Let me hold you, Even if its for the last time...

Full of angst below. Not sure if you'll cry but you should read and listen along to 'Taeyeon-Closer OST' or Baby Don't Cry. If you want a really sad moment then I reccomend Baby Don't Cry.

Author's POV

The door creaked open as a figure starts entering the room and running towards the hospital bed. You were lying on the hospital bed selflessly. Tears ran down the figure's face, holding your hand tightly, praying to God that everything will be alright.

You could feel his presence eventhough from the outside you look like you were in a coma for a long time. But you gave him a little sign by moving your fingers to show him that you were fine.

"___? Please, please wake up.. I can't bear watching you like this.." sobs could be heard in the whole room. 

You gathered all of your strength to open your eyes. Slowly, your eyes opened. Trying to adjust your sight but you were only focusing on him. Your vision became clearly as you see him crying and even the bedsheets were soaked from all the crying.

"Oppa.." you called him, no voice could be heard but only whisper-like sounds escaped from your mouth. Again, you tried calling him.

"Oppa.. Kai oppa.." This time he finally look at you. His eyes were puffy and red. "Oppa.."

He hugged you. Holding on you tightly as if you were going to be sent far away. "Why? Why didn't you tell me?" Kai asked with sobs in between. "

"I-I don't want you to worry about me.." you said calmly but started crying after that. "Yah, neo pabo? How could I not worry about you?" he said. Then you started crying harder. Kai broke the hug and cupped your face. He wipe off the tears from your face.

"How long? Since when?" Kai bombarded you with questions.

"Just 2 months ago.. " you told him the whole truth.

"Aniya... you're fine. I'll ask the doctor to check you again. I'm calling the doctor." Kai just want everything to be a lie. You held his wrist before he manage to reach the door. "Oppa, jebal... Lets just face the truth about me having cancer.. Jebal.." you said.

"How can I?! You're here lying on the bed, just waiting for death to come!" he shouted.  He widened his eyes. He didn't mean to say those words. He was to caught up in the moment. 

"So, is that what you want? Fine.. I'll just lay here and wait till I die!!!" you scream at him. He hurrily went and hug you.

"I'm sorry... please don't take my words.." Kai begged and apologised.

"Go away!!" you said as you were struggling to push him away. Hitting him so that he'll go away. 

After a few minutes of struggling, you gave up.You just couldn't get mad at him. You hugged him back. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for not telling..." you burst into tears again.

"Oppa, can we just act like how we used to be? When we were just spending time with each other.. Just the two of us?" you asked him. "Of course.. Anything for you ___. Anything for you.." Muttering the last sentence.

Kai's POV

I couldn't say no to her. She's my everything.


Author's POV

"Doctor, can I please bring her out today? I want to spend time with her." Kai pleaded the doctor. The doctor gave a long sigh. "Fine.. but you have to bring her back before 9 P.M. I will check young boy if she's there or not." the doctor tolled him. "Thank you Doctor! Thank you!!" he bowed multiple times to him.

He left the doctor's office with a big smile on his face. Its been a few months since Kai knew about your cancer. You were already at stage 4 which is a very critical stage. Anything could happen to you.

"__-ah! Doctor said I could bring you out today." He said happily. "Oh.." you smiled weakly at him. "I bought you pretty clothes, so wear it today." he took out a dress from a bag and help you to wear it.

"Kai, thank you for everything." you hugged him and kiss him on the lips. "Thank you for not leaving me.." You gave him another kiss. "Thank you for loving me, thank you for being there for me." you kiss him but this time it was longer. 

"Welcome and thank you for being in my life."He gave you a peck and hugged you, smelling the scent of your body. "Kaja." he smiled. You nod.


Kai brought you to the park nearby. The both of you settled on the bench. There was silence but it was a calm silence. Birds chirping, the sound of the water fountain splashing. "Oppa, what are we going to do today?" you ask him. "Hmm.. I just want to spend time with you. Andwaeyo?" he pouted.

"Hehe.. Oppa, can I eat ice cream?" you tried to do aegyo. He ruffled your hair. "Okay. I'll get for you chocolate ice cream." He got up and went to the ice cream stall.

You look up to the sky. 

'I'll be leaving the world soon. I don't want to leave this place ever but I got to accept the fact that I have to. Umma, appa I'll be joining you soon. And for Kai, he has to move on. I can't just let him see me like this...'

"___, what are you thinking about?" Kai came back with the ice cream in his hands.

"Aniya.. Its nothing.." you took the ice cream from his hand. "Mmmhh!! Massida!!" you said as you take another .

"So you like the ice cream more than me? Hmmph!!" Kai said and turn his body to the opposite direction. Kai was acting childishly. "Oppa, I love you more than the ice cream." you poke his left cheek. "Jinjja?" He turn around with his twinkling eyes.

"Nae!" you said and took another from your ice cream. "If you really love me, bobo~" Kai said and pouted his lips. You sigh. You kiss his cheeks then you peck his lips.

