The Last Snow

The Last Snow
It was third bad year in row, it was really hard time to avarage citizens, but in the lowest part of citizens: it was nearing death. That lowest part of people was living in the streets, without parents, without hope for better. They lives as beggers, but in hard times like that back in time on the mid of 1800, they wasn't anybody to give anything, nor food nor roof on top of their's heads. The Death was only one for them.
 The winter was merciless, it has taken already half of the population of that one biggest city. The cold draught whines through the empty streets, even street dogs were hidden somewhere. The temperature drops hour by hour, and soon it was nearing the minus 40 celsius, it was lowest temperature in the centuries. Still, in middle of this white snow and black sky, in the middle of streets was walking a small figure. That pitiful creature falters step by step, he might sometimes fall into cold snow, but still he stands up, and continues his journey - only God know where. He was piggybacking even smaller creature, but that figure was motionless, even breathless - no one knows. His cheeks were blue-ish and his hair was frozen into snow white frost, tears on his cheeks were frozen already hours ago. Still, that bit older boy carries that dead boy, he can't believe, that his only one is dead, that one, who always bears with him, the only one who understands him. He prays soundlessly that someone notices them, that angels would surround them and take them to better place, where was their mother and father, where was his little brother..
Step by step.. The killing coldness is surrounding and suffocating him, but still, he keeps walking. Maybe the next mansion, house, stock would give them some security feelings. 
That was the biggest mansion of the city, and because of the Christmas Eve, it was illuminated with dozens of firebrands, and thousands of candles were twinkling from the windows, you would see that there was also big fire place and warm, cozy feeling. There were three people gathered around the big table loaded with mountains of food. They were eating their late dinner, discussing about how great their year has been.  In the middle of gluttony, they hears light knocks in their massive oak-door.
- "Kyuhyun, go to watch who is it." Kyuhyun glances his father in the fed up manner, why always him? Still, he obeys and in the slow motion he drags his long legs to the door. He opens it, but sees no one.
- "Fath-" then he notices, in the lowest step of stair was cowering a small boy. But what Kyuhyun was seeing, was a moth-eaten potato sack, without shoes, or nothing covering his bare skinny legs, which were turning blue-ish.
- "He.. Hey.." Kyuhyun's voice was almost inaudible, but still obviously homeless boy lifts his head up, showing that inside of his "clothes" were also a smaller boy - dead boy. Kyuyun would grimace because of that corpse, but what was captured his mind, were two chocolate colored eyes, shining with new born hope and tears. His face were covered with dirt and bruises, his lips were quivering and turning into purple - that fallen angel were dying from coldness.
- "Hey... uhm.. let-" Kyuyun was taking steps towards the boy and the corpse, his attempt to help.
- "SON! What are you doing with those pieces of !" His father's big and (good eaten) figure was appeared behind of Kyuhyun's back. He was fuming, what he hates more than anything, were beggers, poor people. Kyuhyun sharply turns towards his father, trying to explain the situation, about that angel-like boy and.. that another one. But his father didn't give any attention his only one son, he glances menacingly the brownhaired boy, and finally he silences his son with one shapr movement of his hand. He was pointing those two on his stairs, and with strong and determinded voice, he commands those two of beggers to go to hell, and he wants never see them on his front door never again.
- "Kyuhyun, lets go to eat more." His father turns and goes back inside of the warm house. The youngster hesitates a small momen, but finally he kneels again in front of that trempling, now crying boy, he tries to another boy's cheek, but frightned homeless just flinches away and crys even harder.
- "He-hey.. Uhm.. Don't be afra-"
-"KYUHYUN! COME INSIDE NOW! IT'S TIME FOR TEA!" His mother yells annoyed.
- "Uhm.. I'M COMING! What's your name?" He turns back to that smaller boy, who was now leaning against this palm, seeking for heat, even little bit more.. But he gives nothing as answer to that god-like boy, who kneels in front of him in his whole glory: ebony black hairs and almost black, gentle eyes smiling to him. He just shakes his head, his eys turning sad and hopeless again.
- "Uhm.. You dont' have name? It's nothing, I would give you a name!" But again, that tiny boy just shakes his head, but now, he looses his grip around that dead boy, and touches his now purple lips, and shaking more his head.
- "Yo.. You're a mute..?" The mute boy nods, glancing hesitantly Kyuhyun's knees, covered wiht thick fabric, looking so warm.
- "Oh.. well.. Can you write your name then?" Mute boy furrows his brows. And then Kyuhyun understands, that of course he can't, he feels so ashamed of his question, but again, that another boy just shakes his head, even tries to offer weak smile. They fell into silence, and that mute boy gently corpse's cheek, silently crying, hugging and sniffing his lost brother.
- "Was he your.. little brother?" Ladder just nods, burying his face to his cold hands, making some wierd noises, which Kyuhyun identifices as hiccups.
