
“Whoa I still can’t believe Sina did kiss Niel that night. As long as I know, that was her first kiss”, Yoori said while shaking her head – spacing out.

“We haven’t kissed yet, Yoori. And I wa—“

“STOP!! No!! Control your hormones please, Mr. Lee Byunghun”

“We haven’t kissed yet too”, Minsoo interrupted – Yoomi’s face blushed.


Byunghun and Yoori were having a date on Yoomi’s café and there suddenly Minsoo came in to the café to meet his lover – interrupted the ByungRi couple’s conversation. He looked at how Yoomi’s face blushed and smirked. Byunghun and Yoori looked at him with did-we-even-ask-you-that face. Minsoo glued his eyes to his love one who was serving the customers with their orders. He kept thinking why he fell in love with this girl. He suddenly sighed to think that they rarely did some lovey-dovey acts anymore like they usually did when they just became as a couple. It seemed like Yoomi hide something in her and stayed away from Minsoo lately.


“Yoori, do you know something about Yoo—“

“Don’t ask me!!”

“Yeah, don’t ask her!!”



Minsoo and Yoori punched Byunghun’s head for repeating what Yoori just said. Yoomi looked at them and smiled. She then looked at Minsoo and gave an apologetic face towards him. She didn’t know how to explain how she felt these days to him especially to tell him about how she got bullied by the girl who really liked Minsoo lately. She only told everything to Chanhee who is her bestfriend, for her at least. Sina and Yoori even didn’t know about those things just happened to their bestfriend.


Chanhee then got in to café and greeted by Yoomi – she ran to Chanhee with those happy eyes. Minsoo stood up in an instant, felt jealous towards his friend – he wasn’t greeted by Yoomi when he got in but why Chanhee?! Byunghun and Yoori opened their eyes widely as they also saw what just happened. Chanhee hugged her. Minsoo clenched his fist when he saw how happy Yoomi to be hugged by Chanhee.


Minsoo approached them and tried to separate them. He dragged Yoomi away from Chanhee. Jealousy hit him for a hundred times this time.


“What was that?!”

“Uhh.. Wha—“


“I- I- I’m sorry”, Yoomi stuttered, scared of his boyfriend.

“Now explain?!”

“It was just a friendship hug nothing more. I swear, Minsoo”, Yoomi hung her head low.

“Really?! Okay, then. Sorry for shouting like that. Sorry”, Minsoo hugged Yoomi and he could feel something wet on his clothes.

“Hey.. Sorry okay. I’m so sorry. I swear I won’t shout like that ever again. Okay?! I was too jealous. Don’t cry”, he hugged her tightly.


They came out from the restroom – Minsoo held Yoomi’s hand. Chanhee was mad to see Yoomi cried but then he remembered that he wasn’t her boyfriend. He already joined Byunghun and Yoori’s table. Minsoo then joined them. Byunghun eyed Yoomi who also sat with them then eyed Minsoo and Chanhee. Yoori eyed Minsoo with hatred for making her friend cried but then she just shrugged it off.




Next day at school, they were preparing their last exams as they would be seniors in TOP High School. Sina was preparing for her Science competition while Yoomi and Minsoo were practicing hard for their team since they would play on a tournament between schools in Korea. They even barely met each other on the weekend – both of them were crazy enough for practicing. They would be tired enough to see each other but Minsoo would always text Yoomi everynight, even only with “I love you” written on it. He never got replied by Yoomi in an instant. He could just look at his phone, waiting for his girlfriend to text him back and none.


 People were starting to spread rumors that Minsoo and Yoomi were over since they never saw the couple being together at school anymore. They told others that Minsoo might be had other girlfriend or Yoomi didn’t love him anymore as they always saw Yoomi being together with Chanhee. It broke Minsoo’s heart to hear those false rumors. Yoomi was always in the gymnasium to practice hard on recess so they didn’t have any time to be together with Byunghun – Yoori and Niel – Sina. But this time, Chanhee also couldn’t be seen anywhere.


“Practice hard again, huh?!”

“LEE CHANHEE!! You scared me!!”

“1-1. Remember that time when you also scared me?! Hahahaha!!!”



Yoomi ran to catch Chanhee and she laughed happily with him. Then suddenly, a girl showed up in front of them, made they stop their step. Yoomi knew this girl so did Chanhee. She had a hatred stare towards them.


“You cheat on Minsoo oppa again!! YOU !!!”


“Oppa you are the same as this !!”



Yoomi left them. This was the third times that Kang Haena spotted her with Chanhee. She was the one who bullied Yoomi even though Haena was their junior. Haena loved Minsoo so much since she was his neighbor and willing to do anything to get Minsoo’s heart back at her. Yeah, Minsoo once had a crush on her when they were still on middle school but then Haena had boyfriend, made Minsoo’s heart crushed. Yoomi was told by her about that and she just had no expression to hear that, in fact her heart ached so much to know how much Minsoo adored her before.


 Chanhee ran after Yoomi but he couldn’t find her anywhere. He went to the cafeteria where the others gathered. Sina eyed him, asked if something happened. Yoori also felt worry to see Chanhee’s panic face. Chanhee then told him that he couldn’t find Yoomi anywhere. Minsoo was the first one who stood up and ran to look for Yoomi. When he just went out from the cafeteria, he met Haena. His steps stopped. He always felt this way towards Haena. To be honest, he still had this tiny feeling for Haena.


