Only Love Lives | Juliannaembry

Bangtan Boys Oneshot Request Shop ❤ [ CLOSED] [FINISHING BATCH 1]

Title: Only Love Lives

Pairing: RapMonxLuiRen

Genre: Angst,Sad

Requested by: Juliannaembry



"Mom,I want to go home." Ren whined to her mother as she kicked the covers of the blanket on the hospital

bed,refusing to lie down.


Lui Ren or mostly called Ren by those who are close to her was in a really bad mood.She hated

hospitals.She hated it.Her life was perfect,she had the best grades,the best boyfriend,the best friends and

the best parents.To keep it short,her life was they type of life that any girl would die to have.She would

never have imagine that her life could just change in a split second.After finding out that she was diagnose

with Spinocerrebellar ataxia,she lost everything that she ever had.The life that was called perfect was

replaced with glumness and sorrow.Her boyfriend dumped her as he was disgusted.Those whom she called

friends left her for she they felt that she was no longer special.Her grades dropped as she was in

depression.Lui Ren's life took the most emotional turn ever that she doesn't know if she could continue

living and fighting this stupid disease.Spinocerrebellar ataxia is a disease which attacks the brain in the

cerebellum.The function of the cerebellum is to control voluntary movements like walking,talking,buttoning

a shirt and so on.The cause of the disease is still unknown.Although it can be transferred genetically Ren's

parents and anscestors never experience such disease that they know of.The cause on why Ren was

diagnosed with it still remains a mystery.Symptoms of the disease are,unable to walk,talk or move any part

of the body.The disease is fatal if it is not treated immidieatly.Up till now,there is no cure for the

disease.The only thing that could help was for Ren to take loads of antibiotics and to pray.Ren was already

in stage 2 which can be cured.There was still hope for her.For now,she is still able to walk and talk

although she finds it a bit hard.


"Lui Ren,this is just gonna be for a while only,okay?." Her mom assured her although she wasn't very sure



There was sadness in the way she said.The 17 year old teenager knew that her mom was lying.Ren sighed

and nodded.


"Your dad will come to visit you soon,later in the evening." Her mom said before kissing Ren's forehead

and leaving the hospital room.


Ren was the only child so her parents really did love her so much.They couldn't bear the thought of losing

their one and only daughter.Ren just lay on her bed and started to cry silently.Dear God,I don't want to

die.Not now..please help me.She prayed in her heart.Soon,she drifted into a deep sleep,forgetting about her

life threatening disease.She had a dream that afternoon.A beautiful one.In her dream,there was her

family,waiting at the other end of an altar.She was wearing a beautiful wedding dress.She was getting

married.There at the end of the altar,stood a mysterious guy standing next to her father.Ren couldn't really

see his face properly as his face was blurry.She woke up from the dream and shook her head lightly.What

is it suppose to mean?.Ren thought in her head.She was so confuse in that moment.A knock on the door

disturbed her train of thought.A nurse came in with a piece of paper on clipboard.


"Miss Lui Ren,it's time to go for your check-up." The nurse informed before leading her slowly to the MRI



Ren had difficulty in walking.No,it's getting worse.Ren thought and felt sad.


"Don't worry." The nurse said,noticing Ren's sadness.


Ren forced a smile.Once they had reached the MRI room,the doctor motioned Ren to lie down on the

patient'd bed to have a scan.Ren just took a deep breath and lay down.After the scan was over,she was

asked to walk back to her room.The nurse from earlier helped her walk back slowly.As they were walking

and passing a few rooms,a loud and deep voice was heard from a room that was just 3 rooms away from




WHOLE LIFE HERE!" The guy shouted in the room.


Ren couldn't see how he looked like as the door was opaque.


"He's been here since he was young." The nurse explained,her face wasn't smiling.


Ren nodded,not asking anything anymore.He must've suffered much more than me.Ren thought before

walking towards her bed.


"If you need anything,press the red button above your headboard,alright?". The nurse said before leaving

Ren alone.


Her dad came to visit her that evening,just as promised.Her dad brought her flowers and fruits.She was

happy and they talked like never before.Something was missing and she didn't know what it was.After her

dad left,she was forced to take her medicine.Loads of them.That night she couldn't sleep and she didn't

know why.The next day,Ren woke up early to clear off her mind.She skipped breakfast and sneaked out of

the room as she was bored.While she was walking along the corridor,a guy was walking the opposite

way,making them to face each other.


"I haven't see you around before.." The guy trailed off as he scanned Ren from head to toe.


Pshht,how rude.Not even a hello?.Ren thought and rolled her eyes mentally.


"Well,I just got admitted a few days ago." Ren replied nonchalantly.


He smiled and held out a hand.


"Rap Monster,stage 3 of Leaukimia." He introduced.


Wait,his voie sounds familiar..Ren thought and tried to recall.


"Ren,stage 2 of Spinocerrebellar ataxia". Ren shook his hand and said.


His face was confuse for a while.


"Spinocere-what?,I think you need to write it down for me." Rap Monster laughed lightly as he said.


Ren let go of his hand and chuckled.


Man,her laugh is really something.Rap Monster thought.