- "KYUHYUN! HAVE I TO STAND UP AND SHOOT THOSE WILTHY DEVILS!?" His father was stomping back to the door, yelling and swearing. Homeless boy panicked, but more panicked was Kyuhyun, his father was going to kill his very first friends! Without any kind of great sense, he just graps some purple scarf and throws it to his new friend, half yelling half whispering that go, go!
It was mid days between Christmas and New Year. Kyuhyun was bored to death, and he was thinking that mute boy all the time. He was dreamed about him, it gives him fluffly feelings. He was so tiny.. Like some of those almost little girl sized porcelain dolls! He giggles burying his head between the books covers. He feels so stupid. He can't wait when he will see that boy next time! And how about his.. little brother? He was dead. Where that mute boy would bury him? Kyuhyun thinks, that he could help him, when it's spring the ground is smooth enought to bury a corpse, he would ask carpenter to make coffin in the next time when he is visiting in the centrum of city. He has enough  money to pay. He was deep in his toughts thinking how he would help that mute cute boy, and how they would be friends forever. He was silently sitting in the corner, smiling like an idiot thinking how they would go to swim when it's summer finally. But.. can he swim? Whatever, I'll teach him!
- " was him!" Suddenly, two of maids storms inside of the library room to gossip about something.
- "Are you sure that boy was him?"
- "I'm pretty sure, you know my darling, that Mr. Cho uses to chase his wife, yes?"
- "Yes.. Every women in the low class is spread her legs to Mr. Cho." Younger maid answer with disgusting voice.
- "Yes, yes! And one of those gave birth to that mute boy!" That was the part, when Kyuhyun couldn't anymore to close his ears of maids discussion, for his luck, those two were so deep in the gossipping, that they didn't notice that teenager in the corner.
- "OHMYGOD! He is so cute! How God would be that cruel?"
- "I'm thinking the same! He is so cute, like little doll! Oh, and year or something like that, that gave birth to another boy, I think that he is Mr. Cho's butler's son.. I'm not sure. Well, anyway, he is dead now, but ohm.. that Ryeowookie, did you know that Mr.Cho was thinking of marrying that because of Ryeowook? Mr. Cho thinks that because of that boy looks like angel, he has to be sign from God!"
- "ooh..! What happened then?"
- "Well.. when Ryoewookie was something like three years old, Mr. Cho get to know that he is mute.. And as you know, being disabled, you can't be the better than street dog!"
- "Oh so cruel.. But I understand Mr. Cho."
- "Yes.. I agree with you.. But when I was just young maid, something like eighteen year old, and I get chance to hold that little baby Wookie, he was so sweet, smiling with his warm chocolate eyes, he was always in the good mood, never a difficult child. Oh, how I miss him.."
Ryeowook.. Oh, your name is also perfect!
It was New Year's Eve, Kyuhyun with his family was walking the main street of the town, heading to the New Year's Party in the end of the street. It was snowed so much in short time, so they have to walk. Suddenly, Kyuhyun stumbles and falls into the snow with a small yelp. His mother was right away fussing over him, oh my god! His only one son was stumbled! Kyuhyun grimaces annoyedly, he was almost shouting what about Ryeowook, huh, you know that cute boy who would be dead already, yes, father your son! He is freezing somewhere here! But he bites his tongue and just stands up and continues walking. He was tired, every morning when it was light enough he has been looking for Ryeowook and his dead brother - Kyuhyun was sure that Ryeowook was bringing that corpse with him everywhere. Somehow Kyuhyun understands, it was the only one what was left from him - his brother's dead body.
Soon Ryeowook, I'll teach how to swim, how to ride a horse.
How to kiss.. I think that I'm falling to you.
My half brother.
What Kyuhyun, or his parents, didn't notices, was that what gets to Kyuhyun stumble. Under the snow was peeking some purple colored scarf, in the tight grip of frozen hand.  The frozen hand of frozen to death Ryeowook. And his own father, was just walked over him, without any toughts.
Please, don't kill me beucause I just somehow killed Ryeowookie, my poor heart is aching about it, and about that earlier dead brother, it's Henry.. I can't why I husrt myself so much. *sob sob*

And I very first wrote that in Finnish to my history teacher back in my time in Grammar school, but with "big sister" and "little brother" and wihtout Kyuhyun-like character, but yeah.. it's still pretty same story, but wihtou all those gore-stuff what I put in my essey back then. (Because my history teacher liked when sotires were really strictly detailed.. U__U I didn't want to do it anymore. So ugly. TT__TT)

I'll stop my storytelling right now. Bui bui ~ !
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ismary666 #1
Chapter 1: Ajaajjajajajaa, now, I understand now, you like to kill R, jejejejee, bad girl, I'm going to read all your fics, only for seeing in how many more R has the same destiny :(
soulprincessa #2
poor my wookie and mochi!! the father's characters is really something . How could he do that to his own son??!!
Chapter 1: OMG...So heart breaking *sob* TT_TT
Kyuhyun's father was so cruel.Unlike that maids I would never understand him for his dids in a milion years :(
Thanks for sharing