Late Nights In Seoul


The lights shine through the window and slowly settle softly on my desk. 

The sky was as dark as a sky gets, but was lit up by glowing splashes of the colors of Seoul. 

This was every night. Every transition to the hours of a.m. 

With everyday these kinds of light came back again and again, 

leaving me to imagine what it would be like, 

if the world were pitch black.


Hello everyone~

My name is ________, and i enjoy writing. 

So, i decided to combine two of my most beloved hobbies: Fangirling in my fandom, and writing stories. 

Let's see how this goes, shall we?

I have nothing to lose anyhow. 

Please enjoy, and if you don't I totally understand. You should have standards. I suppose. 

Here goes nothing. 


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