


   The clock has just strucked into the digit 4 but the whole dorm was as busy as 7. The sky of Seoul was still dark and little diamonds in the sky are still shining brightly. Sounds of boxes being taped and baggages being zipped echoed through the whole dorm.

The whole dorm looked like a wrecked ship. Seven boys could be seen removing all their personal belongings from their closet; clothes, shoes, hats, everything was removed. They make sure that nothing is left in the closet.

“Hyung! Come here!!” A soft but shrilling voice was heard from the living room.

“What’s up Jong?” The six other boys immediately gathered around the living room.

“Remember this?” Sungjong asked his hyungs while lifting up a thick book covered with dust.

“Our dream book!” The six other boys answered in unison

“I haven’t touched that book for years!” Sungyeol said while smiling showing his pinky gums.

“Me either.” Dongwoo agreed while nodding his head.

The boys then sat down and formed a semi circle. They had just found their long lost treasure, a treasure that was forgotten for years and now it’s ready to make their heart beat again.

Sungjong blowed the dust off from their “Dream Book” and flipped the book to it’s first page.

“One day we will shine just like Sirius! We can and we will!” the sentence decorated the first page of the book along with the signatures of the seven boys.

Sungjong then flipped the book into another page, a page filled up with their photos. In a flash, the seven boys were taken back to the old times…



“Hyung, let’s practice tonight at 8 PM, okay? Come home quickly and don’t be late!.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll try not to be late. I’ll hang up now okay, I need to deliver all these pizzas first before going there.”

“We’ll wait for you.”

Sunggyu hung up the phone, he grabbed his helmet and hopped on the pizza delivery motorbike.

“Hope I’ll not be late again.” Sunggyu mumbled and drove off.

But then expect the unexpected, there was a big chaos in the road, cars were honking here and there, Sunggyu tried to pass through from the small gaps between the cars.

“I can’t be late again, Mr. Heo will fire me if I’ll be late for the delivery again.” Sunggyu said to himself while trying hard to escape from the traffic jam. It took him quite a while to escape but luckily he still managed to deliver the pizza on time, just 1 minute before the “deadtime”.

“Thank God, I arrived on time.” He took a deep breath and drove back to the restaurant.

“Good job Sunggyu goon, I hope you can maintain your good work just like today, I don’t want to hear any complains from my customer in the future. If I will, you know your consequence right?”

“Yes. I will work hard Mr. Heo.” Sunggyu said while bowing.

Sunggyu had just start working at Mr. Heo’s Pizza Restaurant for two months, he had been warned twice for being late at delivering pizzas and if he will be late again, immediately he’ll be kicked out from the restaurant.

Sunggyu is just a boy who strives hard to earn money for a living like the other boys out there. Sunggyu has six bestfriends, they are, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo and Sungjong. They had been together for years, these seven boys are just ordinary boys. But people shouldn’t underestimate them, cause one thing that people should know. They dream like no others.

“I’m back!” Sunggyu yelled while panting.

“Hyung, why are you so in a hurry. Calm down.” Sungyeol rexaledly said while lying on the sofa sipping a cup of Black Americano.

“Oh Gyu hyung! You’re home!”


Hoya and Dongwoo stopped dancing and greeted Sunggyu.

“Yah, Sungyeol why are you drinking Black Americano at this time, it’s 8 PM already, 8 PM not 8AM okay?!” Myungsoo nagged when he saw Sungyeol sipping the coffee.

“What’s the problem with me drinking coffee at this time?”

“What’s the problem? I won’t be saying anything if you don’t wake me up late night and tell me weird stories because you can’t sleep.” Myungsoo barked and Sungyeol just kept silent.

“Hyung, stop quarelling, let’s start practicing since Gyu hyung is already here.” Sungjong said.

“Eyy, wait, where’s that greasy tree?” Sunggyu suddenly asked.

“Did someone just called me? Here’s a heart for you!” Woohyun suddenly came out from the toilet and start to throw hearts at Sunggyu.

“Oh please, stop it.” Sunggyu rolled his eyes.

“Namu Hyung.” Hoya called.

“Yes?” Woohyun answered.

“I wonder how frustrated your future girlfriend would be having a greasy boyfriend like you.” Hoya said while moving to his position.

“She won’t be.” Woohyun answered while adjusting to his position too.


