
The Properties of a Falling Leaf


  “Mom, do you love dad a lot?” I began and noticed her body stiffened spontaneously before smoothing out my hair and smiling down fondly at me. Her lips were curled upwards but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

  “Yes, of course I do.”

  “Then how come you were kissing a stranger the other night?”

* * *

  “For Pete’s sake, Jimin, turn your damn alarm off. It’s Saturday,” I mumbled groggily and kicked the unmoving body beside me, making him fall off the bed. Pulling the duvet over my head, I tried to block out all the sunlight that trickled through the windows of Jimin’s room. He cursed from the floor and turned his alarm clock off before scooting back on the bed.

  “Don’t you have work, honey?” my eyes widened and I sat up—not because I remembered my duties but because this bloody kid had called me honey.

  “I don’t recall being married to you, Park freaking Jimin,” I grumbled and pushed him off the bed once again. “And we work together, smart .”

  “You love this smart all the same,” his head popped from the other side of the bed and batted his eyelashes, which was sickeningly disturbing. It was one of those life moments where you absolutely cannot erase the image from your head no matter how much you wanted to.

  “You’re a creep,” I mumbled, reaching for my duffel bag under his bed and grabbing a towel before heading to the bathroom. “I’m going to shower first.”

  Jimin leaped in glee and chased after me. “Let’s shower together, honey. A lot of water will be saved up that way!”

  I slammed the door on his face even before he got the chance to enter.

* * *

  “Hey, soul mate, can’t we switch tasks for the other half of the day? I’m dying out there while you’re enjoying the quietness upstairs,” Jimin deadpanned, plopping himself down on the chair across from me in a falsifying manner.

  The sugar-coated boy (I have a hunch that I should start calling him Sugar or something along the lines) and I worked at a family cafe own by Jin hyung’s father. They’d recently made use of the wide space the second floor provided and built a bookstore which Jin hyung managed by himself. On regular weekends, I worked with hyung upstairs while Jimin had his hands full by being a barista slash waiter. During a few picked weekdays (whenever they needed extra help), we’d switch jobs.

  “Jimin, it’s not my day today. Plus, my ankle still hurts,” I nibbled on my sandwich as I scanned the notes over—according to Miss-I’ll-be-a-good-seatmate, there’s going to be a test on one of the subjects and I should at least make effort and read her handwritten notes in return for the near-death asthma attack a few days ago.

  “But I’m beat today, and the place is packed. They could use an excellent barista like you,” my idiot friend wiggled his eyebrows, trying to convince me into swapping places with him.

  “Don’t flatter me, there’s a reason why you work down here during busier days and I don’t. You’re much more experienced than I am,” he groaned when I started explaining, flailing his arms and mumbling a bunch of gibberish. He angrily stole my sandwich and took it all in one sniff. I sighed, knowing well enough that he was just going to keep pestering me. I might as well save my internal organs from imploding.

  “Fine, go upstairs you lazy ,” he beamed and wrapped his meat of arms around me. I pried him off and gave him my usual disgusted look before snatching his apron away and putting it around my waist. He giddily went out of the staff room and practically bounced all the way upstairs.

  “Oh, where’s Jimin?” Sunggyu hyung, one of the barista, mused as I stood beside him. I bit my lip and saw how hectic the place currently was—Jimin was not kidding.

  “He complained about being tired and wanted to switch with me, so might as well. I want to help out since it looks busy, too,” I explained as Sunggyu hyung handed me a list of the customer’s order. I scanned it over once and hurriedly—but carefully—prepared the cup of espresso. I passed the cake order to the kitchen area and rang the bell, taking Woohyun hyung’s attention away from the new trainee.

  “Stop spewing grease at her, hyung. You’re going to give her a heart attack,” I rolled my eyes as he slyly grinned towards me.

  “Ah, young Taehyung, you’ve still got a lot to learn,” he winked and I mimed a gag. I noticed the intern blush as she decorated the slices of cake. She probably felt pressured because of this grease-ball. I would be, if I was in her position, too.

  “Taehyung-ah, bring that order to this table written here,” Sunggyu hyung walked towards me with a huge grin, his eyes almost disappearing. I scrunched my nose up as I carefully placed two iced coffees on the tray.

