Goodbye maybe?

Only one

My love, good bye now – you’re the only one (you’re the only one)
Even at the moment we break up, you’re the only one
It hurts and hurts and it’s foolish but good bye
Though I may never see you again, you’re the only one



Boa burst into Dr. Park’s office the very next morning. “Oh Boa, you’re here early.” He looks up from his work to his watch. Boa said nothing but just drop the copper key on his desk.


Dr. Park looks at the key skeptically “What’s this?” he return his gaze back to the lovely woman that had lost its luster.


“I was hoping you would give me the answer… I found this in my mothers’ old dairy, it must have meant something.”


“What makes you think I have anything to do with it?”


“Because! She trust’s you! And your name is carved on the key! Look!” she picks up the key again and showed him the letter ‘Y’


Dr. Park sighs and took the key from her hand gently “This is not meant for me Boa.” He inspects it again “but you were going to find out sooner or later, but in the main time I’ll be keeping this safe.” He holds it up then shoves it into his doctor coat.


“No, why won’t you let me know? What are you keeping from me? What secrets are you hiding from me?”


“Everything I do is to keep you safe Boa, your mother would want that…” he turns to look out the window.


“I’m not a kid anymore! Anything from my mother I have the right to know, you should know that… what’s going on? You’re never like this… YooChun…” her eyes starts to water. Dr. Park walks towards Boa and hold both of her shoulder “Trust me Boa, it’s not the time for you to find out yet. But I promise, when the right time comes I will tell you everything. But right now… I can’t bear to lose you…” he looked deep into her eyes. Boa was a little shocked, she shakes her head, release herself from his grip and went out the door, running straight to the ladies room.

Dr. Park stood there, staring at the shadow of what it used to be. He closes his door and locks it, curtains closed, lights off; leaning back at his chair, flashbacks of the day YunHo came run through his mind, every word cling on his mind and pulled the strings in his heart. Why did he come? Even though he knew this was going to happen, he wished it would never come. It all too late now, what else can he do? It’s just a matter of time


“Why are you here?” Dr. Park asks YunHo,

“You know darn well why I’m here doctor. That old man himself is going to die soon, he needs an heir.” YunHo leans forward.


“She is not leaving here.”


“Well too bad doc, we all know that this hospital is supported by 2Fleur enterprise and the reason is that his daughter works here. But if the old man dies, nothing holds the bond between 2Fleur and Avenue anymore. This place will run out of business.” He slams his fist on the desk. Dr. Park remains in silence, “what’s more important to you? The people in this hospital or just a girl?” 


“She’s not capable of running a company.” Dr. Park sighs,


“Her mother knows this, you know this, she told you.” YunHo press on.

Suddenly Dr. Park got heated up “Her mother ask me to take care of her, even if this day comes she’ll have permission from me!”


“You cannot stop her from knowing the truth!” they both start to yell at each other.

They stared at each other for a while then Dr. Park finally turns away “I will let her leave… but the choice is all up to her.”


“Glad you finally come to your senses doc.” He says as he slowly approach the door knob,


“But! You’ll have to work here as a volunteer, to prevent suspicions from her.” He turns at him “Yes sir~” he did a mocking salute and went out.

Dr. Park massages the bridge of his nose, things have gone far more complicated. He paused for a while, then opened a safe located under his desk. He crack the combination and takes out an old wooden box, he takes out the copper key from his pocket. He wanted to insert it, but stopped. ‘No, whatever is inside this box I have no right to probe…’ he thought to himself.


“YooChun… I know my life here is no longer long… I have I few things to tell you before I go…” the woman with pale white and skinny face tug on Dr. Park’s coat. Dr. Park leans down to her faint whisper “I’m trusting Boa unto your hands, no matter what happens I want you to protect her…” she coughs “take this…” she hand him a wooden box “here lies everything Boa has to know about her father but only let her know when the time is right… I’ve hidden the key somewhere with Boa… till the day she find the key… she’ll learn about her father” Dr. Park takes the box from her then she continues “even though she may not have a grudge against him but any child would not be pleased to find one of their parent left them… but YooChun… I wish that day would never come!” she clutch on his coat tightly.

Her voices were faint, but he could remember it like it was yesterday. “He had made some enemies along the way… I wish they would harm not my daughter…” she whispers that last part. Dr. Park doesn’t want to let Boa know the truth, he doesn’t want her to leave; oh how selfish was he. But he knows, he cannot hinder it from her, ha cannot bear getting a cold shoulder from her. No matter how much he wants her to stay; he must let her go… eventually…

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