
In Love With You

“A flower cannot blossom without sunshine. A man cannot live without love” – Max Muller


My name is Park Eunji. *Bow*. I am 20 years old. This year it will be my 10th years I live alone. What do I mean by alone? I will explain it to you. Last past 10 years when I am 10 years old, my family died in car accident. Yes. Only me who survived. I still remember what happened during the accident.


“Eunji-ya, today is your birthday right? We will go to the most famous restaurant in town to celebrate it. Are you happy?” mom asked me.I was very happy at that time. 

"Yes, mom! I love you”.

Dad drove the car. We sang and have fun along the way. All of a sudden, dad’s car was staggering. Then, I do not remember anything.


As I opened my eyes, I saw a doctor standing beside my bed. I looked at his nametag, Hoon. My head felt very hurt. I cried. “Where’s mom? Dad? Eunhyuk oppa?”. He only stared at me with those sad eyes. Then, he shook his head.

“I’m sorry. I’d try my best”. He left me in dazed.


It has been hard for me since that day. I was hospitalized for 9 days. My cheek’s bone broke and there was a big scar on my forehead. I used to hide it with my hair but now I wear caps. It was my worst nightmare. I miss my mom, my dad and my big brother. We used to be together. But, now I am alone. There is only me. You must be curious about with whom I was living that time. I were sent to an orphanage. They sent me there because they said that there is no one willing to take care of me. I cried all the time there. My friends around my age played cheerfully. Don’t they miss their parents?

“Here, some tissues for you. You had cried for almost 2 weeks. Cheer up”.

There was one boy who wore Blue shirt stared at me and he was holding tissues in his hand. “You like blue? My brother also love blue”. He really looks good in blue. He just nodded.

“My name is Jung Chan Ho. I sure that I am older than you. You can call me Chan Ho oppa”. I nodded. “What is your name?”he asked me.


Then he hold my hand and brought me to his friends. “Hey guys! This is Eunji. Don’t you guys ever hurt her”


Since that day, I always being by his side. If there is Jung Chan Ho, there will be Park Eunji. People called us sibling couple at that time. He was very protective. If there were some naughty kids who like to disturb me, he will scold them. That is one reason why I love him. As we grew, there was something wrong with me. My heart beats fast whenever he was beside me and I know that I had falling in love with someone I wasn’t supposed to love!

P/S: Keep this as secret. I’m begging you guys.


Now, I am 20 years old and work as waitress at Matt’s Café. It is the most well-known café in Seoul. And for your information, Chan Ho oppa is still by my side and my heart still beats fast whenever I see him.

“Eunji-ya, take order table no 2”


There it goes again. It to be directed by people. But, that what we called life right? 


Dear Diary, 

There it goes again. My routine. It was really tiring for me since I worked non stop. Opss. It sounds like I'm bragging. Lol. Today, Chan Ho oppa looks really nice. Like always.

The most beautiful girl in da world ^^,

Park Eunji

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Chapter 1: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 1: please update soon !!!!!!
waiting for the next chapter.......
Chapter 1: please update soon !!!!!!
sounds cool
striped-cat #5
cool! sounds super interesting!