thinking of you,

Thinking of You


Krystal stood at the edge of the cliff. This was where it had all happened nine years ago. The place she lost Sulli. All she had left from the older girl was a necklace.


Victoria told me that Sulli had left the house looking quite miserable. I knew that there was one place Sulli would go when she was sad and that was the sea. I ran as quickly as I could to the cliffs and I saw the figure of a tall girl.


The memories pained Krystal so much, but she came here every year on this exact day.


I approached and stood next to her.

"What's wrong Jinri?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Nothing.." She said.

I could see she'd been crying quite badly

"No. There's something wrong. Please.. Tell me." I said.

She let out a soft sigh. "It's nothing Soojung.." She paused. "I want you to have something." She took her necklace off and handed it to me. "It was given to me as a gift a long time ago. I want you to have it."

"But..." I started.

She shook her head. "Just take it."


The next part killed Krystal mentally. It hurt so much to see her friend like this.. If only she was there earlier...


"I'm so sorry for what is going to happen soon.." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled.

"I can't stay. You see Soojung, there are just some things in life you can't escape from no matter what. This is the only option." She said, looking at me sadly.

"No.. Jinri.. You can't.. Please don't.." I gasped.

"It's too late. My mind is made." She said, standing up.

"Don't do this! Please!" I yelled, trying to grab her. I was too late.

She looked at me. "I'm so sorry Soojung.. I love you.." She stepped off the edge of the cliff.

"JINRI!" I screamed.

She was gone.


Krystal was bought to tears. She collapsed on the ground.

"I was too late.. I'm so sorry.. I wish I could have helped.." She sobbed.

There was a soft breeze, Krystal looked up to see the ghostly shape of Sulli.

"J.. Jinri.." Krystal gasped.

The shape nodded. "Be happy without me Soojung. You don't need me."

"How do I go on though Jinri.. You're my best friend.. I can't be like this anymore.." Krystal sighed, sitting up.

"Please.. Just try.." Sulli said.

"I've tried.. I just want to be with you again.." Krystal said.

"Then do it." Sulli said. "Jump."

"I don't know.. There's so much I'll leave behind.." Krystal mumbled.

"Hey! Krystal!" A voice called from behind. Amber.

"You can't run away from these problems forever.." Sulli said.

"..You're right.." Krystal sighed.

She saw the ghostly apparation disappear, then she heard Amber approaching.

"I'm sorry." Krystal said.

"For what?" Amber asked.

"..This.." Krystal slid off the end of the cliff.

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Chapter 1: atleast JungLi finally got together ..

I'm happy for you guys even if it's a sin :(
i know it sad fictions and i usaully DONT like it but your write is beautiful :)