Haena looked at him with her beautiful smile. Minsoo also smiled at her and talked to her. It broke Yoomi’s heart to see that in front of her own eyes. Yes, she was watching them as she just wanted to enter the cafeteria from the restroom. Some painful memories then hit her. Her tears slowly came out from her eyes. She had ‘this’ trauma whenever she was in a relationship so it answered why she never acted lovey-dovey to Minsoo.


Chanhee, Sina and Niel who saw Yoomi cried when they went out from the cafeteria looked at the direction Yoomi saw – Minsoo talked with a beautiful petite girl with short hair. Chanhee was burning inside to see Minsoo and Haena laughed happily that in fact, Minsoo was worry about Yoomi a minute ago. Niel shook his head while muttering, “Please, not again, hyung!” made Sina turned her head towards him.

“Oh my gosh!! Yoomi!! Covered her eyes!!! Ppali!!”, Yoori who just joined them pushed Chanhee towards Yoomi. Yoori and Sina knew her painful past would be back as soon as she saw something like this and they also knew about this girl named Kang Haena who was Minsoo’s first crush from their boyfriend.


Chanhee turned Yoomi’s body and hugged her. At the same time, Minsoo looked at Chanhee, shocked from what he saw. Yoomi cried on Chanhee’s arms. He felt guilty but when he was ready to come closer to them, Chanhee took Yoomi away from him.


“There there there, they are together again”

“Huh?! What do you mean?!”

“I just saw them together at the gymnasium, laughed happily, oppa”


“She cheats on you!!”

“STOP IT!!”, Niel interrupted.

“We know Yoomi more than you, Kang Haena!!”, Byunghun glared at her – dragged Minsoo away from her.




Chanhee brought Yoomi home. She didn’t feel good and she would play tomorrow for the team in the tournament. Chanhee was there all the time beside her while Minsoo was being ‘interviewed’ by the others.


“Be honest with us! You still like Kang Haena?!”, Byunghun was the first one to interrogate him.

“Uhh.. Maybe?!”

“Damn you hyung!! After what she did to you, you still like her?!”, Niel frustrated with Minsoo’s answer. Sina and Yoori just sat there, listened to their conversation.

“WHAT?! HYUNG!! Don’t you remember how she hurt you that time?!”, Changhyun protested.

“It was all the past!! She asked forgiveness from me and well I—“

“You are too fool, hyung to forgive her”, Changhyun said.

“YES!! Even I hate her until now, hyung!!”, Niel cringed.

“Just think about how Yoomi felt this noon. Don’t forget she also knows about you and Haena”, Byunghun spoke.

“She also breaks my heart y’know with all of her acts towards Chanhee!! It feels like she loves Chanhee and not me!!”


“I know how you feel but why don’t you ask her why she ignored you these past days?!”, Sina wanted to clear the things up. “She must have her own reason, Minsoo”

“Then tell me now”

“We won’t even though we know the reason behind it. If you think that you still her boyfriend, ask her yourself”, Sina answered calmly.

“As just for you know, hyung. I will hate you if you hurt Yoomi noona”, Changhyun said with a serious tone that never he used before.


Then, Chanhee joined them after making sure that Yoomi already fell asleep. All eyes looked at him especially Minsoo. He wanted to know how his girlfriend’s condition. Chanhee just said that she fell asleep already and eyed Yoori – Sina. Jonghyun who sat beside Chanhee noticed that glare and felt that something was not good about Yoomi. When Chanhee texted someone, Jonghyun was peeking.


 She called ‘his’ name (AGAIN) when sleeping just now.


“Who is ‘his’ hyung?!”, Jonghyun asked, made Yoori and Sina choked.




The volleyball team would play today and Yoomi was not in her good mood recently. She kept remembering her hateful past which actually slowly faded away whenever she was with Minsoo but since the day Haena enrolled in their school and declared a ‘war’ to get Minsoo, her memories kept going back to her head.


Minsoo was there to see his girlfriend with his friends together. He noticed that Yoomi had this dark expression in her. It made him felt more guilty towards his lover. Even though the team won the game, Yoomi’s performances was totally bad. She didn’t have the mood to see her friends so she just went home alone with no one knowing about that. Minsoo once again felt devastated. He felt that he didn’t play his role as Yoomi’s boyfriend well.


On the next plays, Yoomi could be seen sitting on the substance seat and didn’t get the chance to play until she felt totally fine. The team won their games without Yoomi and made it to the final. Minsoo himself also felt not good whenever he had to play for his basketball team. Same as Yoomi, he also could be seen sitting on the substance seat. His team also made its way to the final.

From that time, the relationship between them became sadder enough. None of them would text each other and Yoomi never attended Minsoo’s game same as Minsoo who never came to Yoomi’s game.


The final of the basketball team finally came. Yoomi attended the game secretly. She missed Minsoo so much and she just wanted to see his face. Fortunately, Minsoo was playing for the final so Yoomi could see his best at playing basketball. She always adored how cool and how handsome he was when he touched the ball. She smiled to see her ‘still’ boyfriend played awesomely and won the game. She wanted to make a surprise to him so she went to his changing room.




Something that she shouldn’t see made her eyes filled with tears for the second time. She ran away with tears kept flowing from her puffy eyes. Her friends saw her passed them and couldn’t believe she would come to Minsoo’s game. But then something hit them. She was crying hard.


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