  “Seems like you’re still ordering the youngins around, hyung,” Woohyun casually popped in the small window from the kitchen. The latter rolled his eyes and flicked the younger one’s forehead, mumbling something along the lines of, “don’t you even dare call me an old man.”

  I left the two seemingly-lovebirds and their quarrel. Carrying the tray of two iced coffees, I briefly scanned the café for the table I was looking for. I mindlessly thought about iced coffees and their purpose (which is none, I might add). I mean, they were made to be hot, right? Ice on coffee doesn’t sound appealing at all.

  “Here’s your order. I apologize for the wait,” I quickly bowed and placed the drinks on the customer’s table. I was arrested on the spot when an all-too-familiar voice called my name out.

  “You don’t look like the waiter type at all,” Seolhwa scoffed mockingly and I mentally cursed before facing back and surprise, surprise—it’s none other than my seat mate with who I assumed was her boyfriend.

  My lips automatically pressed into a thin line as I scanned the guy across Seolhwa from head to toe. There wasn’t much to asses, since he was sitting down. I noticed how he seemed tall, though, and younger. His hair was dyed blonde with a blue streak and he wore a childish smile on his face.

  “Do you need anything else?” I snapped at Seolhwa who creased her eyebrows in response. Truth to be told, it was odd to see people from school in this place, since the area required a good thirty or so minutes travel by train. Popular and more vintage cafés surrounded the school zone, too. I didn’t quite comprehend the need for her presence here. Maybe her boyfriend wanted to try a different place?

  “Kim Taehyung of Bulletproof Dance Crew?” blondie stared at me with wide eyes and mouth hanging open. I shifted my full attention to him and nodded, feeling a bit proud that someone had recognized me and the crew.

  “Yeah, the one and only,” his awe-stricken face morphed into a huge grin as he introduced himself as Junhong, who happened to be a member of a dance crew as well.

  “I’ve seen you guys perform and I must say, it’s pretty impressive,” of course it’s impressive. We work our butts off to get a decent synchronization and a clean cut on our choreographies. And besides, how can we not be close to precision when Jungkook is a perfectionist?

  “As good as it is being complemented, I have duties to attend to,” I bowed before turning to blondie, “I’ll make sure to look out for your group. Enjoy your date.”

  I swore I heard Seolhwa choke on her iced coffee, but I couldn’t be bothered to turn around as I immediately went to aid a fuming hamster.

  “What was that all about?” Sunggyu hyung had his hand on his hips. 

  “Just someone who recognized me,” I shrugged, feeling apologetic.

  “Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway. Let's get crackin'.”

  “No one says that anymore, grandpa,” Woohyun hyung hollered and the bickering began once again.



A little Jimin-Taehyung brotp interaction for you all. It's ironic because Tae's the one latching himself onto the members in real life AHA. 


I seriously think that it's in his bucket list to kiss all the members ಠ◡ಠ

Oh and yes, Sunggyu and Woohyun made it there as well.

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Chapter 5: omg when she spat water all over his face, i died. XD jungkook always mad doh! LOL. Love this chapter
Chapter 6: When the boys mention Seolhwa, god, it's so funny seeing what Taehyung would do. XD
Chapter 3: I get so much feels from this story >< love it!
Chapter 5: Oh man, I loved how Jungkook just came in fuming and . xD Funny stuff. And gah, I love you Tae.
Chapter 4: Jimin and Taehyung interaction~ I love it LOL And I fangirled after seeing Sunggyu and Woohyun in here. sdkjanvd /my inner Inspirit cries/
BiiBroadcast #6
Chapter 3: Ahhhh! I totally didn't expect Jeongguk to be flustered around girls! Hehe keep up the fabulous work!
Perpetual #7
Chapter 2: This is nice, it has a good plot ^^ Do refrain from any cliques though :D I look forward to your updates as I would like to see how the story develops. Hwaiting~ Update whenever you can~
Chapter 2: Perfect. Everything is perfect. C:
Chapter 2: no no its good ^^ The words aren't too hard but then again english is my first language...
I write with this style too and comments are really encouraging for me so I try to comment as much as possible for others too.
Chapter 1: Update update update!! XD usually, first chapter impressions are disappointing to me but holy cow, I love it already. I really admire your writing style, also!