★ Definition of Blind [83]

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Definition of Blind
by felix- | tillynilly | Miugh-
Featuring: Inifnite 
Type: Chaptered
Genre: Action, Suspense, Romance, Friendship, Comedy 
Main Characters: Sungjong, Myungsoo, Sungyeol, Krystal
Status: Ongoing (reviewed with 12)
Rated: None
Warnings: Gore, Violence, Death, Language

To Sungjong, the world is blind. Blind is a word that holds many meanings. To be blind is to be visionless. To be blind is to be uncontrolled. To be blind is to be hidden and to be aimless. To blind is to cover, to hide, to shock, to cheat and to trap. Blind is a word that holds many meanings. And to Sungjong, the world is all of them, but something Sungjong doesn’t realize is that perhaps, he’s the one who’s blind.


Lee Sungjong was born with a head full of stark black hair. He was also born with his eyes open, which he takes to great pride to this day. Not many babies are born with open eyes, after all. That mentioned, Sungjong, shortly after being conceived, began wailing to the high heavens. To his parents, this mean two things: One, Sungjong can breathe! Yay! And two, he'll grow up introverted and observatant as opposed to extroverted and carfree. His parents weren't superstitious; it was simply speculation (and perhaps the over-excited parents' want to know what their child will grow up to be).

Story Review by xODarkMistOx (83/100)
Title (4/5)
This title really grabbed me in, if I can say very honestly. The very idea of it has so many options for so many differnet types of stories, I was quite excited to see that it was a gory fic. The title makes a lot of sense later within the story, however I have a hard time of connecting it to the beginning of the story, as in the first few chapters or so. Otherwise, it is simple, sweet, and fits the story's feel very well.
Foreword and Description (7/10)
The description is what I can say, is something I love. The different meanings you used for blindess to the questioning of Sungjong. It's very well written. The mysterious and eerie feeling of it matches the story very well. However, when I came to the foreword, I was a bit dissappointed that it was just basic information of the story and an author's message. It would've really been nice if you maybe put in a part of the story that can reel readers in. I was looking for something from the story to kind of preview what sort of fic this was going to be.
Originality (5/10)
If I said this story was original, I would be lying. There's been a lot of survival stories and this isn't that different. The only differnece though, is that there is buildup. There is something prior to the mayhem happening. When I was first reading this story, I was really waiting for the mayehm to happen. I enjoyed that and I was kept interested for a while. While I thought this story would start off with the battles and go into flashbacks, you started with just an average kid. I really liked that part.
Characterization (7/10)
For this story I would say that your characterization was almost there, but not quite. Sungjong's developement is spot on with him being a happy little thirteen year old and then his life changes and he becomes dark and such. When the survival game is revealed and progresses, I like how Sunghong talks of how Sulli thinks the blood trickling down her temple is sweat. Along with that I thoroughly enjoyed how each person has grown to be immune to killing, the piles of bodies, and all of the blood. I can imagine that happening with everyone going crazy and being backed into a corner with nothing to do but "kill or be killed". However it only took you so far, and all of the developement sort of stopped. Apart from their numb feeings to death and killing, no one really took a dramatic change, so far though. This story isn't completed yet, so I can't say much about the developement yet. I enjoyed Krystal's character a lot with how she's protective of her friends, strong, and sarcastic. However, with so many characters in your story, some are more described than others and it makes me wonder if those characters should've been that involved in the story. Take Sulli and Luna. There wasn't much we could see about their characters or how they were friends with Sungjong. I would've enjoyed it a bit more if there weren't that many characters as well, it became a little confusing. However, I loved how you made all of the characters believable teeangers.
Readability (14/15)
I was able to read this story fairly well. Apart from a few mix ups with verb tenses, the grammar and spelling was spot on. However, I did have an issue with rereading a lot of the time since there were times when characters just appeared. Take Kai, I didn't even get his purpose the first time he appeared. I was looking for it, and only in a few paragraphs later, that Kai was Sungjong's friend. It's not that I didn't think he was. I was just wondering why he was there since he made no other appearance prior and all of a sudden Sungjong was going to his house.
Plotline (18/20)
This plotline wasn't that original, with the survival part and all, but otherwise it was quite original. The realistic aspect of the character's ages and fact that they're still only teenagers is very nice. Along with that, I think you were spot on with how there wasn't a main focus of romance. It is there, but you don't focus on that. You focus on the battles and how everyone is going to get out alive or at least safe. I think that was really well done since a lot of the time, fics like that get drowned out with the romance and the action is just a side part.
Flow and Organization (9/10)
I would say your flow was sort of choppy at some points with all of the random characters appearing. Also, there were times when I had to reread and see when a character died, and realized it was so obscurely hinted that I didn't really realize. Only in the next chapter when it was said that that character died, I realized they did and I found that sort of confusing to read and my thought track was, "Wait... that character died?"
Overall Enjoyment (19/20)
I enjoyed this story a lot with all of the gore and battles and the buildup of Sungjong's character. I found it also nice that it started from childhood and into high school, that way we get the idea of how close certain characters are like Krystal and Sungjong.
Additional Comments / Final Score (83/100)
I notice that you said that there would be a side story but you never updated the chapter for it. I'm not sure if it would clear things up, but it would've been nice to see that. Also, your ability to write action, gore, and violence is amazing.
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Chapter 77: Thanks for your reviwe of Lacrimosa! I just subscribed to it and thanks to you I´ll read very carefully <3
Chapter 35: I just read glitz. It was lovely, thanks for the rec! :D