the voice mail;


She takes a glance at her watch and where's he? She thought deeply as she had been waiting her 'dongsaeng' for almost two hours now. She sighed, as she stood up from the swing that night and heading back to her apartement by walk and with a heavy heart. She looks at the sky as the snow start to falling down for the first time this year, and by that Sehun, her precious dongsaeng, broke his own promise to accompany her to see the first snow this year. She smiled dryly as she hugged her small body tighter with her sweater before she continues her walk to her apartement alone. 

"Noona!" the familiar worried voice said as she reached the apartement.

"Hi Sehun." She replied dryly with fake smile that appeared on her face.

"I'm sorry for breaking my promise, noona. The boss wants me and the others to stay longer because the café is kind of crowded today, probably because they need a place to see the first snow." He told her with a guilt expression.

She waved her hand in front of his face, telling him that everything is fine and nothing to worry about, "It's okay. I forgot about that either, nothing to be sorry about." I remember. "It's already late, you can go home now, Sehun." She continued before she bid a goodbye before he took her hand and stir her to his chest, and that makes her heart goes extremely insane. 

"Goodnight noona. See you tomorrow." He smiled faintly before releasing her from his arms and mess her light brown hair.

Maybe, I'm just too pathetic for wishing that he'd feel the same. Who am I to him either? I'm just his noona and nothing will ever change, everything will just go like usual; cried on his shoulder; hold his hand when I'm scared by something; okay, that sound romantic, but he did that because, again, I'm his noona. He gives me attention, of course, but he only sees me as his noona, not a friend or a lover. Maybe I should move on, but where should I go? She sighed before she walked into her apartement with a gloomy mood.


Her phone vibrated in the morning, telling her that someone just left a voice mail for her. Jessica knows from who is the sender; heck - he has been doing that for almost two years a few months after they met on his part-time café that time. Talk about how they met each other, you all probably wondering how they met right? just say yes.

That day, he was wearing the light pink apron and white t-shirt underneath that made all the girls drolling over him, but then again, Jessica didn't care about him that time, all she think is how she can finished the project and sleep. She remembers; everytime she went to that café, he always there wearing that pink apron, and the way he always left a note on her drink. The first note she got was 'smile and have a nice day! -osh' and he success to made her smile all day long. One day, it was late at night and Jessica was still there, drinking her favorite coffee with another note on the side of the drink. He was still there too, watching her from a far, smiling like an idiot. She catched his stare that day and being a brave man Sehun is, he waved at the blushing noona from his place. Jessica on the other hand can't stop blushing, she looked away from the weird child he is and shook her head before she found him in front of her.

"I'm Oh Sehun." He cheekily said that day.

That's how she meets him and talk about her, Jessica is finally fully awake now. 

She took her phone that flew to somewhere around her room and check the new voice mail from him. She pressed the mail and put her phone beside her, the voice mail is probably only a minute, but she doesn't care at least he sent her. 

'Good morning, noona! I bet you just awake from your twelve hours sleep right? You're such a sleepyhead.' She rolled her eyes as he called her sleepyhead. 'Anyway, don't forget to eat your breakfast or probably your lunch. I'll see you later! Oh and don't forget to use a warm outfit! it's really cold outside.' She chuckled as he made a shivering sound. 'hehe, goodbye!

Jessica smiled quietly as the voice mail was ended. She didn't reply his voice mail like usual because she doesn't want him to know her cracked voice - heck, she even won't to meet him today because of the puffy red eyes she had from her last night cries by thinking how pathetic she is. She held her knees together before she let the tears falling down for the second times. 


Jessica stopped her tracks as she reached her destination, The Namsan Tower, her favorite place to refresh her complex mood. She took a seat on the bench under a tree and sighed. Her phone won't stop vibrating for probably around an hour ago, she knew it's Sehun who called her, but being a stubborn girl she is, she just let the phone keep vibrating.

Sehun, on the other hand, is really worried and confused about her now. It's been an hour since she didn't pick up his call, but that doesn't make him stop calling his noona. "Where's she?" He gritted his teeth, still trying to call her. He looked at his watch and it read, 11:30PM, and he doesn't know where she is. He asked her apartment security, but he said she went to somewhere around fourty minutes ago,

"Oh and she went out with a blank face that scared me to death, hoho." The security laughed, but stop immediately as Sehun glared at him with his fox eyes before he walked away from the security without saying thank you. He tried to call her again, but still, she didn't pick it up. He mess his hair with his finger and punch a fist in the air with anger.

