By My Side


What if it is true that you can never stop loving someone? 

What if... I convinced myself that I have never loved you?


This story is about a girl who never really understood love, just like most of us, and her journey to learn to love and be loved.


[This is a story that has been rewritten, because it contained some scenes that I can't bear to discard away... and also, unlike most fanfictions, I am only going to write the story in the reader's point of view (POV).]





I looked at him and I am amazed by how much I wished to be able to look at his face all day long. Every smile. Every blush. Every awkward laugh. Every deep breath. I watched and watched. Is it love? I couldn't be sure. But I do know, how much I want him to be happy, even without me.













From Author (me):

Initially, I've planned to write this story as a gift for my friend, but over time, I just can't bring myself to continue writing the story. Normally I like to read through the chapters that I've written over and over again to see what to change, but there is always something missing, something wrong about it which I can't pinpoint to what it is, then I've come to realise that one of the main reason I coudn't continue writing is that I don't know how exactly to feel when in love or to be exact, I don't know when I'm in love. How could I write about love without being in love or feel so passionate about love itself? How could one love another without loving herself/himself? Then I realised that the whole direction of the story I've written years ago, was wrong. So I am going to rewrite this whole story so that it makes... more sense. Maybe somewhat closer to what we usually deal with in normal lives. Of course, this is still a fanfiction. But I am hoping that what if one day, I really do meet someone who moves me, inspires me, etc... just like the one the female character loves in this fanfic. Maybe one day, you'll find someone like that too... :) Here, I wish you all the best in finding that person who will love you as much as you love him/her, finding the person who can also bring out the best in you, finding the person who you can trust while being the person who he/she can trust and believe in... I wish that you will be happy, even though there might be tough times. 

Lastly, I thank you for reading my story and do let me know how you think about it by leaving a comment in the section below. :) 

P.S. I do make mistakes here and there, so please forgive me... And I'll only update the story as and when I am free and when I have a clear idea of what I want to write, so please do be patient with me, I appreciate that. Thanks :)


With love,




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i love this story!
;A; you're not gonna update anymore? D8
Please update soon or when your not too busy~ I love this story so much~
gjmqatdjmgjpatd so sweet! Wookie is just <3 update soon!
This is cool O.O Wookieeee! xDD <br />
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Poor thing.... Awww Wookie is so sweet~ ^^ hwaiting!!!