
Just Tell Me


Finally after about ten buzzes, you finally get up from your nap to check who texted you. Remembering what happened earlier, your heart pounds and quickly check if Doyoon texted you back. Quickly you check your phone to find a message from the same number you texted earlier.
'Yes, this is he. Who is this?'
You squeal and jump on your bed in excitement and finally reply back,
'This is Ann. What did you want to talk about?'
Waiting at least five minutes, you get a text message back from him,
'Oh hey Ann.
Um, yeah. I wanted to talk about what happened on the last day. If you're up for it, do you want to talk tomorrow after school or before school?'
Seeing how he wants to talk in person gets you nervous and you come to the conclusion of how you would die of anticipation if you had to wait all day to talk to him so you respond,
'Yeah tomorrow morning's fine. We'll meet at the same place from last year? At 7:30. I have to go get ready for bed now, bye!'
Lying about getting ready for bed, you quickly run downstairs and grab a quick snack and then get back to doing your homework. As soon as you turn to the first page of your homework you hear another buzz from your phone signaling a new message. You try not to look at it and save it for right before you sleep so you can focus on your homework.
After about two hours later and three packets of summer break homework you did not complete, you finally get to rest on your bed. You go shower, change into your PJ's, and lay down again. You hear a buzz from your phone and pick it up, forgetting that Doyoon texted you way earlier in the day. Your heart pounds and you open the last message,
'Alright, I'll see you tomorrow morning then Ann! ^^ I'm looking forward to it.
♥ - Doyoon.'
Your mind turning blank and you speechless, you squeal again for the third time today. 'I wonder what he means by he's looking forward to the talk tomorrow? Oh my gosh, does that mean.... He likes me? Or... No, he probably doesn't like me. I'm nowhere near his type of girl. Just average in everything— looks, talent, and smartness. Oh well, I guess I should prepare myself for the friendzone,' you think as your drift off into sleep.
- Next Morning -
"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" you yell as you head out the door to school.
You start speed-walking, practically almost running, to school excited to talk to Doyoon.
'No matter what happens, don't cry Ann. Don't fight his feelings, don't blame him, and don't lose his friendship. No matter what,' you say in your head as you're on your way to school.
- 7:25 AM -
Finally you arrive at school.
You pull out your phone and check the time, '7:26? Already?! Oh no, I should start heading towards the back roof of school. What if I make Doyoon wait? Can't do that, ugh. Got to hurry.'
When you reach the door to the back of the school, you hesitate to push it open.
"Um.. Doyoon?" you whisper as you slowly open the door.
"Hey Ann, I'm over here," you hear his voice from somewhere on behind the open door. You step out, close the door, and check your left side for him.
"Oh. Hey Doyoon, what did you want to talk about?" you ask nervously.
"Hah, that's almost exactly what I said almost 4 months ago," Doyoon says with a chuckle as he walks towards you.
"Heh, I guess it is. Well yeah, what's up?" you ask again.
"Well remember how you confessed to me? And how I said I would think about it?" he starts as you nod as an answer, "Well I thought about it... And I don't know why, but I think I might be able to try to like you back. I mean, you're an amazing girl. You're nice, pretty, funny, and your personality is pure. It's beautiful. You're pretty beautiful. So... yeah. I think it might work, but we'd have to take it slow. I'm not saying I actually like you yet, but there's a chance that I could fall for you."
Hearing him say all this made you speechless. His soothing voice just melts your ears and the words he was speaking just melts your heart. You can only feel happiness right now, and it'd be even more perfect is he hugged you.
"Well Ann, let's become really good friends first and then I'll decide on what I feel and we will decide what we want to do next after that," Doyoon continues.
"Sounds like a nice idea to me. I'm fine with it," you reply.
"Okay. Do you walk home?" he asks you as he gets closer to you.
"Yeah, why?" you respond.
"Oh, well then after school wait for me. I'll walk you home Ann," Doyoon says, catching you in a surprise hug.
"Bye Ann! School's going to start," he says again, walking away to the door.
"Uh... Yeah. Bye Doyoon!" you half-whisper as you try to comprehend what just happened.
"Ann! Ann! Come here! Ann!" you hear as you're still thinking about the surprise hug attack from Doyoon, "ANN! EARTH TO ANN?!"
"Oh I'm sorry, yes Doyoon?" you finally answer.
"Did you lock the door?" Doyoon yells from a couple feet away.
"No, I don't remember doing anything like that," you yell back.
"Well we're stuck. It's locked! We can't leave unless we jump off the roof!" Doyoon says in panick.
Still on my phone ;-;
Um. yeah, I really am not that good at writing fanfics lol .-.
but I hope you enjoyed ~
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thanks for taking the time to read it though lol.
I'm a real Sm17e too ~
& we are Fam17y (:
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Chapter 4: Aww, this is cute! I'm looking forward to your future fics!
Chapter 1: Please update soon! Lol my name is Sabrina!
Chapter 1: Nice story pls update soon~
Chapter 1: I like this a lot! Hope you update soon ;u;