He tried to call her again, but still no answer from her. He let out a big sigh and left her a voice-mail,

"Noona, where are you? Why you didn't pick up my phone? Are you mad at me? Why are you ignoring me, noona?" He paused for a while before he continues, "Noona is already late. Go back soon and please tell me, is something wrong? And I will always be waiting for a response, okay? Becareful, Jessica noona. Good night." sent.


60 missed calls from sehunnie; 10 text messages from sehunnie; 1 new voice mail. 

She pressed the new voice mail and his voice popped out from her phone. His voice is really dry, is he okay? She became worried after she ignored him for almost a day. She felt guilty for making him worried about her even though she think she didn't deserve his whole attention. She put her phone beside her as she lay down on her bed, trying to sleep without thinking about him or something related to him. She tried, but the result, she can't. How can she sleep when the guilty haunted her?

She took her phone that laying beside her and calls him. One ring, two rings, and no answer from him. "I think I deserved this." She laughed dryly and left him a plain voice mail,

"Sehun-ah, starting from a few days ago, this heart pounding is torturing me day and night. Actually, even now, if I could, I want to keep denying it, but honestly, don’t you have a little responsibility for making me so confused?" She chuckled faintly,

"Your affectionate worries, did it really mean nothing?" she paused, "Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious I don’t care if I’m just a remedy to your boredom, I’ll just be like this for a little while and take care of things on my own"

"The recorded time is already past two minutes and thirty seconds, actually, I don’t have anything else to say, since I’m just doing this without any plan." she said, "I’m so miserable till the end, why am I so pathetic? It wasn’t supposed to be like this" she whispered quietly. "Sorry for this un-important thing, I'll just take asleep. Bye.


Sehun kept replaying Jessica's voice mail alone in his apartment room. 'I’ll just be like this for a little while and take care of things on my own' That words keep spinning inside his head. He sighed and stood up from his bed, today probably the worst day in his life. The quotes probably right, happiness won't lasts forever. His happiness, only lasts for two years, or maybe he can extend it.

He took his random jacket and put it on his tall body before he ran out from his apartment to her place in hurry. 

Jessica on the other hand, is staring at the tv blankly. No matter how funny the comedian was, she just blink her eyes, and change the channel. Her sleep that night was the worst sleep ever in her entire life, it contains nightmare and guilt. right? Her best friend, Tiffany, called her and asking how she is because the worried-sehun called her that night too asking where am I. She told her that she was okay and nothing between her and Sehun, well it's true right? "I'm just his noona, tiff." She told her best friend for billion times, but Tiffany will only laugh at her and telling her that she's too blind.

A light knock comes from outside her apartment broke her deep thought. Wait a second, she said to the person who knocked her door. She put her bunny slippers on and walked to the door as she tied her hair to a bun before she turned the knob. "Who is-" before she finished her sentence, the guy took her wrist and stir her little body into his warm hug. Jessica was gasped; don't know what to react by his surprise. 

"Why are you being like that? Don't you know, I'm worried about you? Why don't you answer my calls? Don't ever do that again, I'm really worried about you, noona!" Jessica opened , but Sehun trailed off again. "And you said that my worried to you meant nothing? Heck! I wouldn't worried to death if you mean nothing to me, and noona, please notice my feeling too." He quietly sighed and slowly released her from his arms.

He sniffed and continues his talk, "Remember when that jerk that goes by the name of Kris. He broke your heart, right? That night before I came to your apartment to calm you down, I-I kind of punch him for a few times as I saw him getting lovey dovey with some , that's why I have a bruises as I came here. I'm sorry." He paused, "and you know, every morning I sent you a voice mail right? It's because I want to be the first person who gives you a good morning, so selfish, I know."

Jessica was about to tell him to stop, but he point out his finger, tell her to shut up, but again. She's stubborn right? Nothing could stop her. "Just tell me the magic words, Sehun." She said in monotone that gives him a shiver. 

"I love you?"

"I'm yours now." and she crashed him with a rain of kisses.


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gorgeouszhang #1
Chapter 1: This is so sweet oh my godnessss :)))
Even him calling jessica noona is so cute awwww :3
Chapter 1: lol!! so cute meh~ upvote!!
Chapter 1: What an unique ending kkk xD
Chapter 1: Lololol 8DD i like this
smurfette #5
Chapter 1: So cute. :)
I love it! <3
update soon~~