"I'm sure Rap Monster isn't your real name.Tell me your real name!." Ren playfully demanded as she pulled

the sleeves of his patient shirt.


Rap Monster laughed."Hmm...maybe I will tell you.But not now though." He said.


Ren pouted and folded her arms in front of him.


"Aww,man.Don't do that,please!" Rap Monster said and pretended to be affected by her cuteness (He was



Ren laughed."How old are you?,I'm 17." She said and smiled.


"I'm 19." Rap Monster said.


"What are you both doing here?" The nurse that helped Ren asked with her eyes big.


"Namjoon,you have chemo now.You better go." The nurse informed.


Rap Monster sighed while Ren smiled.


"I know your real name,now. " Ren said and winked playfully which sent butterflies in Rap Monster's



Rap Monster left the spot reluctantly to the chemo room while the nurse brought Ren her breakfast.While

Ren was eating,she suddenly remembered that his voice was exactly the same as that guy who shouted

yesterday.It was him all along.Ren thought.Time passed by and Ren's sickness worsen.She wasn't able to

talk or speak anymore.She needed a pen and a paper to write down what she wants to say.On the other

hand,Rap Monster's sickness wasn't any different.His head was bald now and he was already in stage

4.They would sneak out now and then to talk to each other or end up making out at night.Until one fateful

night,just like the others,Rap Monster brought Ren to a secret room and he exhaled the words she never

thought he would.


"I love you,Lui Ren".Ren was in her wheelchair,stunned at what she just heard.


She couldn't speak so she cried,tears of joy inside.He gave her a chaste kiss on the lips and they end up

making love deeply that night.The next day,Ren pleaded her nurse to bring her to see Rap Monster.Her

nurse refused.Ren scribbled "Please!!" In big letters on so many pieces of paper just to persuade her.In the

end,Ren's room was flooded with papers.Her nurse then placed her hands on Ren's shoulders softly before



"He's gone,Lui Ren.He passed away last night at 11pm." Ren couldn't believe the words she had heard.


She cried so hard that night that she swore,she felt so sad than she has ever been in her entire life.


Ren passed away that night.


All of a sudden,Ren woke up in a very bright place.She realized that she wasn't in her hospital clothes

anymore.She was wearing...a wedding dress.She could talk and speak.In front of her stood Rap Monster in

a tux looking as handsome as ever.


"You look beautiful,Lui Ren" He complimented as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.


Ren hugged him in return as they continued to live above with God.❤ 


Hey,Juliannaembry!! Sorry if I took too long with your request but well,it's done and I hope you like it! <3 Leave a comment once you've already read it.Thank you <3


I had a blast writing this (and I took a very long time btw) <3 I hope it's not too sad for your liking :)

Request again if you like ^^



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Calling Ryu_Hunt!! your oneshot is ready ! :)


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Chapter 8: This one is nice too!!! be honestly, it was a litlle creepy and cruel, but one the other hand it's soo palpitant and intersting....i love this one too, and jin"'s caracter is soo awsome.....xD...^~^
1. V & Cindy

2. Fluff and romantic comedy.

3. Cindy is a shy, introverted girl who locks herself away from the world, besides having a couple of friends. Taehyung (V) on the other hand is the schools 4D hyperactive extrovert, and Cindy's crush. One day, one of Cindy's friends Jungkook, invites her to sit with him and his other friends (BTS) at lunch much to other girls dismay. While the girls throw hateful glares at her, Taehyung comforts her, telling her that they're just jealous. When one of the girls spill milk on her purposely, she runs out crying with Taehyung hot on her trail. He then hugs her when she starts talking to herself not knowing he was there saying that she was worthless and stuff that would bring you down, and that Taehyung would never like her, little did she know, Taehyung took interest in her a while back, and that interest soon turned into a crush. Later, as Taehyung gives her a pep talk, tears continue streaming down her face, as she thinks he only feels sorry for her. Then revealing that he likes her too, they kiss and end up together. The end xD
Hope that's not too much >.<

Password: Kookie
Yunhee x Huseok
Fluff, RomCom
Jhope is a dork while Yunhee is the serious type. He decided to surprise Yunhee on their anniversary with a comedy in it.

ps. i find jhope so hilarious and funny and god knows how i wanted to be close to him bec i think we have the same attitude lols hashtag DELU XDD
Chapter 9: Please do not and i mean it, do not hire another writers!!!...i and the fateful readers will wait your updates with much love and appreciate your passion in writing this...time is not important, it's your skill of writing in this style and the way you understand and work at the if this advice is not good, just forgive me, but i talked my mind honestly........
Chapter 8: I'm totally love it. thank you for your hard work
Chapter 3: ^^ nice. keep it coming.
Chapter 6: I'm dead of laughing!!! That was just...whooaa!!! AWSOME!!!! I havw fun reading this!!!! You've wrote it soo well and funny, author nim...//coughs// and now i have a question: there will be a batch 2???...^~^
WonZiGyuMin #8
1.Jungkook x Claire


3.Claire is Jungkooks girlfriend but Jin has a crush on her.One day Jin tells her he likes her and Jungkook hears him.Jungkook becomes mad and decides to confront the girl and Jin.The girl explaines what happened and ends up with Jungkook
