I'm Not a Sadist!

Once a Playboy Fall In Love

The park? What are we going to do here? He’s supposed to take me home.


"Get out." he commanded. What? Get out? Don't tell me...


“You're going to leave me here? I thought you’ll take me home." I whined. He climbed out of the car, ignoring my question and opened the door on my side.


"I will not leave you here so, get out of the car.” I stared at him for a second and then sighed. Do I have a choice?


We were walking out in the park for about ten minutes. He keeps on roaming his eyes around like he was searching for something. He was walking ten meters away from me when he stopped and then turned around to face me. I stopped too. His small eyes got smaller when he gave me a look. He walked towards me, grabbing my hand.


"Walk faster." he said and dragged me.


Aish! He's walking too fast! How could I be able to follow him when he's walking this fast?! And the worst is… HE'S DRAGGING ME! He was walking while I am running just to reach up with his pace. And my feet really hurt right now.


“Yah, Jinyoung-sshi, can we rest for awhile? My feet really hurt." I said but he ignored me.


“We're here!" he suddenly yelled and spun around like a kid.




I roamed my eyes around. My brows creased as I found nothing interesting. This is just a normal part of the park with trees standing still on the side and benches with people who are now looking at Jinyoung with ‘what-is-he-doing’ look. I covered my face with my palm and sat down, ignoring the spinning Jinyoung.


"Will you please stop spinning? People are staring at you.” I whispered, enough for him to hear. He stopped. He roamed his eyes around.


 “You know why they keep on staring at me?” He asked with a serious face. Because they thought you’re a patient from a mental hospital.


He sat down beside me.


“Because I’m handsome.” He smiled with his hand on his chin. What the…


“Is that a joke?” I asked. “Should I laugh?”


“I’m serious.” He answered with a serious face. I rolled my eyes.


Just ignore him.


“What are we doing here?”


“Resting? I guess." He answered, his tone saying ‘obviously’. I glared at him.


“Very funny.”  He lay down; put his arm under his head and then closed his eyes.


He went here just to sleep?!


Arrrrrggggh! He is really annoying! It’s getting and I don’t have time for this. I’m still grounded! And if I don’t go home in time, Key will kill me.


I shook him hard.


"Yah! Wake up! Wake up!" he opened his eyes and then glared at me.


"What?!" he yelled. And that is so scary. I lowered my gaze.


"I-I'm hungry. Do you have some food?"


"Tss. Just wait me here." he stood up and then ran away.


Where is he going? Is he going to buy a food? For real? That guy isn’t bad at all.






I’ve been waiting for about half an hour but still I can’t see him coming. Maybe I’m wrong. He is really bad! Did he ditch me? I stood up, dusting off my uniform, and then I crossed my arms.


Finally! I saw him running towards me.

“What took you so long?”


"Here." he handed me a big plastic bag with some stuffs in it as he catch his breath.


“What is this?”


“You said you’re hungry so I bought you some food.”


"Wow. Thank you." I opened it to check it and found variety of foods and soda.


“This is too many. Is this just for me?” I asked, amazed. He sat beside me.


“I don’t know what you like so I bought it all.”




“No.” He answered sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I fished out a snack and a soda. He took the soda I got while I was busy opening the snack in my own way. I was about to react when I saw him opening it and handed it to me. I was startled.


“I know I’m handsome so quit staring.”




He lies down and put his hand over his eyes, covering it. Does he really plan to sleep in here?


“I thought you already left.” I said as I started munching the snack I opened. He didn’t answer.


 “I was pissed off when I thought of it but when I see you coming, I felt relief.”


“Tss. I told you I’ll not leave you here.” He answered without looking at me.


“I’m not being nosy here or something. I’m just curious, why did you ask me to be your girlfriend?” I asked out of curiosity.


“I didn’t ask you.”


“You did.”

“I did not.”


“You did.”


“You proclaimed that you are my girlfriend in front of the whole crowd. Now tell me, when did I ask you?”


What? I did? Oh! That damn dare!


“Whatever.” I made a face and just continued eating. I’m getting bored as the time passed by. I stared at him and saw him still on his position. I pouted.


“Are you asleep?” I asked but he didn’t answer me. Pfft. I shook him.


“Wake up.” He suddenly sat up, glaring at me.


“Can you shut off your mouth for a second? You have your food now so stop disturbing me.” He said. I crossed my arms and then puffed my cheeks in annoyance.




I grabbed bread and stuff it all in my mouth, puffing my cheeks out. This is really annoying! I was about to grabbed another food, with my cheeks still puffed out, when my peripheral vision caught him curved his lips.


