Chapter 2: X


Bom's POV


The light. I can see it. It's so nice.. so warm. 

The air is so clean, the water so blue and the grass so soft. 

I never want to go back. 


"Yah!" A voice. Who is it? 


"My bed is shaking. It's an eartquake? Omg." 

I woke up from the beautiful dream I just had. 

"Umm. What is happening?" I asked with a sleepy voice?

"Get up and make me breakfast!" Some guy said.

"What?" I asked confused, with my eyes almost closed.

"Can't you hear well? Make me breakfast." He said again.

Oh. It was just a dream. It's over.. and I.. I.. CRAP! I have to take care of that bastard.

I opened my eyes wide and looked at him. He looked annoyed.

"Morning. Why are you mad since morning? Did something wrong happened? " I asked

"Yes." He answered. "I. am. starving! Go make me breakfast." 

"W- what?" I looked confused at him. "Where are the maids?"

He smirked at me and then said "I fired them. In the house is just me, you and the cleaner."

"W-w-what?!! Why?" I jumped out of my bed.

"Are you that stupid? Because I want to make your life y while you're here. " He said. But this time he was serious.

I looked at his face with my mouth wide open. I.. I can't believe. Why? 

"Fine." I looked at the ground and said. "Just give me 5 minutes and I will be in the kitchen." 

"I'll wait." He said and then walked out of my room.

I entered the shower and let the water pour. 

I can't even cry anymore. I must deal with it. 

So much hate, for nothing. 

I couldn't even see his face well, but I bet he was looking really down on me. With those cold eyes...

I got out fast and looked in the mirror. 

"Umm.. my eyes are red." /sigh

"Where are my contact lenses?" I  found them, dressed myself and then went to the kitchen.

I found him there, reading a magazine. 

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked while I was searching in the fridge.

"Do whatever you know better." He answered without looking at me.

"Okay." I answered quietly.

Umm... what should I cook? I can't do anything good enough. I am a bad cook.

I'll just make him pancakes. 



"It's finished." I placed the plate in front of him and got one for myself.

Then I sat down in front of him and started to eat,

"I want more coffee." He said handing me his cup.

"I am eating." I said as quietly as before. 

"So?" he asked.

"Do it yourself." I answered looking down and eating my pancakes.

"Aren't you payed to take care of me?" He was getting annoyed.

"Actually I don't know if I am payed for taking care of you, or why I am taking care of you." I said lifting my head and looking him in the eyes with a cold and blank stare.

"Yah. Are you  crazy? Are you already giving up?" He smirked at me.





I stood up "No. I will bring you some coffee imediatly... oppa." I said coldly, taking his cup. 

"Are you that sad? You don't even look at me. Heol~! I can't stay here anymore." Heechul stood up too. He opened the fridge, took an apple and left. 

"He didn't finished his pancakes..." 


Author's POV

Heechul was sitting in the bed, eating his apple, looking annoyed.

"Ugh! She is so annoying! Can't she just leave? I don't need her. What's was dad thinking when he got her here?"  




Knock! Knock! Knock!

Someone was at the door.

Bom went to open the door. She opened it and saw a group of girls. They were looking like a bunch of es, one was smoking, and all of them had heavy make-up. Bom tried to close and smile "Hello. What can I help you?" She asked.

"We're here to see Kim Heechul. That's his house, right?" One girl said.

"Y-yes. Please come in. I will tell him to come down in a second." Bom invited them in and told them to sit down on the couch.

"Do you want some coffee or tea?" She asked.

"No, we're fine." The same girl said with a smirk.




Bom was in front of Heechul's door. She doesn't want to see his face now but she has to.

Knock knock knock. "Heechul oppa. Can I come in?" She asked.

Heechul opened the door and looked at her "What is it?"

Bom looked down and talked quietly again "Some girls are waiting you in the living room."

Heechul looked at her. He raised her head up with his index and looked in her eyes. Their faces were 2 inches away.

"Can't you talk properly? I couldn't understand a thing. Say it again."

Bom's breath was becoming heavy but she managed to look him in the eyes and said again a little bit louder "Some girls are waiting you in the living room."

"Good." Heechul said and let go of her face. "What they want?"

