The letter

Only one

I'm throwing it all out and hope for the best (y)


The sharpness of the vast difference of our start and end
And the pain that stabs my heart – why is it so similar?
My overwhelmed heart crumbles emptily in just one moment
How can I stand up again?


The very next morning Boa was preparing to tell Dr. Park about leaving, but just as she was going to reach for the door knob, it automatically opens by itself and out comes YunHo.

He didn’t seem pretty happy at first but when he saw Boa he smiled “Oh Boa, Dr. Park was about to see you. Good luck.” He says and pats her back. She looks back at him then close the door; little did she know that YunHo didn’t left that place but instead he lean against the wall beside the door.

“Dr. Park, you wanted to see me?”

“So you’re leaving?” he sat there on his chair rather impatiently,

but before Boa could say anything he spoke again “YunHo-ssi told me. It’s alright…” he says while reaching below his desk “well then I think now is the best time.” He finishes while holding the wooden box and handling her the key “it’ your mother’s legacy. Take it and open it.” He orders.


Speechless, she just takes it from him and did as she’s told. Slowly she turns the key until it reaches the end and the lid just flip open. Inside were a few pictures and a letter; there’re old pictures with a happy couple holding a baby and a few more of the man and woman’s picture. The woman looks like her mother, could that man be her father?

She then read the letter, it’s neatly written but the paper felt a little crumble,

it says: My dear daughter Boa, by the time you’re reading this I might be gone already, my sickness is incurable but that’s not what I wanted to say here. My dear, I hope you have live a happy and blessed life. You have great friends that takes good care for you, truly you are blessed and I don’t want that kind of life of yours change because of the truth. Boa I hope you have not bear any anger towards your father, I know he left us with nothing and I did not talk much about him. The truth is that your father knows about my sickness and have been finding a cure ever since. Boa he created 2Fleur enterprise. He’s company have been supporting our hospital ever since, but since he haven’t found a cure for my sickness so he never came to visit us even after his company is successful. But it’s not all his work that 2Fleur enterprise came to be, my fear for you my daughter is that his rivals might not forgive him so easily. I truly pray that you’ll be safe and not leave behind everything you once have. I trust YooChun to take good care of you. At last my sweet child, I wish you would see your father before he leaves too. Your mother.


Boa was almost in tears “So this is the truth?” she look up at Dr. Park. He did not say anything but just look down to the ground.

“Well now you know the truth, what are you going to do Boa?” YunHo appears behind her, he then holds up a cut out from a paper many years ago. A picture of Boa’s father holding up a painting exactly same as the one YunHo painted and the text says “this painting was my fathers’. Your father stole it from our family and caused our lives misery.” He throws the paper at her.

“I… I’m so sorry YunHo I… I didn’t…” she stutters

“of course you don’t.” he stare at her. Dr. Park put a defending arm around Boa. 

“You were going to make her fall in love with you, to get revenge on her father aren’t you? Since her father is dying and need an heir, she wouldn’t fit into that position, so you’ll just marry the daughter of the head company and that’ll automatically make you the next heir isn’t it?”


YunHo turn his gaze from Dr. Park to Maya “You’re right, ever since I came here all I ever wanted is to get revenge. But… I now relies that it all seem pointless… keep everything you have, I quit.” He says and turns out the door, but pause “Boa, my offer still opens. You might want to see your father before he passes away.” Without turning his head, he walks straight on.

A huge weight both lifted up and a new one seems to have places itself there. 

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