Did he just smile?


Curious, I looked down at him and to my disappointment, his lips straightly firm.


Tss. I thought the jerk just smile. What a waste.


I didn't notice how long I was staring at him when he moved. I quickly looked away. I waited for him to talk but he didn’t. I looked down again. He’s still sleeping.


I giggled. I felt like I was doing something that is not allowed.


I stared at him again, observing his face. He is so cute!


Suddenly, I had the urged to touch and pinch his cute nose. Ugh! What's happening to me? And like a robot, my hands automatically moved towards his face and I can’t control it! It seems like it was magnetized.


Nervously, I touch his forehead down to his eyes and down to his nose.


Waaaaaaaaahhh!! I WANT TO PINCH HIM!


"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" he yelped out of pain.


“What the hell do you think you're doing?! Aaahh, my nose! Damn it! It hurts." He yelled, nursing his nose. I suddenly felt guilty.


"I’m sorry." I apologized.


"Sorry? Do you think I’ll forgive you?! You will pay for this!"


Waaaaaaahhhh! I should run out for my life now! I quickly stood up before he strangles me to death.

"YOU FREAK! STOP RUNNING!” he yelled, chasing me.




"I don't care! Just stop running!"


"I don't wanna! You stop first!"




We're running around the park like a kid playing. The only difference is that I'm running out for my life while he’s running out for revenge.


What should I do?! I shouldn't have done it! Aish! It's not my fault. He's so cute when he is sleeping.


Suddenly he stopped. I stopped too.


"you... I ... Said... Stop... Running..." he said, catching his breath. I stared back innocently while catching my breath.


"Stop staring at me like that." He started walking toward me. I stepped backward.


"I said stop. Are you a deaf?"


 And now he’s angry!

How can I stop if I know that he's angry? I ignored him and continue walking backward when suddenly...




 "Damn it!" I heard him cursed. He ran towards me.


"Are you alright?" he asked. Is he concern?


I nodded my head. I tried to stand up but I failed. I think my ankle twisted and it hurt so much.




“Why are you crying? Does it hurt? Where?" he panicked.


"this is *sob* your fault."


"What? My fault? I told you to stop but you didn’t do what I said." He nagged.


"It is still your fault. If you *sob* didn't chased me in the first place, this will never happen." I cried more.


"Aish! Okay fine! It's my fault. Just stop crying okay." he wiped off my tears. I nodded.


"Stupid girl. You’re so childish." he chuckled while ruffling my hair. I pouted.


"I told you I’m not stupid." he then laughed.


Why is he laughing? Did I say something funny? But this is the first time I heard him laugh. It’s so natural.


“Here." he knelt down, his back facing me.


"What are you doing?"

“Get on. I’ll take the responsibility." A piggy back ride?  Seriously? I beamed.


 "okay!" I pulled him closer so that I could get on his back. I looped my arm around his neck and he carefully carried me.


“Yah, why are you so heavy?" he complained. I punched him lightly on his arm.


"You should have your diet." he laughed.


"Put me down. I can walk by myself."


"Oh really? You can't even stand up, so how can you walk?" he mocked.


"Shut up or else..."


"Or else what?" he cut me off.



"Or else..." I bit his right ear.


"AAAAAAAAACCCCCHHHHKKK!!" he yelled out of pain.


"What the hell! Why did you do that?"


His right ear turned red as tomato. I laughed. I guess that is his sensitive part.


"Serve you right, jerk!"


"Geez! You’re a sadist!" My eyes widened. I’m a sadist?


"I’m not!" I shrieked.


"yes you are." He nodded.


"No, I’m not! You have no proof." I smirked.


He stopped for a second to think. What is he thinking?


"First, you pinched my precious nose.” He started.


“Second, you bit my precious ear."




“Fine! Fine! You win! But I’m not a sadist!” I declared but he just laughed at me.




I lost this time! But I am really not a sadist! It’s just he’s too cute when he’s sleeping!


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ilabya5 #1
Chapter 60: Stupid girl he will never like you bioch
YellowClover #3
update soon
FiDelia #4
Chapter 58: nice update . !!!! :D <3 it .
Somia2319 #5
Chapter 58: Waaah you already update <3 Update soob :))
FiDelia #6
Chapter 57: NICE UPDATE . ~!!! update soon .:)
Chapter 57: Update soon and can u make a chapter about them going to a club again
FiDelia #8
Chapter 57: I CAN'T WAIT . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Chapter 57: Yay!! I will read this story again weeeeee~~ ♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 57: wahhhh i am seriously gonna read this all over again!! <3<3