He looked happy as ever. "You taste like ice cream." he smirked at you. "Because I ate ice cream!Duhh!!" you showed your tongue at him.

The both of you just sat there and talked until it was 7.30 p.m. You didn't want time to fly so fast. Plus, the doctor said that you had to be there before 9 p.m.

"What does my princess want to eat?" Kai asked as he held your hand tightly. "I don't feel hungry at all." you told him. "Andwae~ You have to eat. Come lets eat tteokbokki." Kai pulled you to a stall.

Kai feeded you but you only ate one. You weren't feeling hungry at all but looking at Kai eating is fine already. "Am I that handsome to stare at?" he bit his lips. "Nae! My oppa is sooo handsome!!" you chirped.

The both of you manage to reach the hospital in time. Sharp at 8.45 p.m. you enter your room. You change back into the hospital clothes and lay down on the bed. "___, can I sleep with you tonight?" Kai asked you.

"You always sleep with me." you answered him. "No, thats not what I meant. I mean sleeping on the bed with you." he said. "This bed is too small." you told him.

"I don't care." Kai jumped onto the bed. He faced you, putting an arm under his head.


"Have you ever thought about moving on? Meeting another girl??" you asked him. "Ani.. All I think about is you." he said. Your lips curve into a small smile. "But what if I leave this place suddenly?" you asked him again. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes.

"Why are you asking this questions? Lets just think about our future, okay? Where everything will be alright.." he said. You just nodded.

"I've been thinking about naming our kids. If its a girl it'll be Kim Yoo In. But if its a boy, it'll be Kim Yi Jong." he smiled to himself.

"Oh, and I wanna buy a house in a country area. I want our kids to be independence." he said. You just nod at everything he said. Tears flow down your cheeks.

"___ why are you crying?" Kai asked worriedly. "Ani, I'm just happy.These are happy tears."you told him a lie.

"Oppa, can you answer my all my questions?" you asked. He hesitantly nod.

"Do you think I could go through?"

"Of course you're the strongest woman I've ever met in my whole life.."

"Thanks..b-but  promise me this.. If I ever go.. d-don't hold onto me, g-go find a-another girl.." you bit your lips saying this.

"I-I promise.." Kai said. He pulled you closer and hug you, kissing your forehead. He hummed you to sleep. Then Kai started crying.

'Let me hold you, even if its for the last time...'



Two days ago the doctor called me into his room. I was curious of why he called me.

"Saem, is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked. The doctor gave out a long sigh. His face was moody.

"What's your name again, boy?" the doctor asked. "Kim Jongin or Kai." I answered him.

"Jongin or Kai whatever, I have good news and also bad news.." he said. I just stood and nod. Then he continued.

"The good news is, she is going to get a surgery the 3 days later. She might pull through the surgery and recover after a few months.." 

My face lit up by those words. I was happy when he said those words.

"but.. She might not hold on any longer, her heart is weak and we the doctors, have check on her and discuss that she won't get see the world again the day after tomorrow.. I'm sorry but you have to prepare.." he patted my shoulder.

"Can't you pull the surgery date tomorrow?" I asked.

"I'm afraid to say I can't... I'm really sorry. I would do anything to save her but its her fate, destiny to end her life. Only God will know." he said that and left the room.

I dropped to my knees.

"Wae?! Wae?!!" I kept punching the floor. "God why must you take her? Take me with you?! Wae... WAE?!!" Tears flow, wetting my cheeks.



You tried openning your eyes but you were too weak to do so. You could feel him, beside you and you smiled knowing he was there for you. Finally you manage to open your eyes propelly but you were stille weak. You couldn't really move your hands or your legs too.You knew it was time to let go. Death was calling you.

"Oppa, its time for me to go now.. I can feel it eventhough its not logical..B-But.. I-I just want you t-to k-know that I-I will love y-you f-forever and l-look out for y-you w-when I-I'm in h-heaven.. I-I r-really don't wanna l-leave y-you right n-now b-but its- its fate.. Thank you oppa.. I love you.." 

You gathered up your strength to go nearer to him and you gave him one long kiss. You closed your eyes and smile.

'Thank you oppa.. Saranghae..'


I felt this lips on mine. I slowly opened my eyes. She's there, in my arms. I have a feeling. I knew she's gone now. I have to accept fate. I don't want her to suffer again. She's there beside me, smiling like how she used too. I hugged her tightly, kissed her forehead and cried.

"Just let me hold you, just for a while,this is the last time I'm going to hug you like this...I guess this is goodbye ___ ... I love you.." 


Thank you for reading!! I even cried while writing this TT~TT  Kai is so understanding right? Well thanks for reading and sbuscribing and commentting too!!

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Chapter 1: ahh..i'm crying right now...authornim,love your story so much~
Norsyafika #2
Chapter 1: I love your fic...even its was make me cry.. ^^ T_T
Chapter 1: oh my god this is such a cut good sad oneshot i loved it
oh pls update soon >< can wait to read it ^^