INFINITE that’s what they call themselves, a group consists of seven boys who dream to shine just like the stars in the sky. They dream to stand on stage, sing and dance for the crowd. They may just be a little dust in the galaxy now, but one day, they believe that they will be the brightest star shining in the galaxy.

Sunggyu worked as a pizza delivery man, Dongwoo worked as a cashier. Woohyun and Hoya worked as a singer and waiter in a café. Sungyeol work in a CD store and Myungsoo worked as a photographer. Sungjong hasn’t start working yet since he still needs to finish high school. They have tons of things to do. But in the middle of their busy activities, they still try hard to spare their time to practice. The seven boys rented a small apartment in Seoul to make sure that it’s convenient for them to go to their working place and school, and of course one more thing, so that it is easier for them to practice together. Sometimes being away from their family makes them sad. But in this small apartment, they found a new family.


“I think it’s enough for today.” Sunggyu clapped twice giving a signal that practice time is over. They sat down on the floor with their whole body bathed in sweat. Pants and heavy breaths could be heard from all of them. Then suddenly Sungjong stood up.


“I have something for you guys.” Sungjong said and walked to the corner searching for something in his bag.

“What is it? Snacks?” Myungsoo asked.

“Not snacks hyung.”


“This!” Sungjong showed a thick book to his hyungs, the other boys raised their eyebrows when they saw the book.

“What’s that Jong? Your diary?” Sungyeol chuckled.

“No it’s not mine, but it’s ours.” Sungjong answered.

“Ours?” The other six boys questioned in unison.

“Yeap! Ours!” Sungjong approached his hyungs while bringing the book.

“Sungjong, we’re boys, we don’t write diaries.” Hoya immediately showed his denial.

“It’s not really a diary hyung, it’s our dream book.” Sungjong said and smiled.

“Dream book?” Sunggyu asked and Sungjong nodded.

“Quite interesting.” Dongwoo starts to get excited.

“So what is this book about?” Woohyun asked while exploring the blank thick book.

“We’ll put our dreams there, so that whenever we’re down we can cheer up again whenever we see the book.”

“Good idea Lemon Candy boy!” Sungyeol messed up Sungjong’s hair while praising him.


Just in a moment the boys were already absorbed in filling the book up. Filling the book with laughters and smiles. How wonderful would it be.


"Let's take a photo and let's put it in the book later!" Myungsoo said.

"Good idea!" They all agreed.

“1…2…3…Say cheese!” The member posed for the camera that has been timer-set.





“Guys, let’s sleep early today, we have to be fit for tomorrow’s audition.” Sunggyu said and all of them went to their respective rooms to take a rest.

The day has come, the seven boys are super excited for the audition. They entered the audition room one by one and went out with bright smiles on their faces… except Sungyeol. He was the last one to enter and he was the only one who didn’t have any trace of smile in his face.

“Sungyeol ah.” Myungsoo called Sungyeol but there was no respond.

“What happened Yeol?” Dongwoo asked Sungyeol and still there was no respond.

The atmosphere that was bright before turned to dull in an instance.  It’s just like a storm that striked them in a sunny day.  Everyone was silent and they immediately went home. Sungyeol entered his room without any words and the other boys gathered around in the living room. None of them were smiling.

“Now what should we do? Throw our dreams away just because one of us can’t enter the agency?!” Woohyun blurted out mad words that he shouldn’t have not said.

“Lower down your voice!” Sunggyu warned Woohyun.

“Why? You don’t want him to hear it, just let him hear it and accept the truth!”

“So you’re going to throw our friendship away just for your urge to debut?” Myungsoo said.

“What do you expect me to do then?! Spend my whole life singing in that freaking café?!!” Woohyun who was depressed started to yell at Myungsoo.

“You think you’re the only one who wants to live in a better life? Everyone does! But how can you only think about yourself when Sungyeol is actually the one who’s hurt and not you!!!!” Myungsoo lost his patience, he grabbed Woohyun’s collar and punched him. Woohyun fell to the floor but stood up immediately and threw a punch back at Myungsoo.

“Stoop ittt!!!” Sunggyu was screaming at them but the both of them didn’t care. The other members were busy separating Woohyun and Myungsoo who went out of control but they still didn't mind and were beating each other up. They were both brought to their own rooms to calm themselves down. But when Myungsoo and Sungjong entered the room. Sungyeol was no longer there, the curtains were blowing, the window was open!