"I don't know." Bom said following Heechul down the stairs.


Heechul reached the living room's door. He opened his mouth wide and suddenly turned back. He covered Bom's mouth and rushed back stairs.

When they got back in his room he told Bom without uncovering

"Aish! These girls. Why did you let them in? Go and tell them that I am not home!" He whispered to Bom. 

"ajefjbkdfiuerogfjnefiojnedf" Bom's mouth was still covered with Heechul's hand.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." Heechul said letting go .

"But who are they?" Bom asked.

"I'll tell you after they leave. If you'll still be interested." He said throwing Bom out of his room.


In the living room Bom was talking to the girls.

"I am sorry but Heechul is not feeling good now, so you can't see him." She said.

"Yah! I said I want to see him." The girl who was like the boss or something said.

Bom was smiling but she still was scared "Maybe you can come back other day.. or never come back again. He can't see you now."

"What are you saying? Who are you anyway?" The girl was becoming annoyed.

"I am sorry but, who are you?" Bom asked.

The girl sat down, and placed her feet on the coffee table. "Me? I am Krystal. Heechul's girlfriend."

Bom opened wide and said "I am sorry but you can't put your legs there."

Krystal got up again and took Bom's face in her hand "Heol! Crazy woman! Do you hear what I am talking here?"

"Uh, yes!" Bom got a feet away from her and said "I think that Heechul oppa doesn't want you to be here. I also think that you should leave and, my thoughts are saying that he dumped you because oppa has a new girlfriend." 

"Mwoya? You crazy !" Krystral yelled at Bom and slapped her face. 

Bom fell down but got up fast. "Miss Krystal. I don't think the violence is needed. I said please go. And please don't come back. Heechul doesn't want to see you."

"What?" The girl said again

Bom looked at her and "I said that..." she cpuldn't finish her sentence because she was hit again by Krystal. Another slap.

"Yah! Girls! Hold her strong. Imma beat the crap out of this . Heol~!! New girlfriend!" Krystal said holding Bom's long and silky hair. 

The other girls were holding Bom's hands and legs. She couldn't move. Krystal came closer and slaped her again then hit her with the foot in her stomach. Bom screamed.

Heechul came down fast and saw the girls beating Bom. He hurried in the living room and threw the girls who were holding Bom away. 

"What are you doing in my house!!?" He yelled. "Are you mad!" He place Bom on the sofa and went to Krystal.

"Ah~ Oppa! I just came to visit you and this here.." She couldn't finish her sentence because Heechul was holding her wrist really strong. 

"Ah ah! Oppa is hurting! Stop it!" She said and started whining. Heechul was looking at her with the coldest and dangerous eyes he ever had.

He said "If you ever come here again or touch that girl or even search me I will kill you myself. Now go! And you better listen me because I could make you dust right now." 

The girl was scared so she got away a little and said "Ah, oppa.. But I.."

"Yah!" Heechul yelled! "Can't you hear well? I will cut your wrists! Go away!"

The girls were all leaving in a hurry. After they leaved, Heechul went to the sofa and lifted Bom up. He carried her in his room. 

She was sleeping peacefully. Heechul went to the bathroom and got some water and some towels.

He wiped the blood from Bom's face. Her cheecks were red and a bit of blood was in the corner of . He sighed and wiped . 

He took a black shirt from his drawer and placed it on theside of the bed. The he cleaned her legs and hands and took off her shorts and shirt.

Gosh! What am I doing? 

Calm down Heechul, you're just taking care of her.

He started to wipe her tummy and her back then dressed her with the black t-shirt. 

His bad temper came back fast. He smirked and whispered "Nice underwear... nice body."


Hope u like it. Thank you for reading and commenting. ♥♥♥ I love you all.


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kratepow #1
Chapter 4: update please
OMG, a Heebom fic! ASDFGHJKL!
raghad1 #3
Chapter 3: Wating for the next chapter ♥
i like it,update more pls :-X
raghad1 #5
Chapter 2: Yaay another chapter I'm so happy 3> 3>
Chapter 1: Yay heebom :D
Chapter 1: Great!!!! ^^
raghad1 #8
Chapter 1: I love it wetting for the next chapter 3> 3> 3>