, how you feel; but I still think you should make up with him already. The love that you have for him created such an amazing friendship; and, just because you are choosing to let go of this love, doesn’t mean you have to let go of the friendship, too.

J: I don’t think I could forget him if we go back to how we used to be.

NJ: Think about it some more before you decide. I’m not sure how he feels about you, but I am sure that you mean a lot to him.

J: Thanks…

— A lonely tear rolls down her cheek. He wipes it away for her and gives her a caring smile. She wraps her arms around his waist, searching for that comfort again in his embrace. He hugs her tight before sending her inside and saying goodnight.

— Hoseok is at the studio, but his practicing fails to distract him any longer. He stares at himself in the mirror, worn from the endless self-loathing. He gives in to his impulses and makes his way to Julia’s mother’s house. He paces back-and-forth in front of her gate, debating over whether to knock or not. He sees two figures coming his way, so he hides himself in the shadows. He identifies one as Julia. But who’s that walking with her? He steps out for a closer look and then realizes that it’s Namjoon. What’s Namjoon doing with Jules?

— He sees them stop in front of her house. He can tell their talking, but he can’t hear what they’re saying. He steps forward, trying to get within earshot. He sees Namjoon’s hand reach for her face and Julia’s hands wrap around his waist. He quickly turns around, avoiding the embarrassment of seeing what happens next. By the time he gets the courage to turn back, Julia is already gone and Namjoon is walking away from the house. He steps further out of the shadows, unable to comprehend what just took place in front his very own eyes. He imagines the scene unfolding complete with dialogue. His chest begins to hurt at the thought of what must have happened after he looked away. The pain gets worse the more he thinks about the two of them together.But why does it hurt so much.

— By the time Hoseok gets home, Namjoon is already there, too, and getting ready for bed. He wants to ask Namjoon about what happened with Julia, but he can’t exactly say that he was there. He sits in the living room, thinking about how he can bring it up without being too obvious. He misses his chance, though, as Namjoon says goodnight and goes to bed. He goes to bed, too, but he can’t sleep. He doesn’t understand why he’s so concerned about the two of them together. If Julia was going to date anyone, Namjoon would be a perfect choice. But, for some reason, he can’t accept it. Many different thoughts run through his head, but one stands out: Can this be jealousy? But she’s just a friend…isn’t she?

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Omg. Haha I read the epilogue before this.
Chapter 12: , JULIA. .
stacy_lu #3
Chapter 11: I still want her to be with Hopeyy thoo.... Oh well...
Chapter 11: Ah, author. I really love this story but I have a complain.. It's a bit too... How do I put it..? A bit too fictional. It's really really good but sometimes I just see some parts that if they happened irl they'd be awkward and not that smooth. But, that aside, it's almost the perfect story. Much love!
Chapter 11: Uuh, I want to know who this Amy girl is.
Chapter 9: , Hoseok. .
Chapter 2: Awh, Julia must be sad..
This looks really interesting. Woah..