“Hyung!! Sungyeol hyung is not in his room!!!” Sungjong panicked. The other members immediately stormed to Myungsoo and Sungyeol’s room.

Everyone panicked and was busy searching for Sungyeol around their apartment.  But there were no signs of him in the apartment. Woohyun’s face turned pale and worried the moment he heard that Sungyeol wasn’t in his room. He was guilty and he regretted for the words he said.

All of the members went out to search for Sungyeol. They separate in their half ways and search in places where there is a possibility that Sungyeol might be there. They kept on searching and searching. Hours passed but still they couldn’t find Sungyeol anywhere. As Myungsoo walked through their childhood playground he saw a figure sitting in the swing. Yes it was him, Sungyeol!

“Sungyeol ah!” Myungsoo ran to the swing.

“Myungsoo?” Sungyeol was surprised to see Myungsoo.

“Don’t you know how worried we are!”

“I’m sorry.” Sungyeol bowed his head.

“Let’s go home now.” Myungsoo said but Sungyeol resisted.

“The others are worried about you.”

“I don’t want to be a barrier for you guys.”

“What nonsense are you talking about, you’re not a barrier for us okay?!” Myungsoo said and called the others to come to their childhood playground. They soon arrived and was very relieved that nothing happened to Sungyeol.

“Sungyeol ah you know how worried we are!” Hoya expressed his worries.

“Don’t you try to do this kind of thing again!” Sunggyu scolded Sungyeol with full of worries.

"Hyung, let's go back home okay?" Sungjong tried to persuade Sungyeol.

“Thank you.” The corner of Sungyeol’s eyes were wet.  He tried to hold his tears but failed, a tear fell from his eyes.

“I’m sorry Sungyeol ah, I didn't mean to hurt you. I’m really sorry.” Woohyun stepped forward and apologized to Sungyeol.

“It’s not your fault hyung.” Sungyeol smiled.

“Woohyun.” A voiced called.

“I’m sorry for what I did to you just now.” Myungsoo apologized.

“I’m sorry too.” Woohyun smirked and went to Myungsoo and they both hugged each other.

“Sungyeol ah, don’t you worry, we will never debut without you!” Dongwoo said.

“Yeap! Dongwoo hyung is right! We will debut together! None of us will be left behind.” Sungjong  tried to comfort Sungyeol too.

“Thank you so much guys.” Sungyeol was very touched.

“That’s what friends are for!” Hoya tapped Sungyeol’s shoulder.

“Now everything’s back to normal!!” Sungjong shouted happily.

“Starting from today let’s work even harder!” Sunggyu encourage the others.

“Yeaahh!! Let’s work hard till we debut together!”

“I’m sure that we will debut soon and shine in the stage together!”

“INFINITE fighting!” They cheered and did a group hug.



♪ With

We walked here together, we cried together
You’re the only one that I could never forget

Though I get weak sometimes and go to you
Will you understand me without a word?

Good days and bad days will come
But the only person I think of is you

I’ve thought about this before
You and me, together in the far away future


“Inspirits we promise you that we will work harder in the future, we will be a better and improved INFINITE . Thank you for always supporting us. We promise  we will give back all the love that you had gave to us! We love you Inspirits! Let’s keep on shining together and forever!!!” INFINITE bowed to their fans and waved to every corner of the concert hall. And went to back to the backstage.

As soon as they walk back to the backstage, all the staffs were clapping and cheering loudly for them.

"You guys did a good job!" The staffs were complimenting INFINITE.

"Thank you, this concert won't be possible without you guys." Sunggyu thanked the staffs.

"Let's work even harder in the future!" Dongwoo said.

"INFINITE! Face here!" Their manager called them. He was ready with a polaroid.

“1…2…3…Say cheese!” The member posed for the polaroid. And in a moment, the photo came out. Sungjong ran to get the photo.

"Let's put this in our dream book." Sungjong said while showing the other members the photo.

"Yeah!" The other members agreed.


All their hard work for these past years is now paid off.  They had walked through all the trials together and strived hard to debut, now the tiny dusts had become the glowing stars. Everything is possible as long as you work hard to achieve it. And to be a shining star you must be in the darkness. Cause stars shine in the darkness. So never give up, keep dreaming!


The End

*Sirius – is the brightest star in the Earth’s night sky and has a meaning of “glowing” in Greek.


"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney


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Chapter 1: cool story~~ it motivated me to work harder... hehe