I will be your pair of wings

[ONESHOT] I will be your pair of wings



She felt her heart sink as soon as she heard the announcement from the President.

Minzy clapped her hands in excitement, Bom with her eyes sparkling and Dara squeeling like a school girl.

"This is going to be fun!!!!" Her fellow member squel in unison.

As if a recorder playing non-stop in her head, "Summer is all about outdoor activities, so I need you all to shoot your new music video while riding a bicycle tomorrow."

....while riding a bicycle....

....riding a bicycle....





Chaerin snapped out from her trance. She didn't even notice that she's already sitting in the cafeteria with a tray of food placed in front of her that she didn't even remember ordering.

She looked up and standing right in front of her, is the heartthrob of Korea, the one and only Jiyong, waving her hand in front of her.

"Ah.... Sorry, oppa. I didn't notice you were standing here just now." Chaerin blushed ten shades of red while cursing herself.

Swiftly and cooly, Jiyong sat down in the empty seat in front of her.

"Wow, there must be something HUGE going on in your mind to have you stare into space like that." Jiyong smiled his gentleman smile at her.

"No, it's.. it's nothing, really." Chaerin collected herself and played with her food. "You know, the usuals. Work and all."

"Teddy-hyung got you all worked up there?" He stabbed at a tomato and put it in his mouth before continuing. "But, i doubt that it's Teddy-hyung."

Speechless, Chaerin stared at him, amazed at his mind-reading ability.

"...Am i right?" He inched his face closer to her, whispering.

"I.... No.... Nothing's wrong really." She feel her face boiling. "Gotta go, i'm late for....... WORK." 

And she sprinted away like a little kitten. Leaving Jiyong staring at her sillouette, with his eyes glinting mischieviously.

"She's so cute i just wish i could just bite her~" Jiyong smirked playfully while biting off another piece of tomato.


It's 3am in the morning. And everyone in the House of 2ne1 and the House Big Bang are asleep. Everyone exept for.....


"Damn it!!!"


Chaerin cursed at the newly (and secretly) bought bicycle for the nth time. She decided to practice by herself in the backyard and hopefully she'll learn how to peddle a bicycle by tomorrow.

But, things are not going as smooth as she thought.

Covered in sweat, she dropped her head in defeat.

"This is NOT happening to me." As if talking to herself, "I'd be the laughing stock in the country if they find out that i've never ridden a bicycle in my life."

A familiar voice called out. "So this is what it is about." 

Her heart skipped a beat. 


It couldn't be....

It wouldn't be...


She turned her head and stared into his eyes.

"Aigooo.... this is not happening to me...." Chaerin dropped her head with a sigh and wish she could disappear right on the spot.

"Yah... is this how you greet your senior when he's kind enough to be worried about you?" He pulled up his infamous puppy dog eyes, looking hurt and adorable. "You know, i can hear you loud and clear from my room."

"Sorry, oppa. I woke you up, didn't i." Chaerin sigh again. "It's embarrasing enough that i have never touched a bicycle before, let alone ride it."

It's the first time he had seen her so defeated. All because of a bicycle.

"Here, let me help you..." Jiyong approached her and put his hands around her shoulders.

Chaerin tensed up in surprise.

"Relax your shoulders."

She did exactly as he said.

His fingers trailed from her shoulders to her forearms.

"Relax them too."

Trailing his fingers behind her back, she shuddered when he whispered in her ears. "Straighten up."

His mouth flicked up into a smirk, clearly enjoying the fact that she's being by him.

He left his fingers from her back. Wrapping his arms around her and placed his palms on top of hers.

"I'll help you balance. You just keep on paddling."

Chaerin nodded.

He inched closer, his face touching hers, and whispered. "Imagine me as your pair of wings. And that you could fly."

He's so close she could feel his breath and smell his scent. It numbed her and robbed her of her thoughts. Her heartbeat synchronizing his. And at that very moment, everything was frozen.

They stayed like this until she could finally balance herself. 

Until he taught her how to fly.


The next day...

"I have bad news. We'll not be making the Music Video outdoors, instead, we'll be going to an indoor pool, so pack up your swimsuits!!"

The other three girls squeeled in unison.


Chaerin wish she had a gun on the spot.



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FaithAngel #1
hahahahaha this is so funny.. love it
ohmyyoungbae #2
awwwwwhhhhh. ohmygosh. i love your writing! write more please! :D
LOL THAT'S SO CUTE~~~!!!! > W <
ann_the_insomniac #4
Awwww, how adorable ^_^. I hope that you plan on writing a sequel for this. If not, I just hope that you plan to write more about this couple. Thank you for the cuteness!
cl_jiD #5
haha so cute i want a sequel wherein jiyong gets to have a sweet time with chaerin kkkkk.... i love jiyong here he wants chaerin so bad:))))
Omg, this is too cute. Lol, I love the ending especially. All the hardwork CL put into learning how to ride the bike then it turns out to be a swimming theme. Too cute.
xmoosicx #7
Loved it! It was short and sweet~!!!!<br />
If CL can't swim (hopefully, she can't), then Ji Yong can teach her. Who knows what that will lead to? (Mind forever in the gutters.) ^^<br />
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Please write more soon~!